Which people use Vista?? and why is It slower than XP by a long way... look at the results
Coded into Vista is DRM (digital Rights Management) and that basicly means any MP3s or Movies on your PC are now under the control of Microsoft and if they decide to stop you watching them, they can with out warning. It not just MP3s tho its any work or files on your PC.
So my question is Why do people PAY good money to lose there rights? People should be allowed to do with their computer as they wish, without the fear of losing/changing DATA that microsoft has deemed unsuitable. It reminds me of the Book/Film I-Robot were the robots decide what is best for the humans.
Why dont people use linux (freespire, Ubuntu, red hat ect.) there free and most windows programs work with the help of WINE. Some linux OSs can use DirectX 9 as well. Plus linux is almost VIRUS FREE.
I hope people wake up and smell the coffee before its too late.
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