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Family & Relationships - 6 January 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Well my ex boyfriend is dating a chick from detroit michigan and she is totally killing me and my ex's relationship. We want to date each other and love each other still but i guess lori is in the picture. well i want her out and i need some help on how to do that.

2007-01-06 13:23:27 · 2 answers · asked by dangerous_angel_gurl1116 1 in Singles & Dating

My live in girlfriend and possible fiance told me that I should put her almost 4 year old son first before my two boys (my Dobermans Troy & Mike) After one of them bit her bratty abusive son that she failed to supervise properly while i was at work .ALSO PLEASE NOTE THAT My girlfriends kid has hit/slapped Troy & Mike (the dogs) and was told never to ever do that again And I told my girlfriend to NEVER leave her kid alone with my boys while i'm at WORK ...Reason...To protect Troy & Mike from that abusive kid......She failed to listen and let them out of their bedroom and that brat hit one of them so naturally he defended himself from that bully kid
After the biting incident my Girlfriend and i agreed that it was a valuable lesson for the kid to never hit helpless animals
2 months later she asked me to get rid of my boys.NEVER ...I had my 2 Dobermans 3 years before we met....QUESTION...How can I make her realize that her kid is out of control and she is being very selfish ????

2007-01-06 13:23:26 · 25 answers · asked by Buda B 3 in Marriage & Divorce

When girls send you those emails that say it will tell you your true love if you forward the email. no one really believes in that right. is it just for fun. is it a sign, or is it nothing, your just one person she's forwarding it to. do you ever get those things.

2007-01-06 13:22:00 · 16 answers · asked by Lee Edward 1 in Singles & Dating

is it polite if your friend that is the opposite gender(in my case a guy) brings up his ex-girlfriend when your talking. does it mean that he's not over her? i was thinkin of going past friends....should i even bother?

2007-01-06 13:21:30 · 15 answers · asked by AthenaGoddess 1 in Singles & Dating

My friend Josh was with his girl for a year and they were about to move in together last summer. Before that they were best friend for almost a year, teased each other playfully, etc. So Josh said like while they were together they would tease each other. Like for expample she'd always call him retarded if he did something weird or whatever. And he'd call her stupid or idiot if she did something weird. He said when they were together in person she would laugh and playfully hit him, but then one time last summer he called her that on the phone and she would start crying and he wouldnt understand why. So a few days after that she broke up with him just 2 weeks before they were gonna move in together and then she was living with a guy a few weeks after that. She told Josh she cried all the way to work bc of that and her family problems. What do you all think of this situation?

2007-01-06 13:20:14 · 11 answers · asked by ? 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm now engaged & he's a WONDERFUL guy but sometimes I think he gets frustrated with me when it comes to sex. When he touches me sometimes I shutter & remember my father ( who abused me) He tries to understand but he can't. I don't want it to ruin our relationship b/c I love him & know he loves me. What should I do?? This happened over 20 years ago. Shouldn't I be over it by now??

2007-01-06 13:19:40 · 8 answers · asked by sniktaw_mik 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I have dark brown hair and eyes, but normal skin with pink undertones. what color highlights would look best on me?
Thank you!

2007-01-06 13:18:51 · 9 answers · asked by *Glitta n' Gloss* 2 in Singles & Dating

she's told me time and again she doesn't really like horses, bc they're stinky. and i've never asked her to be interested in them. but she reads all the horse magazines we get(we don't own any horses of our own yet), and tells me stuff she's read. how can i thank her for trying to understand my passion for them?

2007-01-06 13:18:21 · 4 answers · asked by kelleygaither2000 1 in Family

First....is 4 years too much for an 18 yr old in college and a 22 yr old???
Second...so you hang out with someone a lot and you've kissed and hold hands sometimes but when do you go from that as just dating to boyfriend and girlfriend??

2007-01-06 13:18:00 · 2 answers · asked by nicki 1 in Singles & Dating

ok....there is this girl and back in august we went out for about a week and a half and she is a real nice gurl then she told me that we had to break up because there wuz no "chemistry"(we remaind close friends) but i neva forgot about her cuz i knew that there wuz sumthin there...out of nowhere she tells me that she wants to try "US" one more time and "see where this goes" "She didnt feel that she give me chance and there wuz not enuf time for her to develop feelings for me" (this is wut she told me)...SO MY QUESTION IS SHOULD I GET BACK WITH HER OR NOT?

2007-01-06 13:17:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

This question is a continuation of the last one I asked. This girl got my apology letter and she let me a message "Not Wanting To Say Goodbye." Previously she didn't want to contact me and I wanted to tell her that I loved her in person, something that she told me a few months ago. Since she never wanted to contact me, up until now I was willing to settle for at a longshot her forgiveness as I never thought she would forgive me. I never expected a response like the one I have recieved. I think she misinterpreted my letter as a dear John type letter and I am pretty sure she has forgiven me. I really don't wanna hurt her anymore but I do love her. A relationship will be extremely difficult but it may work if we both try hard. Should I show her my full hand, the last thing I want to do is hurt her again if she has gotten over me? I'm freakin confused here.

