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Family & Relationships - 7 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

If I like someone younger then me, and im pretty sure they really like me as well, is it ok? I've read a lot of these but the reverse, and I want to say, I wouldnt force her or persuade her to do anything like that. I just deeply care for her and want to be with her. So ya.. do you think age matters like this?

2006-07-07 00:41:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

have you eveer had a broken hart if you had how do you get over it

2006-07-07 00:41:53 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

This question is for people who feel out of place in their world and wish they knew people that felt the same way

2006-07-07 00:40:25 · 8 answers · asked by ? 2 in Friends

are they a lot of european men loves asian girls and want to make it one as their wife?what is special about asian girls and what differentiate them from european or other girls?if u like and can choose one to be ur wife,what is the race of ur partner should be?(i mean the girl is asian)

2006-07-07 00:40:23 · 2 answers · asked by mrs lampard 2 in Singles & Dating

What makes for an enjoyable first date? I'm single again ( it's been fourteen years ), I'm forty five; and moping around isn't my way. Help me out here if you can; will you please?

2006-07-07 00:39:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I do have a massive tool!!!

2006-07-07 00:38:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am very much in love with my fiance'. The thing is I'M CRAZY! No....really I am so narotic and jealous and then again I'm only 21 and had 100 WORLD'S most screwed up ex boyfriends prior so....I'm a tad bit territorial when it comes to my sweetie now. He puts up with sooo much you don't even know. I mean I put up with him too but I have to say we are totally committed and faithful no probs there. Well we are supposedly moving across country together, I mean he invited me. We have been planning for months but....he wants to go alone for the first month to straighten out our living arrangements etc......totally legit but I think he might get there and decide he doesn't love me and he might tell me I can't come. So I devised a little scheme...tell him I'm pregnant so it's def. in the bag 100%. Then I will tell him the truth and why I did it when I arrive. Is that completely devious or should I just have faith in him without deception? HELP!!!!!!

2006-07-07 00:37:59 · 24 answers · asked by TootsiePop 3 in Singles & Dating

we talked for 2 months dated for 2 months and HE moved in with me. We have been living together for 3 months I can NOT get pregnant. Plus I was tested for std's before we ever had sex. If he had any thing he has already exposed me.We have constant BY phone. He knows all of my friends. If any one should be suspicious it is me (and I am) because of the condom and past experience. So why would he suddenly put on a condom? I know condoms are not comfortable.

2006-07-07 00:36:23 · 19 answers · asked by anita_reel 3 in Singles & Dating

I love my boyfriend so much but he sees 2 be a bit distent wot should do?

2006-07-07 00:35:43 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Warmer than the sun
Colder than the ice
Louder than than the heart
Silent than the night
Deeper than the abis
Hated alone
Wanted from all
Hidden by hate
Eliberate by faith
Stronger han you think
Dangerous as you see
Wonderful as you can feel.

2006-07-07 00:35:42 · 20 answers · asked by Soso 3 in Friends

Every time me and my man get intimate I usually imagine he's somebody else. It's never anyone I know, usually somebody famous.

At the moment I enjoy imagining he's Steven Gerrard (I know he's not even that good looking, although he is fit) and David Beckham
(an old favourite). I do find my man sexy and I'm really happy with him, but imagining he's some other hot guy helps get me going a bit more!

Anyone else do the same and who 'with'?

2006-07-07 00:35:40 · 14 answers · asked by calebolly 2 in Singles & Dating

I adore poetic guies they're so adorable!

2006-07-07 00:33:35 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-07-07 00:30:40 · 16 answers · asked by unicornskids 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I have a female friend who is so stressed/depressed about being in a marriage in which she is incompatable that she has unexplained chronic illnesses all the time.
I don't know how to console her. I want to tell her to let herself let go of the stress and accept her marriage but if it is too far gone and endangering her health she should get out. I see her deteriorating because she is stagnating. What do I tell her? No one else will broach this subject with her because she is so proud.

2006-07-07 00:29:22 · 8 answers · asked by Ben Jammin 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-07-07 00:27:59 · 7 answers · asked by Rajkiran b 1 in Singles & Dating

my friend Mike is really needs help... and I need you to help me!

he's been doing drugs for a while (mostly cocaine, but he'll do anything), and drinking a lot... when he's not high, he's hung over!

he's also self-injurying,he cuts his arms with razorblades. he tried suicide twice last year, but we found him and took him to the hospital.

He lost his girlfriend, family, even the people he used to call "friends"...only i and my friend sam stayed with him, and we didn't give up on him yet... we never will!!

the worst part os that we are trying to help him, but he doesn't let us! he says he's got everything under control, but that's what he's been saying for 2 years!!

how can i help him?? what should i do to convince him that he needs help and that he doesn't need that stuff to be happy!

thank you so much!!

2006-07-07 00:25:29 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I just found out last night that one of my best friends was with my ex girlfriend soon after we broke up bout 16 months ago! I know I wasnt with her at the time but iam still a bit hurt! is that normal! They dont know I know should i Say something to them? but would it gain anything

2006-07-07 00:24:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My (verbally abusive) mother is having a birthday party for my father. She is having it at an expensive restaurant 2 hours away from us because she doesn't think her wealthy friends should have to drive to go to the party (although she thinks it's fine to make her children and grandchildren drive 2 hours!) Now, I have kept my family at arm's length because they are abusive and very messed up. Two of my siblings and my mother are pathelogical liars and verbally abusive. One is just not pleasant, another (very nice one) is not going. All of my neices and nephews willI go. It is not actually on my dad's birthday. I might visit them on his actual birthday. My husband and I have a baby and the day trip would be very difficult for us. It's my husband's only day off. Chances are that I will leave and feel horrible because I will be insulted or ignored the entire time. Ignored is better with this bunch.

The question is can I skip my dad's birthday party to protect me, hubby & baby?

2006-07-07 00:24:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I just found out last night that one of my best friends was with my ex girlfriend soon after we broke up bout 16 months ago! I know I wasnt with her at the time but iam still a bit hurt! is that normal! They dont know I know should i Say something to them? but would it gain anything

2006-07-07 00:21:46 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

would they rather have forplay a long time or a short time before intercorse and how about dearing

2006-07-07 00:21:31 · 11 answers · asked by hthammond 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-07 00:19:17 · 15 answers · asked by Tired_of _the_games 1 in Singles & Dating


whats wrong with having a guy for a bff?

2006-07-07 00:18:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My friend Jaqui thinks it sound really nice but its a firms name like Oxo so do you have to tell them?

2006-07-07 00:15:36 · 23 answers · asked by poppy vox 4 in Friends

even if shes unsure her self

2006-07-07 00:14:37 · 8 answers · asked by fordstrong4u 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

my son had a perfect attendense,and perfect grades ,i got him to school,and cared for him daily.while she was at work,her mother came to town .we had a disagreement and when i went to get my son from school she loaded all his clothes and went to grandmothers in brazil,then told me she was taking him to school next day but she went and removed him from school and her mother took my son to ky,with out us being able to say bye to him no warning to school or any notice to court or me we have joint custody.and I called her mother and she said she didn't know where he was but he was in the truck with her,and i left several messages with the family and no one let my son know i was calling for 4 days was her mother aloud to take him out of state please help me find away to get my #1 friend and buddy back where he wants to be NEED ANSWERS

2006-07-07 00:13:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

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