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im writing a report for my english class about gay marrige what do u think about the issue?

2007-03-08 10:30:07 · 25 answers · asked by lexdanzspazz 2 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

25 answers

Morally, it is a totally personal opinion....Legally, if the Bill of Rights if it is to be a taken seriously, then most definitely gay marriages should be legal. Policitcs, the judicial system as it stands now, the Laws we should all abide by, were set up exclusively to take the power away from the churches. Previous to that, the Church had total power. It was the Church and the people who interpretted thousand year old writings from supposed followers of Christ (desciples) to form the Bible. It is the Bilble's writings that tell you that a person should not sleep with the same sex and that its a sin. The Bilbe and its writings and interpretations is the only reason "Gay" is considered bad. It's pretty hypocritical really, if the sole purpose of forming a government, and making Laws of the State/Country is to take the power away from the Churches, then why shouldnt gay marriages be sanctified by the Law? If the Bill of Rights was passed through parliament as a legal document and is a correct representation of people's rights, then there is no argument I can see that would condemn people of the same sex marrying. Its Christian beliefs only that make being "gay" an issue. If you want to go back further than Christ....God made Adam and Eve....they had children........they would have had to have sex for the world to be populated.....yet incest is considered a sin by God and by the Law......so it kinda makes you sit back and wonder what the real truth is. So anyone who says that being Gay is a sin, yet the Bill of Rights says all people have rights...rights to be heard....rights to their opinions, rights to live their life the way they see fit (as long as they dont hurt anyone, of course), then they would have to also agree that it is Ok to marry and/or have sex with one's father/mother/brother/sister, etc.....because if it was oK by God for Cain and Able to have sex with their mother (Eve was the only woman on the earth at that time according to the Bible), then it has to be alright for people to be in a gay relationship. It kinda makes a mockery of the Law of God and the Law of Man....it sure as hell makes me confused....good luck with your report....it is a very subjective topic and can create all sorts of mixed emotions.....but no-one can argue the fact that it is the Bible and its teachings that says Gay is bad, yet people who dont believe in the Bible think its bad....do you think thats because we are all a product of our environment and the opinions of our ancestors get carried down from generation to generation.....so who is right? Is being gay wrong? If the Law does not recognise a gay marriage then the whole Bill of Rights is a load of rubbish, and the Church still has the power.

2007-03-08 11:06:54 · answer #1 · answered by rightio 6 · 1 0

I'm heterosexual. I have a number of homosexual friends. I do believe that gays should be allowed to marry. Point in fact...people do not choose to be gay. It's simply who they are. What right does the government have to say that a couple cannot marry simply based on the couple's sexual orientation? People say that being gay is a sin against God. Well, God created each and every one of us. If being gay is such a sin, why did he create them?

I know gay couples who say they are married (even though legally they are not) and they make some of the most stable couples I know. Some have children (through alternate means...in vitro, surrogacy) and I must say they make wonderful parents.

I do not believe that people should be prohibited from marrying simply because they love someone of the same sex. I do not see anything wrong with homosexuality. I do not believe that a person "turns gay". I do not believe that we, the government or the church has any right to persecute them for simply being who they are.

Look at this way...many people think homosexuality is wrong. Did it every occur to those people that homosexuals think hetersexuality is wrong?? It's a two-way street. We can all afford to be more open minded.

2007-03-08 11:44:44 · answer #2 · answered by emt_me911 7 · 1 0

I think there are more important issues like, Iraq, Social Security and the Environment that the government should focus on. I think they only use gay marriage as an issue during election times to scare the conservative. Really, are having gay people get married worse than the amount of troops killed in Iraq, no security for our future or global warming?

2007-03-08 10:35:49 · answer #3 · answered by Madcow4694 2 · 2 0

Just because two people are the same sex,doesn't mean they can't have a meaningfull and lasting relationship. Why would anyone want to deny someone the rights and privileges of marriage if they put the time and effort into a relationship just like a man and woman who are married.

2007-03-08 11:21:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Gay people are in commited relationships. Why does it need to be marriage? I am opposed to a legal recognition of same sex marriage since it would entitle the partners to government spousal benefits. Financial issues between the parties can be handled legally with wills and insurance policies. That's a private matter. I say "no"

2007-03-08 10:56:51 · answer #5 · answered by Cindy W 3 · 0 1

What issues are there? Spending a life time with someone who's family turned their backs on them. Then upon their death their family comes in and takes everything and kicks you out of the home you and he/her shared for decades? I say hell yes to gay marriage and it's about time.

2007-03-08 10:41:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No to gay marriage. Marriage is an institution that has been between a man and woman since the beginning civilization. Why should that change because a minority of people want it to? Civil Unions are fine for the purpose that many homosexuals claim they want to marry for.

2007-03-08 10:44:54 · answer #7 · answered by MI 6 · 0 2

YES! who r we to tell someone they can't choose to marry the one they love? We got women's rights and equality for all man, I believe we will have gay marriage one day also.

2007-03-08 10:47:22 · answer #8 · answered by ROSIE 3 · 1 0

No. I totally am against gay marriages. It is not right. Dont get me wrong, I dont hate gay people, hell I have a gay uncle. But by no means do they need to be married. Marriage is for a man and a woman. And that is it! Let them be a couple, whatever, but marriage. NO.

2007-03-08 10:35:00 · answer #9 · answered by Kari R 5 · 0 3

i think they should be able to enjoy all the rights married people have (last name change, tax break, even divorce). i don't believe in all that bible crap about man and woman, and being gay is a sin and all that. people don't choose to be gay. it's who they are. and they should be able to express their love like anyone else.

2007-03-08 10:36:51 · answer #10 · answered by pikachu 5 · 3 0

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