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Family & Relationships - 7 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

do girls like guys that are romantic? like buy roses and candy for no reason, is this a good thing or bad?

2006-07-07 18:24:15 · 14 answers · asked by skyline 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-07 18:23:57 · 6 answers · asked by hsss_najmi 1 in Friends

i have been betrayed before from my husband. he has apologized and blah,blah,blah. i have told him i forgive him, but in the back of my mind, there's always something reminding me that he betrayed my trust. i have gotten to the point where if he is now cheating, i don't care. what does that mean? it's over? when i don't seem to shed tears for him anymore?

2006-07-07 18:23:43 · 24 answers · asked by C C 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i was driving home to make curfew and i see him with his friends going somewhere, he never texted or called me, what did i do wrong? or is it just the fact that he is a teenage boy and would rather have fun with his friends? and not have the hassle of a girl? im just a little confused understanding his intentions with me and him

2006-07-07 18:22:40 · 8 answers · asked by soulrebel 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-07 18:21:49 · 21 answers · asked by anthonyb311 3 in Singles & Dating

Okay so I am having a female health problem and I asked for females only to respond to my question. Well this immature participant decides to rate my picture which I did not ask for view my QA page which I did not ask for and he just made negative comments with the information he had gathered doing so.
Here is what he wrote:
Your not that hot for a porn star, do you do backdoor action or just straightup gay??

And I went to one of his questions and said this:

2006-07-07 18:20:00 · 21 answers · asked by Dream Bree 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

he plays football baseball but is also in band. what would he like???

2006-07-07 18:19:51 · 8 answers · asked by halogrl007 1 in Singles & Dating

My step dad doesn't make much money and it stresses out my mom. One day my step dad couldn't take my mom's complaining anymore and he threw a fit and threw/broke things. My step dad is angry, my mom's sad, my baby sister is crying, and I feel hurt. He started talking about getting a divorce with my mom. I don't know what to do!

2006-07-07 18:19:38 · 10 answers · asked by dazyduck96 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

well the reason i asked is becasue he at first he was sending me signals that he still love me but now his signals are totally diffrent!

2006-07-07 18:19:28 · 8 answers · asked by dee 1 in Singles & Dating

why bother living if there is no love in your life and all you do is work and pay the bills? and nothing more? there is no one that wants to love me or be with me?
so if all there is left to do after the age of 40yr, why live anymore? what is the point? there is no love?

2006-07-07 18:18:43 · 42 answers · asked by cats3inhouse 5 in Marriage & Divorce

A friend's wife had a 10 year affair, with the help of the adult children this couple stayed together but have little touch or communication either generally or intimately do you think that they should stay together? This was 5 years ago....to me it appears that it is separate lives in the one house....cheaper than divorce.....this is a 37 year old marriage.

2006-07-07 18:17:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

just tell me what you think

2006-07-07 18:17:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Look I am not a f-a-g or bi-sexual. I just want to know why all the girls can’t handle a romantic guy like me who likes to pour my heart out to them and treat them right. I want to know why girls can’t handle that or at least the girls I go out with. I mean that is who I am I write poetry I like R&B music. I like being able to please my lady any way I can I mean don’t get me wrong I’m not like a b-i-t-c-h boy or some weak guy, but why is it that the girls I go out with don’t like it. I mean isn’t that what you want ladies?? A man that is kind, romantic, nice, funny, poetic, and thoughtful. I mean am I wrong to be all these things?? I just want to be able to find a girl who can take all of these things without being shocked when I show my feelings and my romantic side. I just want to find someone to love and be able to show them what true love is. :((

2006-07-07 18:17:10 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

later i asked u all if i would kiss my crush.... i do that! and when i kiss him about11 second he looks at me strangely and touch my face with his soft hands and then kiss me again about3 minuets and went away! -is that a victory or not wat do u think does he like it or not?

2006-07-07 18:17:07 · 4 answers · asked by p!nk_f@iry 2 in Friends

2006-07-07 18:16:09 · 13 answers · asked by missdynamite_518 1 in Weddings

I am freaking here... My BF gave me a love bite tonite and I don't want my mom to see it. What's the best way to hide it? How quickly will it go away.



2006-07-07 18:15:11 · 12 answers · asked by Jessica W 2 in Singles & Dating

i am talking to the one i love on an instant messaging program. she says im the love of her life after i have told her i have feelings for another. before i told her, she showed no signs of this sort of feeling towards me. i actually thought that she didnt love or even like me. what should i say to her?

2006-07-07 18:14:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Sometimes I feel alone and I need someone to love and let her love me. Someone whom I can look in the eyes and say "I love you"

You can be from anywhere in the world. I am currently in Oklahoma City.

2006-07-07 18:13:36 · 6 answers · asked by DJ 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-07 18:11:26 · 7 answers · asked by Britney Spears 1 in Family


why are guys so cluless about who likes them and when they find out they ttly crush the girl who is crushing on them?

2006-07-07 18:11:09 · 17 answers · asked by Louie_Girl_forever 2 in Singles & Dating

Help me pls any adive. My guy n I met on-line..talked for 8mths IM texts n phone. We meet in person n he has sweeped me off my feet. My prob is that I know he loves me n i him..but the distance is kiilin me! I'm lonely n i know he is aswell..i'm begining 2 think he is fooling around. Am i crazy 2 commit myself..thinking he is involved with other women. Aswell i know he talks 2 alot on-line...i guess its a trust issue!! Think i have answered my own dang question LOL

2006-07-07 18:10:41 · 17 answers · asked by angelo 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I had a crush on a new employee the first time I saw him and have been trying to get to know him a little more by having conversations with him, but even small talk was difficult. I'd ask him about school, his hobbies/interests, what music he's into, etc., but he barely smiles or makes eye contact with me and answers in the shortest way possible. To customers who are attractive, he smiles and talks to him in a nice, pleasant way. I decided to forget him and just ignore him. Then one night, I went to the store I worked in, as a customer. I was wearing my normal clothes (tank top and mini skirt), my hair was down and I had makeup on. When he saw me, he didn't recognize me. At first he thought I was another customer. When he found out who I was, his face lit up and came over, smiling and talking to me. He was like, "So, what school do you go to again?" From then on, he's been talking to me more and more and flirting with me. If he asks me out, should I say yes?

2006-07-07 18:10:15 · 10 answers · asked by pureessence 2 in Singles & Dating

I'm doing kinda of a survey thing to see how many men would date a single mom with 3 kids all under the age of 3. well in august my oldest will be 3.. or would you rather not know about the kids at first. or when should they be introduced

2006-07-07 18:10:04 · 11 answers · asked by broken hearted n confused 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-07 18:08:11 · 10 answers · asked by Raven Hood® 4 in Singles & Dating

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