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Family & Relationships - 4 December 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I am currently 15 years old and I am a sophomore in high school. I was wondering what the normal age to start dating is. Even though I've been on a couple Homecoming dates, I've never really had a girlfriend.

So I guess I just want to know what the normal age to start dating is.

2006-12-04 12:22:57 · 11 answers · asked by John C 1 in Singles & Dating

Im 18 and everyone keeps telling me I shouldnt miss out on what people my age are doing and join in the fun they are having..Because,I like to hang out with young adults...So if I dont have sex and I dont drink or smoke or curse..I go to movies and bowling and I go hang out at the beach with friends etc...What exactley are they doing that im missing out on?

2006-12-04 12:22:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

im just kinda wondering?

2006-12-04 12:22:48 · 11 answers · asked by jenn c 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-12-04 12:22:31 · 1 answers · asked by ET Dude 3 in Singles & Dating

I really thought i was in love with my X. but deep down I know there is someone better for me. not just phisically more attractive, but just better for me. My X and I could be good together, but I just do not feel the need to always be with her. I could live without her honestly.. NOt like if she died, but I feel i could be happier with someone else... Anyone else been here before? Did it prove true?

2006-12-04 12:22:05 · 24 answers · asked by ucfmanic 2 in Singles & Dating

Okay, I met this guy online and we used to talk on the phone alot- he would call me two or three times a day or we would talk for a couple hours at night. We finally met in person and hung out for a while and theings seemed to be going well. That was the only time I saw him in person, though. I thought we were hitting it off but recently, he stopped calling often and he's never asked me out or hinted that he wants to hang out anymore. I am pretty sure he isn't interested but he still calls me every once in a while so I really don't know what to think anymore? Any idea's on what to do here?

2006-12-04 12:21:23 · 4 answers · asked by rleerose_3 2 in Singles & Dating

Let me rephrase this -- my boyfriend used to ask me to marry him and used to say I made his day all the time. Then we had a fight, and we've made up...but now I bring up the marriage thing kind of jokingly, and he'll say stuff like "what?" and "that's scary." It's kind of hurtful, why isn't he being all cute like he used to be? I know it's probably reality setting in, but does this mean that he doesn't feel that way anymore?
And I do notttt want to rush that sort of thing anyway, but it was so nice to hear. So can I ask him about this? And if so, how should I? :/

2006-12-04 12:20:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my boyfriend and i have been together for almost a year. my boyfriend has had a girlfriend for christmas before... infact he had a girlfriend for four years, but they never exchanged gifts. christmas is one of my favorite holidays and i think that if i didnt get him anything or he didnt get me anything i would not be happy. i know it is not all about the gifts, but i have always gotten gifts for the people that i care about and he is included in that list this year. and it is not about the money because since he is 25 he is fine, he just says that he has never done it before. i really really want to but i dont want to force him into something that he doesnt want to do.

2006-12-04 12:20:44 · 4 answers · asked by cassie 1 in Singles & Dating

What age do you think is appropriate to get married? Is 19 or 20 too young? If you have been with the person like 4 or 5 years, do you think you are old enough to know you want to be with them forever?

2006-12-04 12:20:39 · 22 answers · asked by Samantha 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Back in August I "adopted" a soldier overseas serving in Iraq. I sent a card every week and a package at least once a month. We grew closer by emailing and talking on the phone.
Friday, I got an email from his brother asking me to call him. He informed me that my soldier had been killed in Iraq on Tuesday November 28th.
I really didn't know him all that well, but I feel like I've lost my best friend. That night I was sent home from work I was so hysterical. I find something that reminds me of him everywhere.
I need some help grieving. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Also, any thoughts on adopting another soldier?

Thank you so much for your help in this difficult time.

2006-12-04 12:20:37 · 2 answers · asked by Support Our Troops! 3 in Friends

Even when your best friend is also a ex, and you totally don't agree with the guy that she's going to married........

2006-12-04 12:19:10 · 15 answers · asked by TruStar 2 in Weddings

wow ppl im so confused i dont even know how to write dis down its just c i dont know who i like anymore or have a crush on or love im totolly confused about love and feelings. i mean c there is dis guy i thought i kinda liked i wasnt even sure what it was i felt like i was forcin myself to like him but then i actually did but if i like him y is it so easyyy to just look at another guy n think their cute or like them actually few guys n that just makes eveythin more confusing cuz them i dunno what u feel at all 4 who. y cant i just like really really like sumbody n stick with that person like i once did yah it only happened once actually twise that i actually really really liked a person n stucked with them n nobody else but now its like somebody new each day but i still feel somthin special abouth dis other guy that i said i kinda liked him helppppppp what is dis ????????

2006-12-04 12:18:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend was the result of a one night stand on the east coast and then his mother moved away, due to situational circumstances, and Had my boyfriend. He has had a tough road and some really unfortunate life experiences due to that, But currently is doing extremely well, he is 26 years old and keeps mentioning that before we get married in the next year or two that he would some how some way like to find his father, (his mother is of no help) is there any way I could do this for him? there is alot of anxiety related to this issue .... your thoughts would be apreciated.....

