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Family & Relationships - 7 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2006-07-07 03:13:55 · 5 answers · asked by Camps p 1 in Friends

My husband and i are seperated. We're still friends and get along fairly well. He still lives in OUR house. The house is in both our names. I give my husband his privacy. I call him and let him know when i'm coming over and when I go in the house when he's not there. We have an understanding that that is still half mine and i have rights to the house . Well, another friend of his moved in a few weeks before i left a little over a year and a half ago. This friend of his doesn't like me. Which I really don't care if he does or not. Well, to make a long story short he likes to lock all the doors in the house . I have keys to everything except the front door. Well, that friend of his (which use to be my friend too) Locked both the back door & the screen door to where i couldn't get in. I think he did it on pourpose. Now my husband said he's just paranoid & has a thing about locking doors. I think he's just a spiteful little s!*@ and did it on pourpose. What do you think?

2006-07-07 03:13:47 · 12 answers · asked by Belle 3 in Marriage & Divorce

why do they make it clear they are nto interested and the minute you try to move on they try to pul you back in again

2006-07-07 03:12:35 · 19 answers · asked by mary902 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-07 03:12:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My boyfriend and I have been on and off for almost four years....we love eachother to death...we talk about our future, we are close to eachother's family, and we've lived together for two years. A couple months ago, he expressed interest in talking to other women, and we stopped talking for a couple months because I was so upset. Well, we have been talking recently and he told me that I was the one and he just hasn't gotten past that "phase." He admitted he had a one night stand when we were broken up adn it made him sick and all he could do is think of me. He is 26 and I'm 31. He told me it's just a matter of when for us...not "if." I truly believe that...especailly because I've been in other relationships and have NEVER had the same feelings as when I'm with him. Am I being stupid or could this be true??

2006-07-07 03:11:33 · 8 answers · asked by Confused 1 in Singles & Dating

My Man and I have been together for 3 1/2 years and we have been living together for 2 years. we have disagreements but they never go Far! anyway he says ugly things to me like if i left he wouldnt chase me/ or umm he wants a women with big breast (im only a C cup) he knew this when he met me. he hasnt came out and said i dont wnat you or love you... What does he want he still get jealous and insecure about things but he shouldnt becuase he dosent care Right?

2006-07-07 03:10:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

what is the best way u think it is for a guy to come on to a girl?

2006-07-07 03:10:25 · 21 answers · asked by Tim 1 in Singles & Dating

She is always accusing me of stealing her lighter. But in reality she looses them.

And she is constantly calling me a Jackass

2006-07-07 03:10:00 · 24 answers · asked by married man 1 in Marriage & Divorce

me and my bf have been together almost 4 months and my parents still dont like me with him...they are afraid he will bring me down they have high hopes for me and are afriad if i stay with him i wont reach my goals in life every time i bring him over or he asks to spend time with me i can tell they dont approve but i really like him and he treats me good i just wish they would get along and talk what do i do to get my bf and my parents to get along

2006-07-07 03:09:37 · 14 answers · asked by chartreuse 33 1 in Singles & Dating

i really lke asians and arabs, much better than white girls, its just something about the east, something different, eastern charm?? what do you think? this has been posted once but got removed for a violation of something or other, its those curtain twitching snitches again, england for world cup 2010

2006-07-07 03:09:15 · 7 answers · asked by danny boy 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-07 03:08:51 · 29 answers · asked by monique k 1 in Singles & Dating

My daughter headed off to college last year but when she came back, she had started drinking and smoking. In the past 7 weeks since school has been out, she moved in with her aunt, skipped out on her without paying her bills and leaving all of her stuff there. She since went back, ripped off her aunt's stereo and dvd collection. Her appearance has changed to where her face is really bloated and reddish albeit her weight has decreased somewhat. Her attitude went from being friendly and social to being very anti social and dark. She is all about the concept of "doom" now and has a myspace page where she proclaims it. Any suggestions on how I can help her or if it sounds like she is on drugs? On a side note, I live 1500 miles away from her. Thanks.

2006-07-07 03:08:47 · 21 answers · asked by megafrog001 2 in Family

How should I prepare for the move? I am not asking whether it is right or wrong? Just some some tips.....Thanx

2006-07-07 03:08:32 · 12 answers · asked by cndipas 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Can any guys tell me what cool presents you got for your 18th birthday

2006-07-07 03:08:31 · 6 answers · asked by Annie 2 in Friends

;) Surely you are not here to give just advice :p

2006-07-07 03:05:47 · 29 answers · asked by abracad 2 in Singles & Dating

I've heard it true but find that incredible.

2006-07-07 03:05:24 · 24 answers · asked by cheese8171 2 in Singles & Dating

Since we don't have a lot of money right now, we agreed not to buy each other anything for our birthdays (his is July 12, mine is July 24) - instead we are combining our funds and taking a 3-day trip to Calgary to do sightseeing and such. But it feels wrong not to get him something... should I just buy him something or not?? I don't want him to feel obligate to get me something just because I did it.

2006-07-07 03:05:03 · 15 answers · asked by The Lizard Queen 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-07-07 03:04:59 · 19 answers · asked by Ram B 1 in Family

I am pakistani.i want to get marriage with a uk nationilty holder. Is An body is willing.

2006-07-07 03:04:17 · 16 answers · asked by ali u 1 in Marriage & Divorce

This woman is f**king crazy. Let me first say that when he started dating her, i was in the process of moving out of state. Six months later i moved and was gone nearly 2 1/2 years. When i returned during the summer and obtained employment back home and she found out , she lost her mind. Now before when i lived out of state and i would call my x (regarding the kids), we both we respectful and cordial to each other, not alot of conservations besides greeting's and thank you's.
It has been hell every sense, when i call the house she demands i speak to her, she never put him on the phone or for that matter gives him the message. The obligations that we have to these kids are being dealt with with her right in the middle and i aint going there, I REFUSE TO DEAL WITH her.
He is a constant battle and with this situation.

When the kids call, they dont answer, they dont return calls or anything.
I run my show and will not allow another woman to dictate and control my enviorment.

2006-07-07 03:04:10 · 5 answers · asked by !@#$$ 2 in Family

i mean like masscara and lip gloss. my sister let her daughter start at around 8 yrs. old. i think that is highly unappropriate. she is 14 now, and she doesnt wear anything more than masscars and lip gloss

2006-07-07 03:03:52 · 36 answers · asked by cathi 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

My best friend who i love very much(he knows it)keeps coming and going out of my life.Yet even though he loves me very much he wont commit/marry me.I love him i dont want to loose him as a best friend what do i do?

2006-07-07 03:03:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

If I've been with someone for a year and a half, and plan to eventually marry, would buying a house within a year be a bad idea? We don't have a perfect relationship. We do fight. But the commitment is strong. I'm just concerned about the legalities of the whole thing if there ever is a problem. Not that I expect it. I'm just trying to be you know, adult-like and logical. I know people who got stuck with someone in a mortgage when they weren't married and it caused some serious problems. But paying rent really sucks. I could be making a house payment that is lower than rent and actually get some investment off of it. And no, I've never seen "The Break Up"

2006-07-07 03:03:27 · 9 answers · asked by Del 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

It was Fourth of July and my husband and I were sitting on the couch watching television. He got up and went into his den to get on the computer. I did not think anything of it because I've always had complete trust in him. But when I came to see what he was doing, he was viewing pornograghy. I know guys look at that stuff and I could understand alittle more if I was not home. BUT WHY WOULD HE CHOOSE PORN OVER ME?

2006-07-07 03:03:19 · 22 answers · asked by godwon2 2 in Marriage & Divorce

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