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Family & Relationships - 14 January 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings


i know this is long, but please answer both questions so i went on a cruise and i met this whole group of guys. me and my friend hung out with them every single night of that cruise. the first 3 nights i had noticed this one guy, but nothing was happening between us, we just hung out really as a big group and talked a lot. the 4th night strolled around and me and this kid were hanging out and we went to my room and talked the whole entire night. he had mentioned to me ahead of time that he didn't want me to think he was gay because he wasn't going to do anything with me because i had already hooked up with his brother. so i was fine with that, and the whole entire night we talked about so much. i started to have more than a physical attraction to him, and before we even hooked up that night he had already kissed me on the cheek and when he had to go to the casino he promised he'd be back in 20 minutes to hang out with me, and he came back in 10. then we talked some more and by the end of the night we had hooked up. he slept over my room, and he had asked me before we hooked up if we were going to be hanging out the next day. the next day my friend got him from the casino, because he was always there right after dinner, and she asked him if he wanted to hang out..so he said yes and he came to my room right away to hang out. we had talked for a little while, and then he asked if i wanted to go to his room, and we went and we were hooking up and everything led to sex happening naturally in the moment. it was amazing, although he didn't talk much, it was as if he was focusing really hard and concentrating. he did everything to me, and there was a lot of foreplay. after we had sex, we went to the casino for a little while, and i told him i was going to go back to my room to lay down. i wasn't expecting him to come back that night, but he came knocking on my door to sleepover. the next night he came looking for me to hang out, but he thought i was with another guy because i was hanging out in a room with another guy, but nothing happened between me and that guy. so now he got upset, and didn't hang out with me for two nights. eventually we met back up again, and he explained to me how he thought i was with another guy. i cleared it up for him and told him that i was not with another guy at all, and i wouldn't be. that night, him, me and my friend hung out the whole entire night talking, until this other guy came to hang out with my friend. and then me and this kid had sex again in the moment, which was even more amazing the second time. he was so caring, and seemed to be more comfortable. he was constantly asking if i was alright, and told me to tell him when to stop. he slept over again that night and we layed together. earlier that night he had pulled my friend aside to ask what the deal with me was. and he said that i was his girlfriend on the cruise, and if i lived where he did after the cruise we'd be together. it just so happens that i am going to college where he lives. the last night we hung out once again and talked a lot, and he kissed me goodbye on the lips. after the cruise, he commented me right away on myspace, and we talked a few times, but it's really hard to talk everyday, and it's not easy to get involved in a long distance relationship, because those hardly ever work, plus we never really talked about it. at one point he had been really busy, but i thought he was avoiding me..so i left him a message saying, i'd still like to be friends or at least talk for that matter, but if you don't write back then i'll know you don't want any part of me. sure enough, he wrote back, and told me that of course we're still friends, and let me know that he didn't have a girlfriend or anything. i surprised him one time and he was really happy to see me, he acted the same exact way he did on the cruise, and kissed me on the lips goodbye. he told me to call him next time that way we could actually meet up and hang out. he wanted to make sure i was definitely coming to college there also. it was a really nice visit, and after the visit, he had commented me asking me how the rest of my trip was , and telling me to call him next time i was in his state. we haven't talked in awhile, and for right now i'm moving on, and so is he..he has a girlfriend which he just got recently, and i'm sure i'll find someone new, but hopefully in the future this might work out. p.s. i never did anything to him such as giving him head or a hand job, and he wasn't with any other girls on the cruise. does this sound like he really liked me a lot, and maybe we have a chance in the future?

2007-01-14 11:07:02 · 1 answers · asked by olaa l 1 in Singles & Dating

Im bad at it and i need to knoe!

2007-01-14 11:05:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have been married for 16 years & have had no children. It has been OK but at 40, I feel the marriage is dead & I want a fresh start. Just can't seem to pull the plug..............................................

I met a nice lady in classes I was taking at night 2 years ago. We have been hanging out at times & going places together. We get each other gifts & dinners. No sex has ever happened-----------yet.

What should I do??? Is this healthy or wreckless of me to be doing???