2007-01-06 13:16:51 · 6 answers · asked by DMan 2 in Singles & Dating

I mean.. would it be painful? Does it influence on my period in any way?

2007-01-06 13:15:51 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I know a guy who in the past was mean to not only myself but to a few other people I know and I dont mean he was mean as in a childish way but he went as far as to have friends fired, rumors that they were sleeping with their then college professors and even had girlfriends end up breaking up with them because of this no life's lies. So I saw him in a resturant went up to him and said "so is this your wife you speak so highly of" when in fact I knew it wasnt

2007-01-06 13:15:37 · 17 answers · asked by **Damn its cold up here** 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

Why would my boyfriend WANT TO TOUCH MY BUTT instead of holding my hand first? WEIRD?
Before my boyfriend even held my hand he asked if he can "touch my butt?"
And (This was my other question but I'd add this on here too)
I am a virgin and my boyfriend joked about raping me a couple of times. I told him to stop, he did that day, but said it again the next day. He doesn't even say he is joking. Like I asked him what he said after he said "I'll rape you"..he said he said "He'll date me" and than started chuckling saying bad cover.

We talk dirty on the phone sometimes and that's when he says it.

I have told him before that I intend to stay a virgin until marriage.

Are these all bad signs? What does it mean?

2007-01-06 13:15:12 · 21 answers · asked by JamaicanmecrayZ 1 in Singles & Dating

so this boy keeps asking me to call him. and i keep making up excuses. im running out. can i have some suggestions!?

2007-01-06 13:15:05 · 4 answers · asked by yep 2 in Friends

3 months ago I asked my fiancee for time apart. things were moving fast, marriage was coming, and I thought I needed to think alone. She was very upset, but I insisted and didnt see her for a month. I realized how much I loved and I asked her to take me back. At first she was still angry at me and she was dating someone else. She kept dating him for about 1 week. She eventually forgave me and we are engaged again. Recently I found out that she had sex with the other guy the night before she took me back. She says she wanted to experience him, but that she wanted to teach me a lesson and test my love. She also said wanted the guy was very sweet and she wanted to thank him. She told him she would go back to me, so the last night she admits they did it almost all night, three times. We have talked a lot, about how she was hurt, and I have expressed its ok to tell how she enjoyed the sex. we are back in love and my heart knows that, but I cannot stop my head from being jealous. advice

2007-01-06 13:14:50 · 6 answers · asked by downtokissit 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I deeply regret what I said to him. He said he was going to do something and he never did and so I wrote him a mean email and now I regret saying what I did. I actually told him that he was the king of unreliability and I told him he didn't have any integrity (ouch ouch ouch). I really like this guy and I didn't mean to hurt his feelings, but I was so upset that he didn't even call to apologize for not following up with me that, in anger, I went in for the kill. I feel like a horrible person and now he rightfully isn't speaking to me anymore (not returning my calls). If you were in his shoes, what could I say to make you believe I'm really sorry? I don't think a relationship is possible at this point and so I want him to know I don't expect him to "take me back" but I would like to take a stab at clearing the air and I hope to get at least a friendship out of it (but I know that's a stretch). Thanks.

2007-01-06 13:14:19 · 10 answers · asked by Krysta 2 in Singles & Dating

3 months ago I asked my fiancee for time apart. things were moving fast, marriage was coming, and I thought I needed to think alone. She was very upset, but I insisted and didnt see her for a month. I realized how much I loved and I asked her to take me back. At first she was still angry at me and she was dating someone else. She kept dating him for about 1 week. She eventually forgave me and we are engaged again. Recently I found out that she had sex with the other guy the night before she took me back. She says she wanted to experience him, but that she wanted to teach me a lesson and test my love. She also said wanted the guy was very sweet and she wanted to thank him. She told him she would go back to me, so the last night she admits they did it almost all night, three times. We have talked a lot, about how she was hurt, and I have expressed its ok to tell how she enjoyed the sex. we are back in love and my heart knows that, but I cannot stop my head from being jealous. advice

2007-01-06 13:13:45 · 3 answers · asked by downtokissit 1 in Singles & Dating

I want to get to know this guy at my school, i havent really talked to him because i never know what to say to him besides hi!!!!
please help

2007-01-06 13:13:05 · 5 answers · asked by cheeselover:) 2 in Singles & Dating

I and my husband have a 21 months old son together. He has a 5 years old daughter from his previous marriage and live thousands mils away from him. He visits his daughter 2-3 times a year and calls his daughter every week. Every visit costs averagely $1200. For the past few years he averagely paid his ex $1200 alimony per month plus child support and averagely $4000 per year of attorney fee because of all kinds of issues of his daughter, but he is not a guy making big money. By ignoring the financial burden he insists all the visits and keeps telling me he is just taking minimum resonsibility for his daughter. As for my 21 months son I can count the limited times of his feeding and diapering the baby. For this past Christams, he told me I was spoiling my son simply because I wanted to spend $80 on baby's Christmas and bithday gift, but for his daughter he felt very bad because the gift for her was dealyed. He did very bad thing to me because of his daughter. Should I divorce him?

