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Cars & Transportation - 30 November 2006

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Aircraft · Boats & Boating · Buying & Selling · Car Audio · Car Makes · Commuting · Insurance & Registration · Maintenance & Repairs · Motorcycles · Other - Cars & Transportation · Rail · Safety

Our Labour gov't has just announced that road charging will be introduced. If the money raised from Road Fund Licences, duty on fuel, and speed camera fines were to be appropriated solely for road maintenance and provision, we would be able to replace every A road, every B road, and every unclassified road on the mainland within 6 years. That is replace - not just repair! Are we being ripped off or what? Any Americans out there enlighten me as to the cost of motoring in the US?

2006-11-30 09:44:05 · 6 answers · asked by Gin & Tonic 4 in Other - Cars & Transportation

it was running fine while i was riding and casually died down and cut off

2006-11-30 09:43:32 · 6 answers · asked by Willie will 1 in Motorcycles

I really can't understand why there can be so much less traffic and gasoline going up right here at the Holidays. It's not fair to the average consumer!

2006-11-30 09:42:28 · 10 answers · asked by coolbuggyman67 1 in Commuting

Does it waste more gas to leave the car idling in place or to stop the car and turn it on? (while I'm sitting and waiting on someone for, lets say, 10 to 15 minutes)

2006-11-30 09:41:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

I have a 2001 ford focus with 76k on it. I just had the water pump, gaskets and valve gasket replaced because I was leaking coolant.Now it only leaks collant when I turn the heat on. A friend told me this could be a heater core problem, is this true? I live in the Chicagot so it's getting cold. Is this something I need to get fixed right away or can it wait for a month or so?

2006-11-30 09:39:44 · 6 answers · asked by Janel S 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

Does anyone like those. I just spent $61,000, and I don't really like it.

2006-11-30 09:39:02 · 13 answers · asked by Christine H 1 in BMW

I have a wife and 1 year old twins. We definitely need AWD so please don't suggest otherwise. Also, I like spirited driving. I've considered: the Audi A3, Subaru Outback, Passat Wagon, Volvo V50, RAV4, Tiburon...anything else?

2006-11-30 09:34:49 · 13 answers · asked by anthonymoody 1 in Buying & Selling

when did they start making the 9.5 hp

2006-11-30 09:34:45 · 5 answers · asked by Lee C 1 in Boats & Boating

I bought my VW Golf in July of 2004. I bought an extended warranty with it. Last year my battery died and I took it to the dealership (it was covered). Last night, my car wouldn't start (it wasn't the battery). Is the starter covered under warranty? Don't Volkswagens have a limited warranty that automatically come with the car when you buy it? Is my extended warranty useless? Also, even though I get my car serviced regularly, is it normal for the starter to malfunction only after 2 years?

2006-11-30 09:34:03 · 5 answers · asked by Ilovepeanutbutter 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

My boyfriend was reading a drifting magazine the other day and saw an article about a racer who had a parking brake that was called "The Awesome Handle". Where can I find one? He is working on a Nissan 240sx S13 (I think) and I wanted to buy him one for his birthday.

2006-11-30 09:33:37 · 2 answers · asked by has_been_mogirl 1 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I have noticed this mentioned alot with the Scottish class 37s. Is there any internal indiction for the drivers of which end of the loco they are in.

2006-11-30 09:32:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Rail

Everytime I start my car and drive, I turn my air conditioner on and smell a charcoal smell coming from the vents. It smells like diesel, smog or sulfur. A very strong smell. It reminds me of smog. It's not an egg smell and I never see any smoke. Also, it's ONLY when the AC is on. What could it be?

2006-11-30 09:31:14 · 6 answers · asked by Addison 1 in Toyota

I currently drive a Volkswagon, which I LOVE, and will miss terribly.

2006-11-30 09:31:09 · 30 answers · asked by volkgal 4 in Hyundai

Do you know some place where become a buyer member o something like this?
I appreciate your help! thanks!

