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Family & Relationships - 12 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

hey just curious, because i dont drink any alcohol at all. From a girls point of view...does this look 'unmanly' etc?? thx in advance!

2006-11-12 14:36:40 · 26 answers · asked by thugster17 2 in Singles & Dating

I am in my mid-30s, I attend a local community college, and I am very serious about my education. I chose to return to college as a result of my recovery from a severe, suicidal depressive breakdown. During my recovery, I lost 2 friends (also in their mid-30s), who I mistakely thought to be supportive. I sometimes see them on campus and it's always uncomfortable for me, and I suspect for them as well. We were good friends, often together, phoned each other, visited each other and gave advice to one another. Each time I've seen them, they've been extremely nasty and hostile toward me. I don't care to be friends w/them anymore, since they have proven their unreliability. How do I deal with them without returning the taunts and name calling they give me? I don't respond, I just leave the situation that brought us together. I work as a tutor at my school and I worry that they will later end up in a class I tutor. I don't want anything more to do with them and I am sick of this crap. Help?

2006-11-12 14:36:26 · 5 answers · asked by LFM 2 in Friends

I'm very family oriented and grew up in a big family. I grew up in a small town and stayed pretty close to home even when i moved out. I married my husband who was in the military and knew somewhat what this kind of life would entail. Now though we got stationed at Fort Bliss Texas. All of my family is in Massachusettes. I am finding myself very homesick and lonely. We only have one car so its hard fro me to get out of the house and we dont live on base so its not like I can just walk to the px or something. Also my sons first birthday is tomarrow and my family cant afford to come out for his birthday. I havent made any friends and I just dont know what to do. Its lonely and hard and I need some advice.

2006-11-12 14:35:41 · 10 answers · asked by htmama 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I love the idea of it being a fun day. I get mix reviews on it.

2006-11-12 14:35:28 · 17 answers · asked by kitty cat 3 in Weddings

My 'freind' is making a huge mistake by going out with a 19 year old boy who lives in ALASKA we live in TEXAS. he is coming down here in one month. WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE HER SEE THE LIGHT?

2006-11-12 14:34:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am 14 years old and my parents go to bed at 10:30 sometimes 11:00 and I am NEVER tired then, and there are always things on TV I want to watch. But my parents MAKE me go to bed at the same time as them. I tried talking to them about it (like actually talking calmly and not fighting) but they still wouldn't listen to me. I think i deserve to be able to stay up later and I am responsible enough to go to bed when I am tired. I don't understand because they tell me I am responsible but then they don't think I am responsible enough to live my life how I want to. Please, do you think I should be allowed up? Am i over reacting? Or does anyone have any arguements I could say to my parents to maybe chnage their minds?

2006-11-12 14:32:54 · 7 answers · asked by OHJAY. 2 in Family

me and him was 2gether 4 2years n she and him did it

2006-11-12 14:32:31 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-11-12 14:32:23 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2006-11-12 14:31:35 · 11 answers · asked by krystal c 3 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-12 14:30:56 · 12 answers · asked by George 1 in Singles & Dating

if a guy gave u a diamond necklace it means he likes u??? a friend of mine got that but for some insane reason she thinks its a friendship thing goin on.

so dude if u gave a girl a necklace with 3 diamonds on it it means u like her right???? or am i totally wrong about this??
can it mean something else?? it was for her 19th bday.

2006-11-12 14:30:32 · 10 answers · asked by shrimpy 3 in Singles & Dating

Her dad completely hates me for some reason and says I'm not aloud to call her or ever see or date her again...and I know I can wait and she can wait but he wont change, and we both know that...and me and her don't want to have a secret relationship but we still love eachother more than anyone and she said she would date me in a heartbeat if she could...I cant do anything really nice cuz her dad is mean.. like I can't write him a letter cuz he will just throw it away, I don't know what to do? and I never did anything wrong, I just put my arm around her and he thought I was "all over her" and "going way to fast" that's why he made her break up with me....what should I do?

2006-11-12 14:30:28 · 7 answers · asked by Ben 2 in Singles & Dating

... What is the shortest way of saying that "I dont want any gifts but donations accept for our honeymoon". Since this is going to be our 2nd wedding so, we dont need any downys.

2006-11-12 14:29:59 · 23 answers · asked by ஐ♥Mom of 5♥ஐ 4 in Weddings

ok, my husband and i were seperated about 3 yrs. i met this dude and we spent alot of time together and really enjoyed one another, well my husband came back in the picture,i dropped the other guy,and me and my husband moved on to be happy.But every day for the past three years i think about him.Coul i be in love...or just a bored house wife.........