2007-01-14 11:04:15 · 9 answers · asked by reggaemoncharlie 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

my friends husband was told months ago that she had been cheating on him for years. her husband confronted her + she told him this was untrue, she went to a lawyer who sent thease three people letters saying to stop spreding malisious roumers or their would be legal action taken against them. She got no reply from any of thease people so she + her husband decided to put everything behind them + get on with their lifes. Everything seemed fine + her husband + her were getting on really well until she found three recipts from a Lawyer. so she confronted her husband + asked wat was going on he said he was going to expose thease people for the liers that they were and his lawyer was finding out the truth for him. She has also been told by a male friend of ours that a private detective had been on the Phone to him asking if he has or has had any sexual relationship with my friend. our friend reckons that it was her husband. So if theirs any Lawyers out their that can figure out wat hes up to

2007-01-14 11:03:50 · 4 answers · asked by flower 1 in Marriage & Divorce


I need love

2007-01-14 11:03:50 · 6 answers · asked by katanasan81 1 in Marriage & Divorce

im at an awful place in this relationship, we have been togather 6 years now and our second child will be born within a few weeks, she mistreats and belittles me constantly, she is as neglectful and unsupportive that i could imagine someone could be, when we ''broke up''(she got on pills that she didnt have a perscription to and left taking the majority of MY belongings and destroyed them) for 3 months, she f*cked half the city within a short time, and 1 month later became a rent-a-slut, i mean stripper...NONE of which she admited to, yeah...i busted her in everything i have found out about, she came forth with NONE of it...and i know theres more, i know specifically of a few things, and im waiting on her to be honest with me, but she still swears theres nothing else...i have told her i know that there is, and i have more info, but she tells me im bluffing to try to get more info, which is false....i have found naked pics of her on the internet and she even denies that its her!

2007-01-14 11:02:43 · 23 answers · asked by beatdown 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm a senior in a new high school. I'm tan, have green eyes and I have long healthy trimmed naturally black hair. Everyone, well mostly the girls keep on teasing me! About my hair, and shout "DEAD ENDS!" to me, when I don't even any. I don't even do anything to anyone. I'm a very nice kind person. They always say that my hair is ugly and so are my looks.

My G.P.A. is a 4.0 and they always say I cheat. I NEVER cheat! I haven't done anything to these girls.
Why are they doing this to me? What should I do?

2007-01-14 11:01:52 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

How long would you wait before accepting that a missing loved one is gone forever?

This is not my situation, I am just curious.

2007-01-14 11:00:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Most girls in my skool are skanks, but when I meet a girl I like, whats the best way to get her interested in me?

2007-01-14 11:00:50 · 9 answers · asked by Yume Kid 3 in Singles & Dating

I mean they know this already...why do some act this way for?

2007-01-14 11:00:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I heard someone say that the other day so i was just wondering?

2007-01-14 11:00:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

why do people cheat.. have your partners done it - what did you do ?

2007-01-14 10:59:40 · 15 answers · asked by 18/M/Scotland 3 in Singles & Dating


I have dealing with my son's father for 11 years now off and on. During these years, he has been hitting me, giving me swolen lips and all, but I never called the police. January 6 of this years he hit me again. I got him arrested even though he just started his probation. If he got into anymore trouble during his probation, he will do his 3 year sentence. I just want to show him that enough is enough and that I can't take the beatings anymore. I really love him and I don't want him to do anytime in jail that long. Was I wrong for getting him locked up?

2007-01-14 10:59:27 · 28 answers · asked by Mesha 3 2 in Singles & Dating

I have a friend and I asked her out before but she said no so we just stayed friends. about 6 months after that we where talking on the phone and she was saying how she wanted to go out cause she does like me, she wanted to know what could happen. Well I was out of town at the time but when I got back and asked her about it she said thats only how I felt that day? So she didnt want to go out any more. What doen this mean? How can you olny feel like that for only a day? Any ideas.

2007-01-14 10:59:21 · 6 answers · asked by B to the E 1 in Singles & Dating

My husband left me a few weeks ago and he believes that $250 2x/mth is enough for child support. I know it won't cover the bills, but if he makes $36,000/year would that be accurate?

2007-01-14 10:58:22 · 7 answers · asked by Sarah T 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I was going to put this question in 'Sports' but realized that any man who travels a lot is also tempted by women who are not their wives, or who are not someone they are commited to. Men are taught by other men. They like attractive women. They see them everyday. I'm just reading about two famous sports figures, one, a baseball player, who is now divorced and has to pay his ex-wife sev. million dollars, plus hundreds of thousands in child support, plus a portion of future earnings.. The other is a basketball player. Apparently there was cheating, and now that couple is heading for splitsviille. No doubt he too, will pay millions before it is all over. In sports, these men meet 'groupies' who could care less about the sportsplayers wives or children. And some men are so dense. Why marry if you already know that you are easily tempted? Why break up a family for a fling? The same goes for businessmen who may meet some other woman during a trip away from home. Why marry?

