Even after we have grown up and have our own adult lives, spouses and kids, our parents can say one sentence and make us feel 12 again. When do you draw the line with parental guilt? How often do you try to be the 'adult' with your parent before you say 'if you can't give me the same respect back then fu** this!' I've extended the 'olive' branch twice with my father and stepmom but still they refuse to speak with me, all because I asked if they confused the dates of my daughters birthday when I hadn't heard from them on her actual b-day, they freaked and insulted me and told me off, I said 'you misunderstand I just didn't know if you might have confused the day' they said 'no you are wrong'. I am not wrong, but I am totally confused, frustrated and tired of trying to fix this, as of today I have sent 3 emails explaining that I had never meant for it to be taken that way and am sorry they did so, but still no reply.....what would you do??? By the way I email because one is deaf.
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