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Family & Relationships - 12 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

welll my best frnd also liked me but i told i dont love her as a gf i love her as my bestfrnd

2006-11-12 14:47:35 · 17 answers · asked by Angad 4 in Singles & Dating

So I was daiting this guy for 2months and I cheated on him 2days after he came over to my house. But u have no idea what he put me through. He made me feel ugly, dumb, unwanted, and used. Where the guy I cheated on him with is the total opposite. He made me feel pretty, sexy, loved, and smart. But after my ex dumped me my friend called him to find answers for me so I can get closure. And then my other friend called him to tell him off for this girl that he use to date. And then I told the girl he use to date to go back out with him so he will be happy again. But he found out and he calls that medling. And now he thinks I'm ruining his life b/c I told the girl he likes off b/c apparently she told him that I'm trying to ruin his life. So my question is how long would it take for u to forgive me? And he is really pissed off at me.

2006-11-12 14:46:41 · 6 answers · asked by Steph1490 4 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-12 14:46:20 · 14 answers · asked by nita1307 1 in Marriage & Divorce

what is the longest distance you traveled by any means to meet that special person?

2006-11-12 14:45:39 · 7 answers · asked by hollywood71@verizon.net 5 in Singles & Dating

A friend of mine has went to about 3 people that told her close to the same thing. One told her that an ex put a curse on her and another told her that it was put on her mother and father thats why she is having bad relationships with men and cant get anyone to marry her. She is really scared because she is seeing alot of negative things in life happen since she was a child. She says no matter how good she is to people they always hurt her and she also says she cant better herself in life because she always fails for some reason. could these things be real??

2006-11-12 14:44:48 · 14 answers · asked by Me 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

ok here's what happened. My friend kayla went out with this guy Jacob, she broke up with him after like a week, and then started liking his best friend anthony. he starts liking me (or so I thougt) and asks me out I say yes (even tho I never really liked him) he tells my friend kayla that the only reason he went out with me is to get back out at her for liking his best friend anthony. kayla has no sympathy for me whatsoever, and keeps talking about these guys thomas and anthony that she likes. she hasn't really asked me if i was okay or anything like that even tho, this guy jacob just used me and made me look stupid just for her. she has been acting so selfish about the whole thing and hasn't really cared about me at all. is she a true friend? what should I do???

2006-11-12 14:44:37 · 9 answers · asked by bethyfan1 3 in Singles & Dating

Ok me and this girl have been going out for getting near two month now. I want to know what to get her for chirstmas. I was thinking a nice ear ring and necklace set that anit to much casue I am kinda broke. What do you guys think? Put in mind she is a church girl and she has kinda got me going back to church.

2006-11-12 14:44:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

If two persons really like each other but he will have to move to another country soon, will you try to work things out with him or will you try not to see him so you won't get hurt? What should i do?

2006-11-12 14:44:21 · 8 answers · asked by polinatora 1 in Singles & Dating

me and my girlfriend was together for 3 years and 9 months. we broke up 3 months ago. her dad died 2 weeks later. I broke up with her because she told me I didnt matter. I didnt know she meant I didnt matter when shes trying to spend time with her parents. shes 19 years old, Im 23 years old. through out the relationship it was hard for us to see each other because her parents were so strict that we had to sneak to see each other and only was able to talk on the phone 2 days a week. so the anger we got from that would be thrown at each other. but once we realized it we became a better relationship. she says we will never get back together because she felt I wasnt there for her in that stressful time of her dad. I've always been there for her through everything. im her first everything, boyfriend, virginity you name it except for a crush before me. she has a grudge against me, possibly dont like me as a person. my friends say she will come back but i dont know. do you think she will?

2006-11-12 14:42:27 · 4 answers · asked by wilbur 62 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

long distance relationship. plan to move in together after school.

2006-11-12 14:41:45 · 25 answers · asked by alphonsemarceau 1 in Singles & Dating

Kiss your brother on the lips like Angelina Jolie did? They even did a photo shoot together where they kissed on the lips and another pic was his hands were resting on her hips. That's just sick. I love Angelina but still!

