My first girlfriend: 2 years. We started dating at 17 almost immediately after a previous two year relationship she had. She broke up with this guy not to be with me, but because she found that with him she wasn't who she wanted to be, and he was too clingy.
She was everything I could have wanted in a person. She was my best friend, and around her, I was truly happy. Sadly, we ended up going to different colleges. Half way through the first year, she tells me that she needs time and space, mostly because she hasn't had time to be single since she was 15, before she had even really wanted a relationship. Even though it hurt, I loved her right up to this summer. But now Im supposed to act like we are just friends, when I want so much more. She wrote a letter saying we shouldnt talk for a while because I wasn't letting her go. Yesterday I texted her goodbye, because it feels like things have changed and she doesn't feel the same way, even though I really still love her. What should I do?
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Singles & Dating