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Land Phones

[Selected]: All categories Consumer Electronics Land Phones

Who was the woman whose voice was used for auto-responses like "the line is busy"? Wasn't she an actress?

2007-09-27 15:35:09 · 2 answers · asked by the_fox_with_moxie 1

I hate these teasers which detect virus' and spyware but dont remove them until you purchase the software, are there any legit free software left on this planet?

2007-09-27 13:51:30 · 3 answers · asked by rock3000k 1

I really need to know this particular number to make sure it isnt a possible employer

2007-09-27 10:30:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know this has been asked before, but I have some additional information that may need to have some answers justified.

First of all, I am wondering if I can cancel my phone service and use the AT&T DSL (same provider for phone and Internet) without the phone service? I do not trust with the company says because I believe they are just trying to keep me a customer and get my money for services I hardly use.

I want to cancel my phone service and get VOIP instead, since it's pratically cheaper that the phone service regularly.

BTW, currently, we have an unpaid account and it's disconnected with the typical busy signal on the line and my DSL service still works, nevertheless.

All I can hope if I do cancel it is that they don't come down here and completely disconnect the line from the system.. :/


2007-09-27 10:13:32 · 0 answers · asked by Jared 2

2007-09-27 05:11:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since July I have been told by customer care reps at Talk America/Cavelier Telephone company that they will disconnect my land line per my request. I paid the bill up 'till the expected disconnect date. It is now September...no one is using the line but it is still on and I am still getting telephone bills. How can I make it stop ? I thought it should be easy to get your telephone line disconnected...but I'm actually getting the run around. I don't want the unpaid bills to mess up my credit.

2007-09-26 17:00:31 · 4 answers · asked by skyler 2

2007-09-26 15:54:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I came home today and played a message on my answering machine saying "Hi Tom, this is Yolanda at 1-800-XXX-XXXX I'm at extension ABC...please call me." Well Tom is my father in law who has never lived at my house but I call the number ready to give out his cell phone number thinking its another collections call for him. It bounced me to a phone sex line! My number is unlisted, and my father in law doesn't know my home phone number because we have constant problems with bill collectors calling for him, but my question is how the hell did a phone sex operator get my number looking for him?

2007-09-24 12:46:34 · 8 answers · asked by ? 3

I have a phone jack in the kitchen and one in a bed room. I want one in my living room. I have plenty of phone line. What do i do. Can I go from one jack to another. Thanks for the help.

2007-09-24 08:02:22 · 5 answers · asked by Jerad 1

If you're on your cordless phone in your home? I've heard that its possible for neighbors with baby monitors to do this to their neighbors, and I wouldn't think this would work, unless my cordless phone acts as a monitor.

2007-09-22 18:36:02 · 6 answers · asked by Lady 2

On a calculator, from left to right, numbers start from the top right corner at 9 and descend numerically leftward. On a phone (modern land line or cell phone), the numbers, from right to left, start from the top left corner at 1. Why did people make it like that? ***The funniest thing about it is that 0 is always on the bottom.

2007-09-22 15:23:25 · 4 answers · asked by Pondering 2

2007-09-22 15:04:27 · 3 answers · asked by Adir 2

2007-09-22 04:28:36 · 5 answers · asked by hawaiilee 1

here's an example 786-555-2423

2007-09-20 14:28:42 · 6 answers · asked by dele234bd 2

I noticed that every number pad like all phones and calculators have a dot over the number 5, why is that so?

2007-09-19 05:21:53 · 10 answers · asked by CSK 1

Battery life and clarity/good sound are important to me. Thank you!

2007-09-17 18:38:32 · 6 answers · asked by Robin 5

2007-09-12 19:11:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I try to dial out all I get is static and no ring tone. When the phone is in this state, I can't recieve incoming calls either. When I test the line - (or get BT to do it ) there's a ringing tone and then the BT answer service kicks in. My internet works some time - like now, and not others. When I can make out going calls - the line is terrible - really crackley. I have those micro filter things in both the phone and the BT Home hub. I have used a cordless and normal phone in both the phone sockets in the past and they have worked. Tonight things have come to a head as I can't get a dial tone only static on the corless and the normal doesn't even get a dial tone.

Has anyone got any suggestions? I've been through what it says in the phone book which wasn't much use as my main socket doesn't have a test socket behind the face plate.

Has anyone got any suggestions? If BT come out & find the problem is my hand set I have to pay them £116. I'd be grateful for any suggestions!

2007-09-12 09:25:52 · 14 answers · asked by Andy M Thompson 5

I'm fed up of their telephone service, I've been passed from Broadband to billing 5 times now. I just want to give up and have a good cry now, then write a stonking letter to them :*(

2007-09-12 07:18:19 · 3 answers · asked by ffkali 2

2007-09-11 19:07:52 · 2 answers · asked by Victor B 1

I see one I might answer it and ifs taped recording I just hang up .. I hate those things. No telling what they want. Over to you now.

2007-09-11 10:28:15 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

where in california is it when the number is 760-547-?$#! anyone know?

2007-09-11 06:19:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

The device I'm referring to is typically found in a homes' basement. It allows you to "branch" off to several phone jacks. The one I currently have came with the house 50+ years ago. I'd like to replace it.

2007-09-10 04:38:01 · 3 answers · asked by mikeybetsy 2

2007-09-09 22:17:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you have good service around your house, What are the disadvantages to having solely a mobile phone?

2007-09-09 15:44:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous