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Family & Relationships - 3 February 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

If you feel like you are never content is it a matter of going until you find what you need or try to be happy with what you have? Has anyone kept searching and found it and are now extemely happy?

2007-02-03 10:59:45 · 7 answers · asked by salsadancingtiffany 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Normal pictures of me-



The product I was recommended-

Now pictures Professionally altered that would display to the most realistic factor what I would look like after dying my hair (without actually dying my hair)




2007-02-03 10:59:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


My dad's wife is a real *****. She's also 35 years younger than him. Anyway, On all the days of the year they could have chosen to announce her pregnancy, they chose to do it in my wedding. Isnt that tacky? and rude?

2007-02-03 10:58:55 · 6 answers · asked by nora_mcdonald2000 2 in Family

Well i've been talking to this guy for a year ATLEAST and normaly I drop a guy in week so thats good.Anyways me and this guy use to be best friends and then we became "serouis" about each other! We talk about everything and recently we have talked about, when i get to come around more, we should have sex. I told him I didn't know maybe and the truth is, I want to. I tried to tell him that I haven't had sex before but for some reason he believes i've told him I have had sex before. Maybe i did but i'm not sure. I mean I have done a thing or two but I didn't know what I was doing because it was with a guy and lets just say I was REALLY young so that didn't matter. Maybe thats what he was talk'n about but i don't think I told ANYBODY that, but anyways I'm afraid that when it comes down to the moment I wont know what to do and he thinks I will and I might let him down so what do you think?

2007-02-03 10:57:45 · 7 answers · asked by DrunkHunk03 2 in Singles & Dating

I have been dating a man for three years. We only see each other 3 or 4 days a month because we live in different states. I got involved with him after his divorce had been in place for about 6 months. He treats me great and we have so much fun. We have said we love each other but neither is willing to relocate because of our work. He does not want to marry or further the relationship. I have met his children and we spend all of our holidays together and attend wedding together etc. I discovered he has cheated on me a few times. Even still I do not want to end the relationship. Could his cheating be fear of commitment because we are getting closer? Does this mean he wants out of our arrangement. He has not hinted that he is unhappy. I want to make this work - what should I do. His affairs seem to be pretty lenghty and not short meaningless flings. Could he really love me?

2007-02-03 10:57:35 · 26 answers · asked by time_ready_love 1 in Marriage & Divorce

We talk occasionally and he jokes around and sometimes smiles by me. He also doesn't make jokes about me and is ok if I stand/sit next to him.

2007-02-03 10:57:02 · 9 answers · asked by possonian 2 in Singles & Dating

I broke up with my bf of 3 years 3 months ago and now I'm interested in a guy. How do I know if this is just a rebound guy or not?

2007-02-03 10:57:01 · 10 answers · asked by cutie 2 in Singles & Dating

How can I make this choice? Here are the three descriptions. You can tell me who you think the best choice, that would be good, but I really just want advice on choosing. If you tell me hich guy, it would help to comment or tell why.

guy #1 - nice guy most of the time. he`s definitely not shy and jokes around a lot. He doesn`t get the best grades. He`s not stupid he just doesn`t try hard enough. He flirts with a ton of different girls. He plays football and he`s really cute.

guy #2 - Really quiet when he`s not around his friends. He used to get A`s until he started hanging out with certain people, but he`s still a B/C student. He`s really nice. Nothing great about his appearance, he`s just okay. He`s not my usual type AT ALL.

guy #3 - The "I don`t take any ****" type. Really tough guy type thing. He doesn`t get the best grades, he checks girls out a lot. He`s a jerk, I`ll admit, but that`s usually my type. He`s pretty hot.


2007-02-03 10:55:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I mean if you like him and all but the only problem you got is that you're not attracted to him physically? what would you do?

2007-02-03 10:55:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Are the marriage laws any different in Nevada?

2007-02-03 10:55:16 · 10 answers · asked by farmer 1 in Weddings

For all those that read the earlier alert on my daughter. I am not joking. The case worker will not put her on the national Amber alert. That's their way. She was in Oklahoma and I'm in North Carolina. I am trying to get her out of the system. It's her dad that got her in it (not with him any more). I did call him and there isn't any answers. She is 4'9 to 5'0. blonde hair shoulder length, blue eyes, is about 95 lbs and age 14. Loves the color blue. last seen in Ponca City.

2007-02-03 10:55:08 · 18 answers · asked by really???? 3 in Family

My gf is a is a depressive alcoholic and pesters me all the time that I do not spend enough time with her and lust after other women. It is true that I am busy - working, doing my doctorate and maintaining my home, but every spare moment I have is with her.

When she is being like this it is horrid, all she does is cry and bleat at me, yet when she is happy it's the best relationship I have ever had. I haven't had many as I am not much to look at and have OCD

2007-02-03 10:54:51 · 6 answers · asked by amazed_lab_rat 2 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend says i like another boy all the time this upsets me cuz he thinks this and i like him not the other boy should i break up with him

2007-02-03 10:53:47 · 17 answers · asked by ? 2 in Singles & Dating

Bascially when I meet new people I'm not comfortable around them until I start talking and then I might end up saying something stupid or something I don't know...

