hi i am a 23yr. old women with a 2yr. old and a boyfriend, we currently stay with my boyfriends grandparents and i take care of them in everyway (cooking, cleaning, laundry, bathing, everything), i just dont understand because there family seem to hate me or dispite me for doing this and i am getting overwhlemed i also work fulltime and am a part-time student and a fulltime mom i want to ask for a little help now and then but i know i wont recieve any, dont get me wrong i love doing what im doing are so i say i do and i truley believe that i enjoy the extra tasks but im tired and need a break and i cant cause i will feel very, very, very guilty because of them and my boyfriend. i want to move but cant finincaily we share a room me my son and boyfriend and the family that hates me cont.... bickers about me and my son living there and its making it where i have anixety and panic attacks i cont.... have problems are guilt are what not running through my head and im to the breaking point
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