2006-11-12 14:29:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I've been out of the social scene for a while for school, work, etc., and last I was there it was in High School.

While never a "player," I was very popular as a fun and great guy to be with, always willing to "drop the game" for some meaningful conversation or just be with for a while.

Now that I've hit my 20s, college is letting me breathe a little and I'm realizing that I'm still attracting a lot of attention.

My issue? I see the "rules" have changed a lot.

High School made it easy to complain about parents, the pains of life and have a good time laughing it all away and being sincere with someone you liked.

Now that I'm out, I find that girls spend a good amount of time with me but conversations get a bit awkward and a lot of times drop. That they don't just leave right there is odd-because they like me, I know-so I'd like to know what I can do.
I just want to hear what people think; is making/looking for a deep, open connection with a girl wrong when you're older?

2006-11-12 14:29:01 · 3 answers · asked by savage_insight 2 in Singles & Dating

It's hard, isn't it. I understand that it works in theory... Patience is a virtue, I guess.

Boys: it is important, isn't it?

2006-11-12 14:28:55 · 10 answers · asked by gobbolino_the_witches_cat 1 in Singles & Dating

I am currently dating a guy who is adorable-except for his thinning hair...would it be totally rude to suggest in a nice way that he would look so hot if he shaved his head bald?? Or do I have to wait for him to become my boyfriend first?

2006-11-12 14:28:27 · 5 answers · asked by Gucci Girlie 1 in Singles & Dating

He is very irrational/delusional and misconstrues everything I say. He is culturally different from the Figi any advise

2006-11-12 14:28:15 · 10 answers · asked by Hope K 1 in Singles & Dating

I know my girlfriend have had sex before me. She makes all this remarks." Im going to tie you up", " I'm going to use this toy", " Im going to use this costume"....etc. She makes all this remarks that any regular guy would go crazy. But everytime she says that; I think that she used it with someone else and I start to get mad. I get upset that she trying to use this stuff that she already used with someone else. If Im with her, that means that Im forgiving what happen in the past, but this is stupid. My question is...She's trying to use this stuff, should I ask her if its new or used because I dont like second hands..... PLEASE HELP.

2006-11-12 14:27:44 · 27 answers · asked by From a friend. 1 in Singles & Dating

I am hurt because i came to the realization that my boyfriend along with all the other men in the world look at other women even when they have girlfriends. I understand the whole "men have to spread their seed" but it really breaks my heart to realize this.He loves me alot and we have been going out for three years but I still can't get over this fact expecially when we can't even watch tv without some girl wearing hardly anything showing up on tv. I don't want him ever thinking about any other women than me and I can't stop feeling upset about this situation. I got mad at him about some music video, and he said "well i am a guy i am going to look at a girl who is wearing lingeray i am visual".
I just can't deal with this fact of life that any boyfriend i have is going to at least once a day notice other women, what can i do to deal with the harsh reality of life that i have been avoiding?

2006-11-12 14:27:38 · 19 answers · asked by Janeystar23 1 in Singles & Dating

Waht would be your reaction ladies? Maybe I am just paranoid,but if my wife bought me a 60" plasma tv,which is about how much these earrings costed,I would be putty in my wifes hands for a long time.Maybe she isn't into material things,but these were the earrings she has wanted for two years and I have been saving that long to buy her these earrings. Then when she acted like no big deal,it stung a little bit.

2006-11-12 14:27:24 · 7 answers · asked by tjoe1980 2 in Marriage & Divorce

a your bf gave you a mix cd of love songs

2006-11-12 14:26:18 · 24 answers · asked by oopsman_09 1 in Singles & Dating

I met a young lady the other day and we hit it off.
She told me that we could be together if i understood that she doesn't want to be pursued or have a full blown relationship,
(she lives on the coast in North Carolina)in other words we are in a temporary relationship until mid December, with all the luxuries of a couple with no commitment needed.
How many of you would refuse an offer like that? By the way she looks looks like Tatum O'neil.
How many of you can just turn it off and on like a light?
i'm taking my chances, because when wer'e together it's magic

2006-11-12 14:25:42 · 10 answers · asked by jawtar 2 in Singles & Dating

Ok everyone, I wanna hear your confessions they are so interesting to read so lets hear them

2006-11-12 14:25:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-11-12 14:24:27 · 12 answers · asked by Jelly Belly 1 in Singles & Dating

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