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Family & Relationships - 7 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

will a guy give me ten million dollars for free and for nothing

2006-07-07 19:42:00 · 5 answers · asked by person 4 in Other - Family & Relationships

My first girlfriend: 2 years. We started dating at 17 almost immediately after a previous two year relationship she had. She broke up with this guy not to be with me, but because she found that with him she wasn't who she wanted to be, and he was too clingy.

She was everything I could have wanted in a person. She was my best friend, and around her, I was truly happy. Sadly, we ended up going to different colleges. Half way through the first year, she tells me that she needs time and space, mostly because she hasn't had time to be single since she was 15, before she had even really wanted a relationship. Even though it hurt, I loved her right up to this summer. But now Im supposed to act like we are just friends, when I want so much more. She wrote a letter saying we shouldnt talk for a while because I wasn't letting her go. Yesterday I texted her goodbye, because it feels like things have changed and she doesn't feel the same way, even though I really still love her. What should I do?

2006-07-07 19:41:52 · 4 answers · asked by sfinn72 1 in Singles & Dating

he has a gf in iran also..i can't see him with another girl..it kill me to see him with her..i don't want to lose him..plz help

2006-07-07 19:41:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Im going to a dance and I really like this girl. but how do i kiss her when all of her and my friends are around? and HOW and WHEN do i kiss her?

2006-07-07 19:40:59 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-07-07 19:40:31 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend ahs been saved before but he is a backsliding christian. I cont want to back out of the realtionship because he has to many people leave out of his life already. BUt thats not the only reason. I think that i can change him. Im just not one hundred percent sure. I really dont want to break it off with him.

2006-07-07 19:40:16 · 17 answers · asked by jsscwhittington 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

girls that are hardcore and give it they all when it comes to sex always are either nothing special ugly, fat , or some very unlucky cows are both (fugly) why ???
girls that are nice to look at ( if you are one of those girls)
what is your problem why ? lay their like a sack of spuds

2006-07-07 19:39:25 · 17 answers · asked by sweareryellow 1 in Singles & Dating

Most of us are bad but in some points we too are good. some are very good but they too are bad for some reason. Is there a way to find out who is really good or bad?

2006-07-07 19:39:09 · 5 answers · asked by Romeo 1 in Friends

2006-07-07 19:37:50 · 19 answers · asked by ? 5 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-07 19:37:29 · 4 answers · asked by freddieman3 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-07 19:36:42 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I think this guy likes me, but i don't know. He has told me that he likes me, and I have written him a few letters, but he doesn't write back. I think he is interested in me, but what do you think?
What does it mean when a guy says he "likes" you?

2006-07-07 19:35:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

If you are married is it ever acceptable to take on a new sex partner? if so when and under what circumstance would this kind of behavior be persieved as acceptable?

2006-07-07 19:34:39 · 14 answers · asked by the wonderer 1 in Marriage & Divorce

What type of women do you prefer to go out with an ENGLISH WOMEN (UK) or AMERICAN WOMEN (USA)

2006-07-07 19:31:58 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

give me a good answer.

2006-07-07 19:30:15 · 13 answers · asked by Amukta 3 in Family

i am in a relationship for eight years my g/f loves me and i lover her a lot and she was always treated me right but i met a girl the past two months that confused my world brought everything upside down feelings that i never felt before she is 24/7 in my head and she is killing emotionally being with my g/f and i think of her so whats the right thing to do to stay with my g/f and get over it at the end or broke up with her and go to this girl that u never know if it will last forever or works out right at the end?

2006-07-07 19:30:07 · 5 answers · asked by james 1 in Singles & Dating

I know that guys like caring girls, but the line between being caring and being suffocating can be very thin. What do you expect from a girl when you just started dating her...

2006-07-07 19:27:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i h8 it but it always happens.... now i always feel like every guy who knows me just make a game out of me...
any suggestions?>

2006-07-07 19:27:26 · 6 answers · asked by sarmie 2 in Singles & Dating

My husband and I will be celebrating our 6th anniversary on the 18th. We've been together nearly 7 years and I do love him. But I am SOOO very tired of him acting like he's 16. He can't find and keep a job, so he works for himself (home repair), but then takes forever doing jobs he's underpriced (so he doesn't make much) which leaves me as breadwinner. Furthermore, he keeps getting in trouble for stupid things like driving w/o a license & will be looking @ 4 months in jail if he doesn't come up with the $ for a lawyer & to pay off about 4 tickets. We don't have kids (found out from doctor it's b/c of him even though I spent several years thinking it was my fault), no true motivation to do anything except TV and PC games... I could go on. But there are things that he does which are sweet. He took care of me when I was sick, will help clean, can be real funny. But w/ everything else mentioned, I feel like I'm with a child. Am I wasting time? Any suggestions of how to help him GROW UP?

