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Family & Relationships - 7 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

i have a really nice family now!!!
but i lllloooovvvveeee my mom to death!!!
ive been seeing my mom for 4 hours on the weekends for my life since i was 3!!! shes a really cool mom but i love my foster mom and dad!!!
in my adoption papers it says that it was an open adoption...meaning if my mom want me back all she has to do is go to court sign some papers and pick me up...but it also states that i have a choice to stay with my adoptive parents or go with my biological mother(my real mom)... my mom went to court last tuesday and signed the papers... i dont know if i should go with her and move to kentucky with her away from all of my friends and graduate with a different class...
or should i stay in new york and stay at my school and graduate with my friends???
i dont know what to do i lllooovvveee my new family and my mom...

2006-07-07 17:33:58 · 30 answers · asked by danielle m 2 in Family

what is that? we dont know what is wild life offense? if somebody knows please let us know...

2006-07-07 17:33:02 · 1 answers · asked by boricua_2290 5 in Friends

how comes if you fall asleep after a man as ejaculated inside you and without u even reaching an orgasim you can always garantee the next morning their sperm as made your fanny smell like prawn cocktail skips.(maybe i am haveing sex with the wrong kind of gezzers)

2006-07-07 17:29:09 · 12 answers · asked by sweareryellow 1 in Singles & Dating


2006-07-07 17:29:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

As a opinon. In a case that you were locked up longer than a year and you aren't attracted to the same sex. As if you were a male in a all male facility and not attracted to males and a female in a all female facility and not attracted to females would you have sex with a guard that is your opposite sex? We all know how wrong it is but if you ain't getting that pleasure and was offered sex by a guard would you accept it? If it went wrong, but you feel you still need the physical contact and know that you don't want any contact with your same sex would you continue this sex relationship? What points and what extent would you take this type of relationship to?

2006-07-07 17:28:42 · 6 answers · asked by Rochelle 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

WoUld U DaTe Me CuZ Of Mi AvArTar...Or Do U ThInK My AvatAr LoOk GoOd....Im JuS A LiL CuRioUs

2006-07-07 17:28:29 · 13 answers · asked by .:ChRiS[[♥ ]]LiL LaDii::. 2 in Singles & Dating

I have a baby and another coming soon, any advice on how to get the first to sleep through the next before the next arrives??

2006-07-07 17:28:03 · 10 answers · asked by Britney Spears 1 in Family

Okay, you type in 'stalking help' in yahoo or any other search engine, but all you get is help for the victims. What about the stalkers that realize their obsession is not healthy and want to stop, but can't? Like the stalker that stalks someone just to see them, or see what they're up to, not to instill fear, but to be just as close as possible b/c you can't let them go? Not that I'm a stalker, but you hear about help for alcoholics, sex offenders, but not stalkers. Any resources or thoughts on this?

2006-07-07 17:26:50 · 10 answers · asked by toddler_gobbler 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

me and this guy have been noticing each other for awhile and we finally talked yesterday he gave me his number and ask me to call him later....i called but his phone it dropped the call and the operator came on saying it's a bad connection....i left a text message today but i'm not sure if he got it...he is a drill instructor for the marine corps..his job keeps him very busy to where he'll get short time to talk and he will be out of town for a month so i called again and left a voicemail explaining what happened last night .... I understand how busy he is but then i also feel like he could of at least called back or send a text message..should i wait for him to come back or move on?....i'm confused i don't want to keep calling that will make me look desperate...but i want to know if he recieved my number or my voicemails

2006-07-07 17:26:36 · 16 answers · asked by mrs. MJ 3 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-07 17:26:01 · 10 answers · asked by bama_freak07 1 in Singles & Dating

Would you lie in order to preserve you and your siginicant other's happiness, including your relationship?
Or, would you tell the truth for the sake of being honest, knowing that your relationship with your siginicant other would more than likely end?

2006-07-07 17:25:47 · 25 answers · asked by suzi q 1 in Friends

Ok there are 3 girls that like me. I like each one the same. One's name is Tyler, she is blonde and "sweet", one is Caci who is a brunette and is kind of the "bad girl", and the last is Katie, brunette, "good girl".....I am confused and i know people say do what you feel is right....or do what your heart says...well i dont know what they are saying!!! so plz help me!!

2006-07-07 17:25:46 · 10 answers · asked by Zach 1 in Singles & Dating

Are there really girls who like using strap-ons on guys or other girls?

2006-07-07 17:25:18 · 7 answers · asked by Curious 1 in Singles & Dating

I really want to forget about his boy and it just makes me sad and I really don't want to feel sad anymore. How can I forget about him?

2006-07-07 17:24:52 · 37 answers · asked by principessa=o) 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-07-07 17:23:45 · 53 answers · asked by Minnesota Mom 1 in Family

he's not interested. At first he said "don't take this the wrong way". I never see attractive guys anywhere.. hardly at all. Usually only certain celebrities (we live in a town of about 60,000 population).

2006-07-07 17:23:07 · 1 answers · asked by PlasticTrees 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

My daughter's father only pays child support when he has too, better then nothing. She is his first child, he now has a son by someone else. He has only seen her twice and only emails her maybe once a month. he sees his son all the time and it hurts my daughter's feelings. He even has his name in his email addy. What can I say or do to try and help her with this? She is only 11 and has a great relationship with her step dad and jsut can't seems to understand why he doesn't want to be more active in her life. I have even tried to help him with it. HELP!!

2006-07-07 17:22:18 · 4 answers · asked by ? 3 in Friends

I consider myself to be a faithful christian wife. I believed my husband was a faithful christian husband. I found out he spent a lot of time watching xrated videos of women on the internet. He was obviously hiding it. I feel cheated on. My ex husband did this to me as well. I thought I was pretty good at satisfying him. How am I supposed to forget this?

2006-07-07 17:21:56 · 51 answers · asked by mama 5 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-07-07 17:21:04 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

This boy, that my friend likes, called her weird. They always flirt and what not. His exact words were, Your weird, did you know that. i am serious you are really weird. He didnt say it mean. He actually smiled saying it. My friend asked me what it means, and i said I dont know. So now im asking you, What does it mean when a guy calls you weird?

2006-07-07 17:20:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I've been in love with him since i was 10 and he is finally trying to be with me? I want to be with him 4ever...what should i do??

2006-07-07 17:20:10 · 8 answers · asked by lalapolly 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

My boyfriend wants me to watch a sexually explicit movie with him. I have done it before but the relationship ended because the videos seemed more important....Should I say no I don't want to or should I watch one with him just to let him know I will watch one with him.....He also wants me to go to a strip joint with him....I'm not scared of what I will see just how he will see me afterward....am I being insecure about all this??? I feel really stupid about it.

2006-07-07 17:19:52 · 24 answers · asked by Mother2one238 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

Im a boy and I dont know where to put my hands on a slow dance.

2006-07-07 17:18:50 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

how many of you women really love sex and what is the best thing about sex you love.

2006-07-07 17:18:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i think my bfs mad at me but im not sure
what should i do????

2006-07-07 17:17:05 · 5 answers · asked by babybitch0515 1 in Singles & Dating

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