2006-11-30 09:29:31 · 1 answers · asked by Intelectual 4 in Buying & Selling

All I Know is About The Code Is That It Says "UNABLE TO BLEED FUEL TANK PUMP"/ I've Taken The Van To MAny Mechanics But They Can't Exaclty Find Out What The Problem Is.
I Am Really Desperate To Fix My Van Because I Need For Work And My Family Loves It.
The Code Again Is (((P1450))) On A '98 Ford Winstar 3.8
Is It The GAS PUMP???
Or Any Other Piece
Any Help Will Really Be Apreciate It. Thanks

2006-11-30 09:29:11 · 9 answers · asked by Alex 3 in Ford

After a visit from a door-slammer (hard enough to make my ears ring), the passenger door on my 2-door 1994 Integra will not unlock. I have tried using the power lock buttons on both sides, the handle, the lock button, the key on both doors. All of these things lock and unlock the driver-side door, but not the passenger-side door. I tried jiggling the handle on the outside, jarring the door, pushing it in, everything but using enough force to break off the key or the button. I'm currently living overseas. Thanks.

2006-11-30 09:25:13 · 6 answers · asked by mb 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-11-30 09:23:56 · 10 answers · asked by Craig Z 1 in Rail

nor can I hear the clicking..However, when I activate my hazard flasher, I hear the clicking, but I still dont see lights. Im assuming I need to replace the turn signal flasher, but im not sure where its location?

2006-11-30 09:23:54 · 4 answers · asked by Michael a 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Give me ideas! Pls Car is looking plain and basic btw its CE

2006-11-30 09:20:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toyota

Is there somewhere to find a diagram for all the sensor locations on an 87 chevy celebrity? Thanks

2006-11-30 09:18:46 · 4 answers · asked by angie112070 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

I am about to get a 1999 Buick Century and I was just wondering if it is possible to get it done and how much it would cost and does it matter where i go to get it done? Should i go to a buick dealership or can i just go to a regular car shop? thanks for the help.

2006-11-30 09:18:40 · 2 answers · asked by The one who knows 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-11-30 09:15:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hyundai

2006-11-30 09:15:02 · 9 answers · asked by liordoron 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-11-30 09:13:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

Usually, when you go to a dealer, you’ll find that information for new cars right on the window of the car. I’ve seen a free site that can give you this info for used cars. Anyone know which site?

2006-11-30 09:12:02 · 3 answers · asked by Kelly 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I bought a car with my husband. We got the temp moving pass for 1 month from DMV, but it didnt pass the smog check. My husband went to the DMV to request an extended moving pass, and learned the numbers on the title and the car DONT MATCH! They said they cant issue a new pass, but offered no other advice. Not sure if he checked everywhere on the car for all the VINs. I called Reno Police and they said call the DMV. My husband said he will but he hasnt yet.
My question is:
1) where are all the places on a car (this one is a 1985 Mercedes 190-E) where the VIN is listed?
2) What are my rights in this matter? I made an expensive mistake by not checking the numbers. Will I go to jail? Should I seek representation?
Please, only serious answers. I dont want to be reamed about checking the numbers I have learned my lesson I just need answers here.

2006-11-30 09:11:08 · 13 answers · asked by Together 4 in Buying & Selling

I've got a 2002 Subaru Outback with what can best be described as a "galloping idle". The car runs fine (except for an occasional hesitation at acceleration), but when the car is idling, I can feel like the engine is revving up and down. When it starts, it's quite regular. Sometimes it's subtle, sometimes it quite pronounced. Sometimes, it doesn't do it at all. Naturally, that's usually the case when my mechanic is driving it.

I've had it in the shop twice and both times the mechanic has found nothing. I've replaced the fuel filter, the spark plugs, checked the air filter and flow, changed brands of gas, switched to higher octane levels and added fuel system cleaners. None of which have helped.

Has anyone encountered something similar to this? Have you figured out what may cause it?

2006-11-30 09:10:42 · 9 answers · asked by JR 2 in Subaru

i'm planning on getting either a 1964 or 1966 impala. im leanin more towards the '64. but tell me yall think...

2006-11-30 09:07:09 · 17 answers · asked by no_one_knows 2 in Chevrolet

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