2007-01-06 13:13:03 · 13 answers · asked by crossRoad 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Is there anyone out there, psycic or tarot reader or anyone who can tell me who and when I will meet my soulmate? I can't seem to find any information on the net on this type of subject and I am tired of being alone. Any information for me would be greatly appreciated.

2007-01-06 13:12:56 · 18 answers · asked by Sherry P 1 in Singles & Dating

My friend recently told me that she has been talking to this guy online for months now and they really like each other. However, she lied about her age and also sent pics of another girl. Now she wants to tell him the truth but doesn't know how. Btw....she's 18 and he's 17. She is hoping he forgives her and that they can still be together.....

2007-01-06 13:11:50 · 15 answers · asked by Jasmine B 1 in Singles & Dating

Im tired of being the nice guy. I talked to a lot of girls ,but they always tell me they like me only as a friend. I need to learn how to be the @hole or jerk the ladies always fall for. I dont plan on breaking noone's heart but i want to get them attracted to me or love me as more than a friend.

2007-01-06 13:10:42 · 9 answers · asked by supabadd49 3 in Singles & Dating

My fiance and I are to be married in June, so we have just started on our invitations. We are very unsure of how to word the invitations. Here's the situation - My parents were divorced, but my mother recently passed away. His parents are still together. My aunt is paying for the majority of the wedding and his parents are helping out too. We would like to some how have everyones names on the invitations but are very unsure of how to word it. My aunt is from my moms side so we are worried that it will offened people on my dads side, but my dads side has no cares what-so-ever of paying or helping oay for any of the wedding stuff so should I take that into consideration or not? if it is possible I would like it to go somewhere along the lines of "so and so" ... "request your presence in the marriage of Her to Him ..." and so on ... but wording is really important-Dont want to offened anyone but we don't want to leave anyone out... please help.... any ideas?

2007-01-06 13:10:37 · 14 answers · asked by Bena the bean 2 in Weddings

my chest seems to like to play peek a boo cause my
hand-me-down shirts are so low cut. i dont have any money to buy new ones, i cant bend over to pick any thing up and it maks it really hard to go to the mall cause then everyone is looking at my chest, and all the guys are flirting with me cause my chest not my face

my pants are to low also so if i bend over u can see my @$$! its terrible
any advice?

2007-01-06 13:10:13 · 9 answers · asked by ladybug 3 in Singles & Dating

i was in class the other day, and i guess these guys thought i was hot, but i am a quiet girl. i want to have a boyfriend so bad, but i am not desperate. everybody says i look like i am sad and pouting. anyways, they said i had a hot body, but a bad personality, so the one guy tells his friend,"you can totally get that, if she has a crappy personality, shes a virgin i heard, so the sex will be great, so you can date her for sex at least. i happened to overhear, and i was so sad i almost cried. how do i know if any guy that asks me out isnt like that? i dont want to be used as a sex doll! btw i am only 16 and a virgin, and i am scared to have sex!

2007-01-06 13:09:03 · 10 answers · asked by bambi 1 in Singles & Dating

I want a nice song for me and my fiance to dance to at our reception. I want something different (not country), something more alternative rock. Like I said I want something different. Any websites out there with lists? Or any suggestions on specific songs that aren't country?

2007-01-06 13:08:48 · 22 answers · asked by alittle32 2 in Weddings

I am a male high school senior and I have a lot of girl friends but no girlfriend. I have no problems with flirting but somehow I can't get past flirting into a relationship. There is this one girl I want to be with and I asked her to our semiformal dance, she said yes, so I think something is there, but I can't tell whether she just likes me as a best friend or as a boyfriend (she bought me a boutonierre which was really nice but she doesn't start conversations with me.) How do I find out and how do I make it progress further? It is really bugging me because I like her a lot but I don't know if she likes me back. I have given her lots of signs that I like her, i.e., flowers, notes, etc. and she doesn't do anything to say yes or no.

2007-01-06 13:08:41 · 6 answers · asked by pitachips3 2 in Singles & Dating

who uses your child to keep you with him. I want to leave my narcissistic boyfriend, I cant deal with his crap anymore. BUT he says if I leace while he is at work "see where that will get you" He says I wont get custody becuase Iam stay home mom and have no income, I am sick of this man like nothing else.
I want to get out with my child. I have no problem letting him see his child either, I just dont love him anymore, due to the violence he has done to me in the past for accusing me of cheating when I never have.
I dont love him and he is alwys complaining about how we dont have sex anymore, duh...I want out.
But he not being civil, he just threatens me with our child...What do I do?
I have a small savings, enough for a months rent.
I live in alberta.

2007-01-06 13:08:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Ok I really really like my best friends ex but if he asks me out I'm going to say yes. But I don't know how to tell her without getting her pist off at me. like last time I went out with her ex to get her back. We didn't go out for real. And tell me how to do it in a way that a 10 yeaer old can do.

2007-01-06 13:08:24 · 4 answers · asked by britani 2 in Singles & Dating

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