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My live in girlfriend and possible fiance told me that I should put her almost 4 year old son first before my two boys (my Dobermans Troy & Mike) After one of them bit her bratty abusive son that she failed to supervise properly while i was at work .ALSO PLEASE NOTE THAT My girlfriends kid has hit/slapped Troy & Mike (the dogs) and was told never to ever do that again And I told my girlfriend to NEVER leave her kid alone with my boys while i'm at WORK ...Reason...To protect Troy & Mike from that abusive kid......She failed to listen and let them out of their bedroom and that brat hit one of them so naturally he defended himself from that bully kid
After the biting incident my Girlfriend and i agreed that it was a valuable lesson for the kid to never hit helpless animals
2 months later she asked me to get rid of my boys.NEVER ...I had my 2 Dobermans 3 years before we met....QUESTION...How can I make her realize that her kid is out of control and she is being very selfish ????

2007-01-06 13:23:26 · 25 answers · asked by Buda B 3 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Most people in my life know that i love Animals as much as SOME people and they would never be so dumb to ask me to get rid of my dog's that is like asking someone to get rid of their adopted kid.......NEVER...... OVER MY DEAD BODY
WHEN I WAS 5 I WAS SAVED BY A DOG THAT WAS NOT EVEN MY OWN DOG ....THE DOG JUMPED IN THE WATER AND SAVED ME FROM DROWNING I WOULD HAVE DIED FOR SURE .......THAT CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER ...And anyone who thinks that people are better than animals/dogs obviously have no experience with animals and will never understand .....HOW SAD

2007-01-06 13:24:10 · update #1

25 answers

Why did you ever start living with this bimbo? You never noticed that she had a brat until after the two of you started living together? Well, thank God that you didn't marry her because anyone who can't control their own kids shouldn't have any. I have said this before and I will probably keep saying it until I die but my dogs have all been better behaved than the average human child. Sad but true.

And I pity the kid that ever raises a hand against my baby dog! She is the sweetest little dog in the world, about 35 lbs and all of it love, but if she bit someone then I'd know that person REALLY deserved it.

But enough about me, the thing is that you have made a SERIOUS mistke in getting involved with this woman. You told the bimbo to NEVER leave her kid alone with your boys while you were at work and she BETRAYED your trust!! My God man, what if that brat had poked one of your boys' eyes out or tried to set the poor dog on fire? I read about that once, some brat kid dousing a poor dog in lighter fluid and burning him for the fun of it!! (Grrrrr!)

Just flat out tell her that if she wants you to choose between her and the boys, the boys win. Then stick with it. Even if she cries!! You need to protect Troy and Mike, buddy! They can't protect themselves. If she turns nasty some day and calls Animal Control to report they're biting her brat, whose side do you think Animal Control will take? They'll euthanize your boys!!! Yeah, man, they'll kill your beloved boys and there won't be a thing you can do about it!! Get rid of her before she makes trouble. Her kid living with the two of you is like a ticking timebomb and when that bomb goes off, it's your boys that will suffer!!! DUMP HER!!!!!

I'd never endanger my baby, don't endanger yours!!!!

2007-01-07 13:28:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 10

Dude you are in a jam, I agree you should keep your boys. The kid sounds like a terror. (although any kind of biting can't be good, when I was 3 I would sit on my step dads German Shepperd, she would let me do whatever to her, but growl at my mom....lol, never bit me though and I imagine a 3 year old isn't too tender on the ears)
Anyways, a 4 year old is old enough to know not to hit an animal, and your girlfriend should not ask you to get rid of them. There needs to be a compromise or else I can guarantee you married life with her will totally suck. She should own up to the fact that she wasn't watching her child. (which is why the kid got bit)
As for making her realize your boys aren't going anywhere, well tell her straight up and that her kid is definitely old enough to know not to hit animals. Tell her you come with dependents of your own......your boys who have been around a lot longer than she has. I don't think you can make any mother realize that her brat kid is out of control...... good luck

2007-01-06 15:23:27 · answer #2 · answered by Hold em Rox 6 · 2 1

You have two choices--the girl and the child or the dogs--that's it simple enough--The thing is if you choose to keep both--you are taking a huge risk--one that could change your life in many different ways--
1- the child continues to smack the dogs and they maul him (possibly take his life)

2- the child continues to smack the dogs and the get mean towards everyone--

3--the dogs bite the kid or someone else without being provoked and you are sued out of existence and the dogs are sentenced to die (court order)

any of the above situations are horrible to think of --so I would consider you find a suitable answer very soon or you just might find yourself in a devastating situation --I have had experiences with children being mean to animals and the animals will in time strike back--if you can't be home 24-7 to protect the dogs and visa versa then I would decide if this gal and her child is who you want inn your life--doesn't sound like you will give up the dogs--so give her the news--She is out of there!!

2007-01-06 13:41:56 · answer #3 · answered by skizzle-d-wizzle 4 · 2 1

she should never had let the dogs out in the first place.. now a 4 year is not always friendly to dogs or cat in the first place they just don't understand how to treat them ..but if you really don't like her son then don't marry her and find someone new..a child deserves to be loved by the people that he or she lives with..or at least liked..you love your boys like she loves hers so of course you will not make her see this..one more thing.. if she hates your boys enough you may come home to some missing pets or worst.. if the worst happen you need a autopsy done on them.. i say this because my moms bf did not like her dog and she passed away .. she did one on her and found out that there was meds in side her the type that he took.. dont want to scare you .. but humans are the meanest of all animals .. just look what we do to each other and the people we claim to love

2007-01-06 14:06:08 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 3 1

The danger is when a gay teen has to maintain his super jock All American boy image 24/7. These are the ones who are likely to hurt themselves. Your son has a gay uncle who he knows you accept, he knows you saw him with his friend (how he can deny what you saw is a puzzler) and that you aren't upset, and he obviously has the affection of his friend. As long as he knows that he has your love and suprort, he should be OK. It is possible that he isn't gay, despite what you saw. Under "funny commercials" on YouTube there is a series of scenes in which what you think happened isn't at all what happened, if only you'd seen what happened moments before. You never know.