I think it has to do with the fact of how i see my self image I'm not a great looking guy but I have a good face I think it's jsut my body which I think makes girls avoid me. I paly football and I'm a lineman I'm not fat I just carry a little extra fat around my stomach legs, and butt. But I have all the muscle to make up for it also. I mean could the fact that I'm 6'3 260lbs be a factor in why girls don't like to talk to me? And why is it that it's so hard to start a conversation with random girls??

2007-02-03 10:52:43 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

1) More Money
2) Nicer Car
3) Could Play Guitar
4) More Athletic
5) Smarter

you could only pick one.

2007-02-03 10:52:10 · 10 answers · asked by sexmania8008 1 in Singles & Dating

I met this girl a little over a year ago (I was 19 at the time and she was 17, still in High School, now I'm 20 and she's 18), we met because we were dance partners in one of my cousins party. I really didn't have strong feelings for her at first, but the more times I would see her at rehearsal my feelings became stronger. I found her on myspace telling her that I really liked her, (I didn't tell her in person because of our age differences, I feel like an *** now for not telling her in person or at least over the phone) but in return she told me she was "talking" to someone at the time, she told me I was a great guy and all. The last time I saw her was 7 months ago when she invited me to a graduation party she had. We didn't talk at all because a lot of her family and friends were there and she had to attend to them all the time. I sent her 2 messages on myspace during a span of 7 months (they weren't back to back, one in June and one in January) trying to ask her out, but I got no responses. I think she's shy or at least I hope she is, but she is still available. I don't have her number and I feel so stupid to even ask her for it now over mypspace, since I feel like I messed up big time and her thinking I'm an idiot, gosh I feel so bad right now, what can I do to clean this mess I made ? Any good advice would be greatly appreciated.

2007-02-03 10:51:29 · 5 answers · asked by Mr. X 2 in Singles & Dating

What should i wear to school to impress him?

2007-02-03 10:50:51 · 4 answers · asked by lgrcutie 1 in Singles & Dating

My sister complains about what we eat ALL OF THE TIME! Every night she will scream and cry because we don't have McDonald's. She is 11, 4'11, and weighs 120...which is 14 pounds more than me! When we don't have anything to eat in the house that she wants, she screams and cries. My mom has limited her McDonald's to once a week. Right now our family is going through a lot of financial problems and we can't really afford anything but necessities. Like tonight...she started screaming at my dad because we didn't go to Friendly's because we only have twenty dollars...literally. She is mad because she only gets 4 ravioli's for dinner, too. And when she doesn't get something she wants, she starts saying she "needs" it, and she really doesn't. Like she just got a new pair of Heely's for Christmas and now wants a new pair of shoes. The only thing we can really do is give her my old shoes...which look like they have barely been worn. Now she screams and cried about that. Sometimes I want to do to

2007-02-03 10:50:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family


there is this girl in my class and i like her and she said she likes me but doesnt want to go out w/ me cause she cant decide if she likes me or my best friend wat can i do to make her like me more...................and im 13

2007-02-03 10:50:27 · 3 answers · asked by biscuit064 1 in Singles & Dating

If you're one U.S citizen, and interested in marriage, just put your e-mail here, and i'll contact you back.
Im not only asking for a green card, i'm asking for your love too, think about that.

2007-02-03 10:50:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i dont wanna wait til liek after college (i'll be around 25 or 30) to be able to date n it's awkward talkin to MY parents about it

2007-02-03 10:49:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anna 2 in Singles & Dating

Shaved or Un Shaved .. Cut or Un Cut

I am shaved and cut and girl enjoys it alot.. What are your thoughts?

2007-02-03 10:48:55 · 14 answers · asked by kmcar 2 in Singles & Dating

he asked me out and he lives a hour away. my other friends live near him, and go to his school and tell me how hes doing and all that. so its been a while, and now he askes me out. i sorta like him but im not sure if i should go out with him because my friends say he'll treat you good till its ben a while, then its like CRAP! and they say he becomes a jerk, i dont know if i should go ot with him...?

2007-02-03 10:48:43 · 4 answers · asked by Des'ree is how to spell my n 3 in Singles & Dating

"I must be in heaven because im in the presense of an angel right now". Truelly awful chat up line. I don't like them very much but you have to admit they do make you laugh. What's your fav/least favourite?

2007-02-03 10:47:56 · 13 answers · asked by chris c 3 in Singles & Dating

I work with this guy and I think he likes me. He talks to me a lot everyday we work together. He always makes it a point to wait until I am ready to leave at night so he can walk out with me. He jokes around about finding his soulmate with me but I don't notice it with others. We have a TON of things in common. He seems like he might but I just can't tell if he does or not.

2007-02-03 10:47:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What do you think about threesomes? Me and my wife are thinking about a MFM threesome. Any advise or expierences?

2007-02-03 10:47:09 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce


This guy is nice, attractive, smart, and clearly in to you. He is not, however, running with a popular crowd at all. In fact, he seems to be officially kind of a dork, not that he cares at all. Do you go out with him?

Of course.

Yes, although I have to admit that I'd have moments of worrying about whether it will impact my image.

Nope. Sorry, but I'm not into social suicide.

2007-02-03 10:47:04 · 10 answers · asked by star1kashi 2 in Singles & Dating

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