Are some families that friendly? Or is that too friendly?

If you want a link to the photoshoot I'll post it.

2006-11-12 14:41:25 · 4 answers · asked by Out of the Blue 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Me and my girlfriend broke up 3 months ago and her dad died 2 weeks later will we get back together of 3yr 9m?
Me and my girlfriend broke up 3 months ago and her dad died 2 weeks later will we get back together of 3yr 9mo
me and my girlfriend was together for 3 years and 9 months. we broke up 3 months ago. her dad died 2 weeks later. I broke up with her because she told me I didnt matter. I didnt know she meant I didnt matter when shes trying to spend time with her parents. shes 19 years old, Im 23 years old. through out the relationship it was hard for us to see each other because her parents were so strict that we had to sneak to see each other and only was able to talk on the phone 2 days a week. so the anger we got from that would be thrown at each other. but once we realized it we became a better relationship. she says we will never get back together because she felt I wasnt there for her in that stressful time of her dad. I've always been there for her through everything. im her first everything, boyfriend, virginity you name it except for a crush before me. she has a grudge against me, possibly dont like me as a person. my friends say she will come back but i dont know. do you think she will?

2006-11-12 14:41:20 · 2 answers · asked by wilbur 62 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

It's not that i'm not trying, my confidence got crushed and crushed every day, i think i look ok, but i never heard any one called me cute or anything but i heard that some girls think i'm ugly, i'm a nice guy, and i had a crush on like every pretty girl in the school, there was once, i asked this girl out and i got rejected, but i recovered really quickly, when i tried to start a conversation with a girl, they end up losing interested...........idk if i wanna ask any one out any more because i know it will be a "no", am i just not cool enough? Any tips for me of what to do? o yeh, thanks for any one spend their little time reading this....

2006-11-12 14:41:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I recently met up with my friend whom I've known for nearly a decard. We live an hour and a half apart and I've only seen her a few times in the past couple of years. Feelings for her surfaced.

I don't know if I should tell her or not. I also have feelings for my ex still but at the moment I don't know if I'll get back with her (she's still in love with me). Also, my friend might get awkward, even though we rarely ever see each other.

I'm seeing her again soon. Last time there were plenty of opportunities for me to make a move but I didn't. What should I do?

2006-11-12 14:41:01 · 5 answers · asked by hellomister 2 in Friends

2006-11-12 14:40:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

been divorced 4 yrs was nasty now we get along for our son sake.how do you handle gift giving with your ex .our son is only 6 so he can't go out and buy "dad" a gift.he always makes like a card and makes things at school for dad..do you go out an buy a gift for you ex from your child?my new husband said no thats to weird.but my friend said thats what she does for x-mas and fathers day.so my question is do you just have your child "make' something for your ex or do you go out and buy something from the child to give to dad?

2006-11-12 14:40:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I want to marry a girl of 17 years old...How can I porpose her ?

2006-11-12 14:40:35 · 5 answers · asked by boywants_girlz 1 in Marriage & Divorce

my brother just tried to commit sucide last night. I was the one who saved his life and got him to a hospital. I am very concerned because he sayd that our father has abused him for two years (Ever since my father was taken to jail on a one-night DUI). I dont know what to say because I know that without my father we cant afford to keep up the house and stuff like that, my mom has a job but its not the best. Neither can I keep letting my bro get hurt. What should I do?

2006-11-12 14:40:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Ok so the guy i really like and he's not the cutest guy ever but he has this attitude i love and he knows he's the only guy that makes me laugh. Well i'm moving this summer and i don't want to leave him and i never thought i'd like him, i thought he was just gonna be my best best friend and well i've known him for like 4 years and i'm still not on his myspace top list lol!!! He has this crush i still don't know who she is but i think it's this whore named lizzy and she bugs the cr*p out of me. I mean seriously i hate her. If he chooses her over me i'm gonna like cry for a long time and when they're together and it's the day i move well i'll tell him that he was the bestest friend ever and if i was ever with him i know that it would last. Anyway i really like him and if you think i should forget him i'm not i've tried (never worked out). What should i do???

