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Family & Relationships - 8 January 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Do they want anything more than sex?

2007-01-08 14:03:33 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok, ive been KILLING myself over this for like 2 months now. the past year or so ive had ALOT of relationships with alot of girls, all of which failed because i got bord i guess? so do to my failing relationships one night i thought to myself, "mabye your gay" and im really scared. i mean im not attracted to guys, i dont want to be with them sexualy or anything but i dk why i have been not having good relationships. 2 years ago i was truely in love and i was with a girl for 8 months. can somebody tell me how you know your really gay? ive liked girls my hole life. i mean my HOLE life. sence like pre k. ive had crushes on them. and im 15 now and idk whats going on. somebody please help

2007-01-08 14:03:20 · 5 answers · asked by jusitng j 1 in Singles & Dating

One of my ex boyfriends constantly trys to play mind games with me, by telling me that I am not capable of understanding him, because I'm to young, and because I'm not smart enough to figure him out. I try to tell him that I would rather shoot myself in the head, than to spend my precious time trying to figure him out. And there's only a 4 year diff between us.

But the weird thing to all of this, is that while he tells me that i'm to imcompetant to understand him, he spend his time 'thinking' that he has me figured out. What the heck do I say to that jerk?

2007-01-08 14:03:08 · 2 answers · asked by sassy_playmate2003 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

Today is my first day of school in 2007. Last year, I was confused about how my crush felt about me (as in whether he still likes me or not), so I don't know what it means when he did this: in P.E. class, he and his friend approached me (I didn't even tell them to, or anything, they just did), and I tried to talk to them, but they wouldn't say anything. Once they got within 2 feet of me, they walked around me (they were both looking straight at me the whole time they did it). Then, they went to talk to some people. A couple minutes later, my crush's friend stood like 5 feet away from me, and my crush was standing behind him, looking over his shoulder, looking straight at me the entire time he did that. When I looked at him, he didn't lose his gaze, but when I smiled and giggled, he and his friend quickly walked away. What is my crush's body language saying?

2007-01-08 14:02:10 · 12 answers · asked by Rachelnpl 2 in Singles & Dating

There's this guy at my school that has said some really inappropriate things in the past. I'm in high school, and yes I did report him when this happened a few months ago. Now he makes these questionable gestures (like squeezing motions with his hands and spreading his legs out and looking at me funny). I won't look at him or have eye contact with him or anything, I see these things out of the corner of my eye, can't really tell what they mean. I just hate having to go to school in the morning, and know he'll be there. There's no one left to talk to. Most of my friends don't seem to take it that seriously, and my parents don't think it's a big deal. How can I talk to my mom the next time and get her to see he's not flirting and it's so hard to ignore him (she tells me to do that, it's never worked - he keeps on)? How do I get her to see that it's a much more serious problem than that? I don't want it to carry into my life at home and cause me to feel victimized. thanks!

2007-01-08 14:01:59 · 19 answers · asked by 77684 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

i really want to go to prom but with a guy of course but i don't know how to ask them i'm scared that he'll say no and i know that i wouldn't want to ask nobody else

2007-01-08 14:01:10 · 11 answers · asked by vanessa c 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-01-08 14:00:48 · 11 answers · asked by o 1 in Marriage & Divorce

We often fight and argue because I will not let him control me. He wants to tell me what to do and how to do it. I always do the opposite!

2007-01-08 13:59:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Ok, my situation is quite weird, well in my head it is... For a couple of months now, ive been talking to this girl that quite interests me. I konw for sure though that she has a boyfriend and they've been going out for quite a while. I'd like to tell her how I feel but i dont know if its the right move or not. In my life up to now (im 19), ive never really had a girlfriend, nor did ever do anything "amazing" with girls (kiss, etc...). Also, i'm not exactly "good" around girls but i feel pretty good when i'm around this girl. I dont know if she like me or not, but im guessing not since she has a boyfriend lol. I could also describe myself a little bit like a geek since I like computers and all, but on the other hand, I do have many talents that are suppose to "attract" girls like being musician (can play many instruments pretty good). It's not like i'm in a hurry to do anything, but i feel like this part of my life is missing or something... What do you guys recommend? Thanks!

2007-01-08 13:59:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i want to make love but not be in a relationship is that wrong of me. i'm a new mother and don't want to fall into a bad relationship and get hurt.

2007-01-08 13:59:03 · 7 answers · asked by Emmy 2 in Singles & Dating

one day i was takin my lil sister to the park and i saw my friends boyfriend kissing her best friend but when i told her she told me that he would never do that to me and to go **** your self wat do i do to get her to belive me ????

2007-01-08 13:58:56 · 8 answers · asked by C.C 1 in Friends

I am dead serious. 30 years of faithfull love to my wife and I mean completely faithfull. I am dieing for sex from a different woman. I mean, a young tight hot woman. Why is this so wrong? I am beginning to think monogamy is not natural. I love my wife to death and would never leave her, but all I am asking for is one night with a new vagina. It doesn't mean I don't love my wife or even like the one night with a strage woman. Why is this so confusing for our culture?


Please help me, what should I do?

