I left my husband last year after 5 years of unhappiness (we were together since May 1995 altogether) and repeated attempts on both sides for us to 'work things out' and basically be happier and more fulfilled together. When I left, we had just had a 3-some and I found my experience with the other woman to totally blow sex with a man out of the water!
I had a relationship with her for over a year, and am in the process of trying (and failing somewhat) to end it, as though I love her, I just don't feel I can happily lead a closeted life, for life! I feel like I am stringing her along..
It seems unfair to her, which I totally understand - but I can't get over the fact that I want to be able to hold hands in public, kiss when I feel like it, and be proud to have her at my side.
What should I do? Continue to try to break our ties, or find a way to get round this in my head (having been brought up as most people are to view homosexuality as non-mainstream and a little odd). help
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Other - Family & Relationships