2006-12-04 12:18:21 · 5 answers · asked by Baby Girl due Sept 5th!!!!!!!!!! 2 in Family

2006-12-04 12:18:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

how do you tease a guy

2006-12-04 12:17:11 · 10 answers · asked by chaingang315 2 in Singles & Dating

Hi I wanted to ask this question because i was wonder about it but I how its not 2 personal but I wanted to know Is it true the first time u have sex does it hurt???Because so people says it hurts for the first u do it and some people say it hurts only for like a half an hour than it feels good but I dont know Im only 17 years old and I wanted to know because I dont have any clue about that

2006-12-04 12:16:56 · 35 answers · asked by njsweetheart69 1 in Singles & Dating

I went on a date with this guy two weeks ago, just befor ei left for 5 days for Thanksgiving. We went to a movie, then for a drink then bck to his place. I ended up staying at his place, we didn't have sex but we did get a little busy. So When I got back the Monday after the holiday I called him up and invited him to come out that evening, but he already had plans. He sounded really interested in getting together though and dissapointed that he was busy. Then I didn't hear from him at all.
Then, I called him up on Friday to invite him to hang out Saturday and he said he was busy but that it was a friend who had been standing him up for the past month but that he would call me if it fell through. I didn't hear from him.
My issue is that when I talk to him he sounds interested in getting together, and sounds dissapointed that he already has plans. B
Is he interested? Or just a good actor? I fear he might be keeping me simmering on the back burner while he is working on other "dishes"

2006-12-04 12:16:12 · 7 answers · asked by k80_k 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-12-04 12:15:44 · 2 answers · asked by Fira Fitra 1 in Friends

I'm beginning to be interested in this guy who's really shy, but because he's so shy I'm not sure how to find out what I want to do next. I just really don't know how to get a good conversation going to get him to open up to me.

2006-12-04 12:15:34 · 17 answers · asked by depplover8990 2 in Singles & Dating

Please don't just say "talk more". That's like telling someone who's deathly afraid of water to jump into the deep end of a pool.

2006-12-04 12:14:33 · 16 answers · asked by sashromancefreak 2 in Friends

is it ture? and why? what is it that makes them cry?

2006-12-04 12:14:31 · 20 answers · asked by jenn c 1 in Singles & Dating

i don't use vibrators. i tried it once and it didn't do anything for me.
but for some reason my boyfriend doesn't seem to understand this, and keeps pressuring me into getting one!
i really don't want one, and him pushing me so much is really making me feel uncomfortable!
its also making me feel like i'm not good enough for him because i don't use them.
how can i make him realise once and for all?

2006-12-04 12:14:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

...I'm kind of having a rough day. =/

2006-12-04 12:14:10 · 8 answers · asked by blender 3 in Singles & Dating

What are the stages of a relationship?

1. 1st meeting and realization of mutual attraction, compatibilty and respect.

2. Getting to know you (courting)

3. Dating (temporal commitment)

4. Engagement

5. Marriage

6. Production of by-products

7. Burn out (falling out of love 95% of people)

8. Separation

9. Divorce (50% of people)

10. Relief

11. Old age

12. Disease

13. Death

2006-12-04 12:14:00 · 3 answers · asked by TransformYour.World 2 in Singles & Dating

No he is not gay... but he always says something like"ohhh i make the realtionship look cute" when someone tells us that we make a cute couple. Or hell tell me that sometimes when he looks in the mirror he looks pretty damn good; he calls him self cute and fine all the time.Why does he do that?

2006-12-04 12:13:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Here is my question: I have been working and supporting my husband and son for 4 years by myself. He finally gets a job now he is acting "smart" running around saying he needs to have a "night out" 2-3 times a week! I have to foot the bill for this "night(s) out" and I am sick of it. Am I in the wrong here or do you think he is selfish and acting immature?

2006-12-04 12:13:00 · 18 answers · asked by Samantha 3 in Marriage & Divorce

serious answers only!

2006-12-04 12:12:14 · 10 answers · asked by savvy 2 in Singles & Dating

Ok so I'm a senior in high school and i have a class at a community college where dropout kids go to finish high school, i just go for one hour to learn web design cause my school doesnt have it as a class. Theres this girl that sits near me and she gives looks and we kinda flirt around sometimes, she goes to the school as her high school and I only see here in that class, I want to know how i can talk with her easily and get to know her better, also, she just recently started being nice/talking to me and looking at me sometimes, does this mean she considers me a friend or likes me?

2006-12-04 12:12:05 · 19 answers · asked by Yume Kid 3 in Singles & Dating

what do you look for in the opposite Sex?!
Nothing perverted... or Homosexual.. I hate those kind of people.

2006-12-04 12:11:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

and i have to be with a man

2006-12-04 12:11:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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