Have been with my boyfriend for 1 year, who is 7 years older and has been divorced twice. Both his exwives are nut cases and he carries much baggage. He and his 6 year old son live with me. His other 2 children are not allowed to see him. He was making good money but lost his job. He is a very big procrastinator who is very much in debt only making $10 an hour all his money goes to his truck and child support. I pay for my house and all the bills to include his son. He say's he loves me but I can't help but think he's using me because without me he wouldn't be able to keep his son or pay his truck payment. When I tell him how I feel he gets mad. How do I really know he loves me other than him telling me. He does make me feel good. He has a history of cheating and likes to flirt. which is hard for me because my last husband cheated. Should I give him more time? His ex's cause a lot of problems, so much baggage. Is it worth it? Please help.
16 answers
asked by
Leah Y
Other - Family & Relationships