2006-07-07 19:27:22 · 26 answers · asked by fragglerockqueen 5 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-07-07 19:25:29 · 4 answers · asked by edward b 3 in Singles & Dating

i work 58 hours a week, and i dont have much time to hang out with a girl,only on sunday, because i work to much, can a girl still hold on a relationship?

2006-07-07 19:23:23 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am an American living in the Philippines. I have had same boyfriend for four years. He is very in-secure and jealous of everything that I do. How long should I put up with this behavior?

2006-07-07 19:21:42 · 20 answers · asked by eric28weird2000 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I started interning at my local police station and I work in the Properties dept. I met this guy Eddie there. On his last day in that dept. I was planning on giving him my number and telling him lets go hang out sometime. He beat me to it and asked if I'd like to have dinner with him and his daughter. He's under 30 years old, I believe hes 26 or so. I'm 19. The last relationship I had, the guy dumped me for a cell phone that his ex gave him. I feel that maybe with Eddie, we could end up being good friends or maybe more than that if everything turns out ok. I'm nervous, should I meet him and his daughter or give him a counter plan like "I have these two dinner/show tickets would you like to go to that instead?" Or just what happens happens? What do you think? Creative and helpful answers will win the 10 points.

2006-07-07 19:19:52 · 11 answers · asked by Blondie 2 in Singles & Dating

im 25 this way, e relationship started during school time 10yrs ago we grew up in totally diff backgrd, he stop schooling after high sch while i went all e way till uni, he's got his own biz now, n he wants to marry me.. im bloody hell freaking out cos i cant see myself getting married at this pt, he is very possessive, he controls my dressing, my friends, my thoughts, my freedom. he doesnt allow me to go out w friends and cannot even talk to a single guy. he talks abt planning a marriage w me, but i cant see myself marrying him. i've tried to leave but he threathens me that he will kill me cos i wasted his 10yrs of time.. i dun wan to let all these affect my parents as i dun wan them to know they will nag at me cos they never like him in e first place..its all my choice n now i wants out. how do i make him stop loving me and back out automatically without making things ugly.. if i was e one to initaite e breakup he will come to my house n office to kick a fuss. i cant jus dispp. help

2006-07-07 19:19:17 · 10 answers · asked by tragedy 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I called my fiance at 12:30 am and he did not answer his phone. I left a message and he did not call back. I was at my girlfriends house and I decided to call my fiance on my friends phone (since I have been having trust problems with my fiance.)

I called him on her phone at 1:30 am and HE ANSWERED HIS PHONE!!!!

Then he called my phone a couple minutes later and told me that he was asleep!!!

Is this messed up? What should I do?

2006-07-07 19:19:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Okay I need a little help, see my Dad passed away last year in August and it was really hard on My two brothers and me. He left my Mom in charge of everything (although they had been seperated) but did not leave a will. He had a 2003 ford f-150 super cab truck that was paid off in full. My brothers and I did not want to sell it because my Dad loved his truck so much and we wanted to kind of keep it in the family. Well my oldest brother decided he was going to take it because he was behind on payments for his car, he said that he would return it when he was paid up on his car because repo was looking for his car. We were mad at him because he had lied when he took it saying that he just had to move some things. Well my Mom used his car one day and was in an accident and his car was totaled. He didn't have insurance on his car however my Mom's insurance covered the accident. Well now he has totaled my Dad's truck and again was not paying insurance on it however my Mom had been and insurace paid 17,200, my Mom wants to split the money between me and my two brothers but my oldest is VERY mad and says that he should get all the money because he was using the truck and my Mom wrecked his car last year so she owes him that even though she has given him, his wife and 2 year old THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS (seriously) of dollars out of her own pocket while they were going through hard times. I know I need money right now but my brother is so mad that my mom wants to split the money I don't know what to do or think. He doesn't care that I need money for my family (husband and 4 year old daughter). My husband says I shouldn't care about him because he is being so selfish. He wouldn't even be getting a dime if my Mom hadn't been paying the insurance on the truck and he doesn't even care. He should be happy he is getting 5thousand something shouldn't he? Everytime my mom says something to him he gets so mad and says she owes him and says really ugly things to her. It has been a really hard decision for her to make. I just want some outsiders perspective on this to see if we are doing the right thing spliting the money and maybe somethings to tell my brother to settle him down, he is so so so very mad, he says he should get all the money.

2006-07-07 19:19:02 · 17 answers · asked by ♥Jennifer♥ 4 in Family

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