2016-03-28 23:47:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your Girlfriend sounds like a selfish woman. She thinks her brat kid is better then your dogs...the kid isn't yours. Tell her to stop being such a bad mother and pay attention when she is watching him. I would dump if I were you she sounds stupid and selfish. Her kid should go get some help. I don't think she is stable to let a kid hit dogs period...Was she dropped on her head several times. Kick the b*tch to the curb

2007-01-06 15:23:24 · answer #6 · answered by Danielle 4 · 5 0

My dog is my absolute best friend in the whole world, and I fully understand where you are coming from on the pet issue. So, let me tell ya, yep, the child needs to learn to be nice, and the dogs do have a right to protect themselves. Mother should keep them separated until he learns not to be abusive, but, you also need to not be abusive to the 4 yr old child. Your anger over it, is disproportionate for a child of his age and understanding. Unless a child is raised with them, he cannot be expected to understand them, nor them him. You are right to keep them separated if you are not there, if she does not do that, she is in neglect of her son, and in neglect of the animals because both the animals and the 4 year old are pretty much innocent. While they have the right to protect themselves, its up to both of you to protect the child. You need to relax on the child. He cant know what he isnt taught. I am an absolute animal lover, and do get very upset over someone abusing them and actually have had my grandaughter of that same age jump on my dogs rib cage, and wow, he is huge, not as tall as your dobermans, but wider and she really hurt him, and I was very proud of him for not biting her, but I sure warmed her bottom up for doing that to my dog. She still has to be told and she is over 5 now, so you are expecting way to much from a 4 year old and getting angry when you should just let go of the emotion and use your logical skills to take the kid in the yard and teach him how to be kind. You really , really should put the child first, but when you love your dogs, it is hard, I didnt rush out and put my other dog to sleep when she bit and warned her , not to jump on her, or come near her. She still gives a warning growl when they both come near her. One is only 15 months old and Vera will get up and leave away from all children because she knows I will punish dog also, and kid if one hurts the other. Your going to have to discipline your dog for biting the child. The dog must be taught that no matter what, biting the child is not acceptable, and you will have to continue to teach kid and dogs, until they find love for each other, or the kid finds indifference. If you do not like the child, your wasting your time there, he needs a father figure in his life, not a man who refuses to teach. A child wont learn what he never sees or is never taught. If you cannot find love for a child, that lives with you, then you should let her go, so that she will find a man who will love her child. I couldnt give up my dogs either, so, when in doubt, I lock them in the room. If I know I am staying in the room with all the dogs and the grandaughters, then I help them learn to love the dogs. Most people are not going to understand how you feel about your dogs. If it is going to stay a fighting match within your relationship, I would just find someone that loved dogs the next time around. Be nice to children, to few men in america are willing to. They need men to grow and become men.

2007-01-06 13:54:32 · answer #7 · answered by fivefootnuttinhuny 3 · 3 1

If it was between your boys, that you have had since 3 years before you met her & her & a kid she will NOT supervise, I would have to say the kid & mom go.....
The mom knew what she was getting when she met & moved in with you. She knew how you felt about your boys. If she does not care enough about you to respect your wishes concerning your boys, then....
I have to say she doesn't seem real concerned with the well being of her son either or she would teach him to respect animals & their feelings. She would also teach him manners & how to behave. If she doesn't bother doing that now, I see BIG trouble with him when he gets older. If you are still with her or married to her, these problems will also be yours. She obviously does not care about how you feel or respect your wishes, so keep the boys, dump the girl & the kid.

2007-01-06 14:05:11 · answer #8 · answered by More Lies & More Smoke Screens 6 · 2 1

Children are allowed to abuse animals all the time, and this is one major issue which pisses me the hell off. Dogs have to defend themselves the same way a human does when someone attacks them. Why in the hell should a talk sit and take a beating from some nasty brat? Its time to dump this b*tch. She is cold hearted, its better that you find this out now, and not make the gigantic mistake of marrying her.

2007-01-06 13:37:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Dude, this is from one animal lover to another, but tell tll her all the things that happened, andhide a videol camera and show her what the brat does, and say that you dont want anyone getting hurt so tell her to make her son treat the animal like he would want to be, and DO NOT!!!!!!! get rid of your dogs, they need you as much as you need them

2007-01-06 15:43:51 · answer #10 · answered by John G 2 · 2 1

First of all what is wrong with you? The child is four years old apparently he just need some love, guidance, and discipline. Why is the world would you say my possible fiance if you can sit there and refer to her child as a brat! How long have you been living together? She will always chose her child over you (if she is any kind of parent and well she should) Why would she want to be with someone who doesn't like her child.

You sound like a total jerk, I don't know that you need to get rid of your dogs but if they bit the child then clearly you should do something about the situation. Does your girlfriend know how you feel about her son?

You need to look long and hard at yourself, do you really love this woman? how could you if you can talk about her like that, and you can't stand her child.

I think maybe you should grow up!! At least there is hope for her son he is only four maybe if he doesn't grow up with you as a role model he'll turn out fine.

2007-01-06 15:23:38 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

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