2007-01-14 10:57:58 · 3 answers · asked by rare2findd 6 in Marriage & Divorce

we started goin out on the 4th of january then she moved due to family problems. shes a caouple of hours away so we decided to do the long distance thingy. well i called her everyday when she moved and i thought everything was goin good then thursday i talked to her then i called her friday and saturday one time each day and she didnt answer and she didnt return phone call and now its sunday. what should i do

2007-01-14 10:56:53 · 16 answers · asked by superstuddly 1 in Singles & Dating

I have been with my husband for over 10 years. We have lived apart for 5 of those years to do university/jobs. He is the only person I have ever kissed and been intimate with. Then I met someone who I had an affair with- this lasted about 1 year. I know I was stupid. I think I agreed to this because I wanted to see what it was like to be with someone else.

This other person started off as being nice but then gradually abused me phyiscally and mentally. He used his 'manhood' was a weapon. Sometimes he would force himself on me and then say 'thank you' and leave. That left me feeling really cheap.

I could not get away from him as we were assigned to the same project team and lived in the same place. I was happy when the project ended and I was away from him. However, since then I have not been able to be intimate with my hubby- I am not sure if this is due to guilt or because I am scared of getting hurt.

I really regret my affair and want to be with my hubby- what should I do?

2007-01-14 10:56:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I really like this guy and he likes me! But my friends always call him ugly, and don't like him at all. And they always make fun of him! But I like him......A LOT!!!!! So what should I do???

2007-01-14 10:56:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

On average, for a decent tuxedo with shoes, how much do you think it costs to rent one for a groomsen for a wedding?

2007-01-14 10:56:09 · 10 answers · asked by amor1954 2 in Weddings

if a guy who is not a virgin has sex with a virgin, and he knows that it is her first time, however, the first time they have sex he doesn't talk much or physically help her out, but the second time he is more caring and physically helps her, and constantly asks if she is alright?

2007-01-14 10:54:25 · 11 answers · asked by olaa l 1 in Singles & Dating

My friend has been going out with this guy for about a month and a half..she says hes a total sweetheart but they never see eachother he never calls her..but she likes a couple other guys..and her boyfriend isnt the cutest...should she stay with her boyfriend or call it off ?

2007-01-14 10:54:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok well, theres this one girl, we both admitted to being into the other so I thought ok heres a future girlfriend. But we decided to take it pretty slow at first to see what happens. But i recently found out shes going after someone else. And doesnt like me but hasnt tld me, I know she is into him because I found an email from the kid and they said they were eventually going to hook up and she said "screw john, ill let him go" in it (im john by the way). But shes one of the onl girls i ever felt this way about, what should i do?

2007-01-14 10:54:07 · 6 answers · asked by John G 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

Um,ok.There's this guy,Michael,that I like.He's soooo hot and sooo sweet.Lately,he's been hitting on me,calling me his girl,giving me a sponataneous kiss,and I really like the attention and all.But the thing is,he the sort of guy that is so cute,all the girls want him,and he'll go over and hug all the girls in the hallway.Can anyone tell me if he really likes me,or he's just doing what he always does.He also hasn't asked me out yet,so I was wondering if I should ask him out.Should I go for it?

2007-01-14 10:52:27 · 25 answers · asked by Afiya 2 in Singles & Dating

have a bf and still have feelings for a another one?

2007-01-14 10:52:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

today we had a open talk, and he said theres a few things he doesnt liek about me...fair enough everybody has an opinion...buuutt, one thing that touched me was, he said i flirt too much with other guys..

i dont touch them, make any eye contact, or wear revealing clothing...i merely just conversate with them cos its polite to. i cant see anything in my behaviour that spells flirting. i told him it must be a natural thing with me..he said i make guys think they could have a chance with me one day??psh.

he also listens to my phone calls and shouts things out so the other person can hear (like butts into the conversation)...He talks to girls the same way i chat to guys and i have no complaints WHATSOEVER about him and girls, i'm just not a jelous person, but i feel as though he wants me 2 be a mute around men and do things his way...hes really peein me off..

should i "change" or carry on being myself..he met me this way i dont think i should have 2 change my personality!

2007-01-14 10:52:16 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

The older of these boys had been with the man for four years, without trying to get away and back to his parents. Essentially, the man (Michael Devlin) alienated the child from his parents, yet those in the feminist movement say that this is not possible. They claim that a child cannot be convinced to not want to be with a separated parent, regardless of what methods are used, even threats of physical harm. This would mean that this boy wanted to stay there and not be with his parents. So, is this a case of Parental Alienation Syndrome or a child not wanting to see his parents?

2007-01-14 10:52:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My friends, and theres about 5 of them, aren't my friend anymore because on this one site I read there diary but i only read 3 of the peoples diarys but one of the ones I didn't read thinks I did because someone said I did when I didn't. All so, non of them trust me and they think im a lier when I've never loied to three of them before but there the ones calling me liers. Any Advice?

2007-01-14 10:51:53 · 20 answers · asked by Kerry S 2 in Friends

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