2006-11-12 14:39:45 · 2 answers · asked by diamonds_are_love 2 in Singles & Dating

Evenin' Campers. Buzz Lightyear here, and it seems that today we have a caller on line 3:

"Hey Buzz. I have a bit of a problem. See, I met this girl on campus. We have been seeing each other every in class, in addition to getting together for 2 hours each week for the past 3 months or so, just going out to lunch. I can feel that there is an attraction here, physical, mental, and otherwise. However things seem to be going so slowly. We email each other nearly everyday, talking about various subjects, never explicity bringing up our relationship. I honestly don't want to continue this if we remain in this type of "friendship" forever, and I guess I just want to know whether this is to become a boyfriend-girlfriend thing or what. I dont want to hear the typical "give it time" phrase, as that is useless here. And honestly, I have little experience in this field.I also think that one of the main factors is that both of us are just too damn shy to bring it up.Plz help me Buzz.

2006-11-12 14:39:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

So this Chick I layed one time called me, apparently she's in prison for possesion of narcotics. She's pregnant too, and tried to cry while talking to me. She was talking about how she didn't want her baby to be born in prison. Ok, so what did she want, sympathy because she's pregnant, she became a criminal when she had the drugs on her and now she wants people to feel sympathy. Nope, not me, Sleazy has no time for sympathy.

2006-11-12 14:39:22 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-11-12 14:39:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

My friends and I have had multiple arguments over what counts as a date. So how do you define going on a date vs. hanging out with a friend? If he goes out to a dinner, movie, concert, he often says he's just hanging out. I'm not sure so I've concluded you can define it by whether or not the guy pays. If the guy pays then it's a date. What does everyone else think? Is this good or what would you say defines a date?

2006-11-12 14:38:59 · 9 answers · asked by Zach 2 in Singles & Dating

how many times does a girl have to do the do til it actually starts to feel good? im so serious, ive done it a couple times n it hurt like crap both times! it felt like my skin was ripping the whole time, then it felt like i hada use the bathroom! when does it start to actually feel good?

2006-11-12 14:38:50 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Hey everyone,
I'm the worst class of my life and it is all about insults. Yeah, sounded interesting, but it's not. Anyway, I'm trying to find web sites where people insult others. Some of the one's writen about have been taken down b/c they were actually created by kids in a high school in order to make fun of someone. Yeah, it's really sad. I was wondering if you guys have seen anything like that on the internet. Or if you have even been the victim of cyber abuse. I know I have and it's usually for no apparent reason. Let me know if you have any thoughts. thanks!

2006-11-12 14:37:53 · 5 answers · asked by nicoleanig 1 in Friends

me and my girlfriend have been having sex for a month or so now, we lost our virginity to each other. I am great at forplay and all that stuff, i can get her off a lot like that and she loves it that way, but its hard to get her off when we actually have sex. I dont have a small...tool and i know what im doing and how to work it but she says it feels good but its not as good as when i fingure her. So we tried having sex befor i fingured her and she says it felt a lot better, ladies do u think that when i do my fingures first i stretch her women part out so much before i go "in" there that that it makes it hard for her to get off or what. Can i get some info on this theory or some tips.

2006-11-12 14:37:42 · 8 answers · asked by armorefelix 1 in Singles & Dating

Family member has afternoon operation on Tuesday. Want to rearrange my work schedule that day so I can be there on the later part of the operation. Already have Wednesday off so I can stay home to keep an eye on her. When I tried to explain it to another family member on what I was planning to do, she doesn't understand why I can't take the Tuesday off instead of Wednesday. She thinks why should she waste her time sitting in the waiting room to accommodate me and I should be the one sitting there, not her. She thinks I don't care. Not true. What should I do?

2006-11-12 14:37:37 · 3 answers · asked by Rommie 7 in Family

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