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Family - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

should i stay with kid for their studies or should i be with my partner for is work.

2006-07-21 08:58:04 · 25 answers · asked by hopeful 1

i need help

2006-07-21 08:39:02 · 9 answers · asked by vinselgomez 4

im a new father i wont to know

2006-07-21 08:16:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-21 08:15:55 · 11 answers · asked by richard b 1

2006-07-21 08:14:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last night it was a dark and foggy night. I was getiing ready to go home from my Auntie George's i was getting in her car. I missed the door way and hit my knee on the car. It is now swollen and as big as a grapefruit. Now i can't even take my daily shower. You see, i'm about 346 lbs and have descending rolls that touch the floor. I am very proud of them and like to fiddle with them in a dark room all by myself. Anyway..... my mom has been complaing about her mahogony blender that she got at the dolllar store. It works like a piece of crap. In fact it is so bad she put my grandma Jorge's arm in the blender because my grams is highly religious. Unfortunatly the results were a couple of scratches. My mom cant stop venting her anger out on me. O please helpp me i dont know what to do.

2006-07-21 08:10:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister left her bedroom furniture in my house when she left my house 2 months ago. She has somewhere to put it and a way to move it. She just won't! It smells really bad and I have a baby on the way and that room is for my baby. I have been asking her over and over to move it out and she just won't. I have no way to move it for her. What do I do?

2006-07-21 08:05:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 16 almost 17 yrs old and I am an Agnostic when it comes to the concept of Jesus being Gods son. For me it just doesn't add up. But my mother is a born again christian. I say born again because she has never been very religious until recently. You see, she was like all suicidal and depressed before she found this church that she goes to all the time now. Personally I feel like she should have gone and gotten professional help. But she didn't and now she's taking this christianity thing in way too high of a dose and way too often. Anyways she knows about me being an agnostic and yet she makes me go to church every single sunday. And even worse she sums me up so simply as if the only reason I dont wanna go is because I want to sleep in. And she claims to be a tolerant person who excepts gays, all races, and all people in general. My question is, If it is right for her to do this and if not how should I approach her about it.

2006-07-21 08:03:50 · 27 answers · asked by jacob m 1


My six year old has become very defiant.He picks on his sibling and does the oppisite of everything I tell him.Back-talks us,and everything you think a 16 year old would be doing,not a 6 year old.I have tried every kind of discipline I can think of and nothing works.Tried Club MOM and none of thier stuff works either.Got any suggestions.Be serious. I'm not going to beat him or anything.So please don't go in that direction.Alternative methods only.

2006-07-21 07:58:33 · 15 answers · asked by Frances 3

Me I wanted a Girl and I am the prodest man alive

2006-07-21 07:46:40 · 16 answers · asked by who cares 1

If someone was in care but it wasn`t there fault and they wanted to kill them selfs

2006-07-21 07:46:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

What's your favourit baby name? Do you think that the name it's important for the personality of the child?

2006-07-21 07:37:07 · 7 answers · asked by Arh 1

2006-07-21 07:25:53 · 35 answers · asked by who cares 1

I made some life-choices as an adult. My father has not approved of these choices, which I believe is why he hasn't talked to me. We used to have a very good relationship, one where I could tell him anything. I suffer from Bi-Polar disorder, and have been diagnosed here and there with several other mental conditions. I know I don't have the most soundest of judgement. But I still feel like I need my dad, like I need at least one person I can talk to and trust that they aren't out to get me.

I know I'm a failure in my dad's eyes. I know I've screwed up my life according to him.

My questions:

Is it wrong of me to still want to talk to my dad?

When a parent disowns their child, don't they usually say "I want nothing to do with you!" or do they just fall out of touch?

Any ideas of how to present myself to my dad, to try to repair our relationship??

Any help, advice, or personal stories would be Greatly Appreciated.

2006-07-21 07:20:50 · 32 answers · asked by happy-dance 2

My daughter is 19 years old. Her mother and I split when she was 3. I saw her a few times but then contact was difficult because of distance and problems with the access. My daughter still blames me and recently text me this for not picking her up a long time ago. I have no knowledge of this arrangement and have told her so. I kept constant contact and tried desperately to see her but her mother remarried and it was difficult. She wuld get upset, so i decided to leave them all alone as it was so hard watching her get upset. 2000 i had a heart attack and my new wife contacted her , both my daughter and ex, visited me in hospital and she promised to keep contact and to visit me. She did not keep her promise but gave lots of silly excuses. Is this payback time or what. I have tried to talk to her but with no response. Her last text consisted of she still blames me. I text her and told her I was moving because of my health. I had another attack in jan 06. still blaming me wat 2 do?