2007-01-08 13:58:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

if ifs and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a merry christmas even if your jewish, muslim, buddist or hindu...

anyway i like this guy but he said he would only date me and be my boyfriend forever if i only ate gobstoppers for like breakfast lunch and dinner, but that sucks cause i really like twizzlers and i would rather eat those but he like doesnt understand that what should i do i really love him i am even bearing his llove child and and my baby needds a dadddddddy please help how do i convince that twizzlers are better

2007-01-08 13:58:37 · 5 answers · asked by kmdevine33 2 in Singles & Dating

i've dated a few koreans
they end up falling for me and telling me there past love life after we get intimate...and then they up and leave go out with a korean girl and just *boom* pop the question then why tell me you love me...

i feel so depressed..sometimes i regret growing up in an asian family.....why do asians ask me out -build a relationship with me ...tell me you love me then leave me....it hurts alot and i'm depressed...

i truly would like to find an asian guy who wouldn't use me to break my heart....i'm afraid to open up again ...i'm even afraid to open up to my friends cause they read me like a book...

i just cry and they ask me what's wrong and all i do is repeat the same story but with a different namehow many relationships should i become heart broken from until i find a guy who doesn't want to leave me...everything is right.nothing goes wrong.sometimes i hate myself cause i'm not good enough , or i wish i could be asian but i dont want to be.i want 2 b accepted

2007-01-08 13:58:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

performance standards.. and he might like you too in the beginning because he said he was frustrated seeing me spending so much time on one file.. but then when I emailed him and asked him to reconsider, he never emailed me back. I called and spoke with him over the phone and said that I didn't know of the production requirements and asked if he could reconsider, he just said that the employment decision has been made and he can't comment on it and when I ask him why, he just said that he is hanging up on me and hope that it would be our last conversation... Does that mean that it's not possible for us to be together when the employment ends and he doesn't like me nor wish to pursue a relationship with me further because he never asked for my contact number or anything, but I think I like him a lot and don't think I would find another person that I would like as much as him... But if he never asked for my contact number, does that mean he doesn't want to pursue this any further??

2007-01-08 13:58:06 · 2 answers · asked by Raines 1 in Singles & Dating

The thing is that I told my boyfriend to get out of my mother's department in which we are living. He don’t want to leave and he is frightening me that if he leaves he is going to take the baby with him. I told him that if he does that I was going to take him to jail because without my permission he is not allowed to take the baby nowhere. What are my rights?? How can I force him to leave me alone? He wants to be with me against my will.

2007-01-08 13:58:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

why is it that on the internet i can get 4 guys to ask me out and in real life no one really talks to me.it's not cuz im ugly becuase the guys on the internet can see a picture of me.please tell.i need help apparently.

2007-01-08 13:55:58 · 4 answers · asked by bassrock@sbcglobal.net 1 in Singles & Dating

I have been dating my girlfriend off and on for about 5-6 years. When we are together, she says that I am the one for her. We talk about eventually getting married, having kids, etc..., but she does not yet want to have sex with me. She says that she has nothing against pre-marital sex, but the time is just not right. Where is this going????

2007-01-08 13:55:56 · 3 answers · asked by CoolGuy12 1 in Singles & Dating

ok, in all stupid movies there is always the girl who isn't noticed by the boys and all of her friends are boy magnets. i am that girl. what can i do to pull myself out, none of the boys in my grade like me, should i aim for some lower boys??? or what can i do? i hate being just "that" girl.

2007-01-08 13:55:46 · 4 answers · asked by annastasia 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-01-08 13:53:57 · 48 answers · asked by bellalollie 1 in Singles & Dating

i cant believe im going to post this and have people repsond but my boyfriend and i have been going out for 4 and half months . we're 13. and we haven't kissed. i' ve kissed people before , not like making out or anything and im not a walking hormone, so don't judge me on this one. but i was just thinking that maybe , since im his first girlfriend and would be his first kiss , if i should make the move ? or is it weird for girls to do that and should i just wait? we've talked about it and hes told me he wants to but i think hes nervous. hes a sweet guy and i don't need him to kiss me to be with him . but i guess i've just wanted to. should i ?

2007-01-08 13:53:54 · 12 answers · asked by ashlee_04 2 in Singles & Dating

I want to ask this hott guy to the sadie hawkins dance next friday. How should i ask him without looking desperate or lame?

2007-01-08 13:53:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My guy friend comes over a lot and always flirts with me. I get really uncomfortable around him and that will most likely ruin our friendship which is not something I want to do! He always is there for me whenever me gal pals get on my nerves and he is straight but he always talks to me about going out! I want to be his friend but not his girlfriend because I am taken and we already tried going out once and it was HORRIBLE!!! I dont know what to do!

2007-01-08 13:53:42 · 7 answers · asked by 5ft Beauty 2 in Singles & Dating

We have been pals for a long time. He is in college now -- part time. But he showed me some pictures of preteens that were not nude but suggestive and provocative -- and legal. He has downloaded many many pictures full of preteens ---some as young as six!
He even has some in frames. I told him if he continues this I wont hang out with him again. He says nothing but "hey checkout this one". How can I convince him it is wrong?

2007-01-08 13:53:01 · 11 answers · asked by Mr. love 3 in Friends

wat can i do to garantee i get my allimony

2007-01-08 13:52:53 · 7 answers · asked by sweet_n_sassy25asd 1 in Marriage & Divorce

thank you you all for giving me such great advice. yes my life odes suck right now, but I know deep down inside myself that its not worth taking my life over.

2007-01-08 13:52:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I have very few friends I trust & Don't really want to trust anyone else because every time I do, someone screws me over....I LOVE & trust my husband & 2 of my friends, but ever since my mom died (2 yrs ago) I've had a real issue with trusting new people....any advice???

2007-01-08 13:52:17 · 4 answers · asked by Catcanscratch 5 in Friends

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