This woman is f**king crazy. Let me first say that when he started dating her, i was in the process of moving out of state. Six months later i moved and was gone nearly 2 1/2 years. When i returned during the summer and obtained employment back home and she found out , she lost her mind. Now before when i lived out of state and i would call my x (regarding the kids), we both we respectful and cordial to each other, not alot of conservations besides greeting's and thank you's.
It has been hell every sense, when i call the house she demands i speak to her, she never put him on the phone or for that matter gives him the message. The obligations that we have to these kids are being dealt with with her right in the middle and i aint going there, I REFUSE TO DEAL WITH her.
He is a constant battle and with this situation.
When the kids call, they dont answer, they dont return calls or anything.
I run my show and will not allow another woman to dictate and control my enviorment.
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