2006-07-21 07:12:47 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

well im 14 years old and i just came back from uruguay. me and my mom moved there 5 years ago. I came back 8 months ago and ive been living with my dad and his wife. My mom cant come shes not legal and i cant ask for her till im 21. So in the mean time i was suppose to stay with my dad. His wife hates me she has called me names. she has insulted my family, she makes up stories. She thinks i want to break them up. she hates me. She has kicked me out 8 times. I've had to stay with my brother, he's 24. Well this is the last time shes kicking me out. I want to live with my brother but my dad doesnt want me to. My mom agrees with me but my dad doesnt he wants to send me back to uruguay with my mom. Im doing great in school here and i want to stay what can i do? can i live with my brother?is that possible?i want to be able to have a future andi can't ask my dad to leave her so can i legally move in with my brother?

2006-07-21 07:08:48 · 32 answers · asked by Eskanka 1

Okay don't get me wrong I don't mind that my husband goes to these places with his buddies after work. But why must he choose to go when we don't have the money? For instance he just called and said he was goin to a club with his friends. Cool but he knows we don't hardley have any food in the house to feed our children and he wants to go spend his money else where? And theres no trying to get him to come home when he said hes going. Then when he gets home he wants to be all lovey dovey and I'm pissed now so when he gets home I just wanna smack him upside his big head to know what he was thinking. Can some one give me any advice thats been through this longer then I have? His children should come first especially his pregnant wife. Am I wrong for thinking this?

2006-07-21 07:01:01 · 19 answers · asked by lillady 4

my littel sister chanel is 14 and she uses yahoo answers her id is heartbreaker i belive she is really outa control and i take care of her cuz of what are parents(dad,stepdad1,stepdad2) have done to her and i am really woried about her cuz of our parents she was introduced to sex at a really young age four to be exact and i now she is saying she is engaged and i checked with her BF and he did ask her to marry him and she did say yes. please help me she is planing on being a teenage mom. i dont knwo what to do and i wanna know that my sister is gonna be safe. if u have any information on what to do or what all she has asked please let me know. becasue she wont talk to me any more she says i am trying to take over our moms position so if u have any info please let me know i am all she has really and i dont want her to ruion her life like i did.... please help

2006-07-21 06:50:18 · 8 answers · asked by Jasimne 1

i am getting one and i want to give it the best things and me teaching him to swim and to play fetch

2006-07-21 06:49:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my brother is 18 yrs old, he is not like many guys he always is figthing with my mom and dad he never listens to them. He doesn't want to share the pc and the house phone with anyone else. he looks nice but i mean he is like the worse. my mom wants to kick him out of the house but my dad doesn't want to. He had tried to hit my parents and i always go in between them cuz i don't want nothing to happen. He blames me for every thing n i don't know why. he says that my mom and dad always trust me for every thinmg and i guess that is what piss him off. I'm only his sister but I'm afraid that he is going to do something to us one day.
Can some one give me an honest advice,PLEASE!!!!!!!!

2006-07-21 06:38:54 · 32 answers · asked by Amy 2

she had cancer and i want to make her some braclets in memory of her

2006-07-21 06:37:53 · 3 answers · asked by CYNTHIA A 1

my familey lost my granfather a year ago and he used to be the one that was always complaining. he still had a few times that he was sweet and funny. My grandma always complained that my brandfather never let her do anyhting. Now that he has passed away she has the chance, Why wouldnt she do anyhting now. Why has she gotten grunpy? she always thinks that her familey is in the sh*ts. Why does she take it out on me? I understand that she lost her life partner but shouldnt she be happy she had a fam that stands by her even tho shes difficult to deal with?

2006-07-21 06:30:52 · 21 answers · asked by Ashley V 1

We found out this week that she is dying of cancer and its coming really fast. She is one many unfortunate americans that dont have health insurance and therefore, she ignored her symptoms of headaches, nausia and just not feeling right. Then on Monday, she lost her balance. That was it....off to the ER only to leave with devastating news. Please, If you have faith....pray for Courtney in Arkansas.

To all of you that answer this prayer.. My husband has taken this list with him to Arkansas to read to his mom. Thank you all. I cried after I read the first responses. Please keep them coming. I pray that your prayers will heal her. God Bless you all.

2006-07-21 06:21:54 · 16 answers · asked by budgetcasket 2

my husband have been transfered to work to kazakhstan 2 months ago.Since then, i have been face a difficulties raising my child and do all chores alone.

2006-07-21 06:11:19 · 7 answers · asked by caPPucinocrazEE 1

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