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Cars & Transportation - 25 November 2006

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Going out for the night with the gals, what's the appropriate amount to tip the driver?

2006-11-25 12:08:31 · 5 answers · asked by dawn S 2 in Commuting


My friend gave me a car that belonged to her boyfriend. He passed away recently and she can't find any of the paper work for the car. what can I do. Can anyone offer any suggestions?

2006-11-25 12:01:14 · 6 answers · asked by rxgrl 1 in Insurance & Registration

i own a 95 acura integra 2 dr, stick shift, and when im driving, i hear a clunking sound on my right rear side, i recently had my tires rotated and an alignment, but the problem was happening before i got that, any help would be great!!!!, thank you

2006-11-25 11:54:17 · 14 answers · asked by help-please 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I ran out of gas one day last week and since then my car has not ran right I checked and chan ged fuel pump can i manually clean my injecters and if yes how ? THANK YOU 94 pontiac bonnivillee 3.8 l

2006-11-25 11:53:56 · 14 answers · asked by Michael R 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I understand 1 RPM is one paying passenger for every mile flown. But I don't understand the meaning of it. Is it better to have high or low RPM? For example Southwest has a higher number of passengers than American Airlines but AA has higher RPM than Southwest. Thanks for any clarification.

2006-11-25 11:52:14 · 4 answers · asked by BigVince 2 in Aircraft

Ive had this nissan altima since the day I drove it off the car lot and about 3 months ago the head gasket was blown, ever since that Ive been looking for a good mechanic that I can trust to work on the vehicle I live in Dallas,TX and have been doing some research on price quotes and the majorityt of them all was of course TrophyNissan.com they were asking for about $3,200.00 dollars, and the mest up thing is that my vehicle had a recall last year over the catback and also the head gasket which were blown out last year also, but I had a 1 year warranty on the both of them and now since that warranty barely passed me over a month im forced and screwed to pay off the vehicle and also the maintenance, anyways I realized why does it cost so much many places the labor cost more than the parts lol, if anyone from the DallasFortWorth,TX area knows a good shop that can stick within the budget for me about $1500.00 or cheaper than that please let me know this is affecting my life alot GODBLESS

2006-11-25 11:50:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

answer: a talented,old school body man doesnt know what a buffer is.i have painted 500 cars,i have never owned or even used a buffer.single stage baby!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-25 11:47:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

why do pilots fly at 30,000 feet? if im taking a flight from columbus to st.louis,there is nothing above 1,000feet between here and there.no need to be at 30,000 feet

2006-11-25 11:45:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Aircraft

2006-11-25 11:44:09 · 13 answers · asked by Crumulant 1 in Lexus

preferably a 1996 toyota 4runner?

2006-11-25 11:39:16 · 5 answers · asked by =] 1 in Safety

Every time I turn on the heater I smell some type of fragrance. My central nervous system can no longer tolerate ANY fragrance, perfume, or other artifical scents.

2006-11-25 11:37:17 · 6 answers · asked by wolfmom 2 in Ford

Essentially I have a feeling that my steel rims may be warpped. I don't want to just purchase new rims to find that they were good in the first place. Is there a tool to test for runout like brake rotors.

2006-11-25 11:35:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

If anyone knows, I would like to know where to find them?

2006-11-25 11:34:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anton the Nordic Bard 3 in Honda

The thermostate works. I think it may be electrical.

2006-11-25 11:34:05 · 8 answers · asked by djm749 6 in Chevrolet

The thermostate works. I think it may be electrical.

2006-11-25 11:33:13 · 6 answers · asked by djm749 6 in Chevrolet

I washed and waxed the hood of my '97 Monte Carlo with Turtle Wax Super Hard Shell Car Wax. I applied it with a 100% cotton cloth. I let it dry and then removed with a microfiber and then a 100% cotton cloth. The hood feels perfectly smooth and shiny like I wanted, but you can still see streaks left by the Turle Wax, the car has been taken good car of and the paint and clear coat are still like new on the hood. Any ideas on how to get rid of those streaks for the perfect shine?

2006-11-25 11:29:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs


2006-11-25 11:27:52 · 14 answers · asked by lds 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Well my tranny is busted and when I put it in Drive it slips completely on the 3rd of 4th gear. When I put it in "2" it drives perfect, but what are ALL the bad things that does to your car?

Also, how much should I sell this car for? Its a 1990 Chevy Blazer in fair condition, also need blinkers.

2006-11-25 11:21:26 · 6 answers · asked by alizonic 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have a 1992 Oldsmobile Cutlass Cierra with app.120,000 miles. Just the other day it started to squeak when I acelerated, almost like bird chirping, and then tonight another thing happened. I was idling outside of a store for abot 4 minutes, then turned the vehicle off. Next thing I know I hear a bubbling/boiling sound, opened my hood and saw that my engine coolant was EXTREMELY hot, and from where I was I could see it was somehow leaking onto the inner part of my front right tire and onto the ground, but could not see from where.....

Any information/suggestions will be greatly appreciated

2006-11-25 11:12:23 · 6 answers · asked by celtsbball3445 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

I don't understand why people run in the road when there is a sidewalk right there next to them. I see this all the time, even at night. I'll almost run someone over because they are jogging in the road, instead of on the sidewalk. Why do people do this? Don't they realize they could be hit by a car?

2006-11-25 11:09:18 · 34 answers · asked by sometimesyou 1 in Safety

Does anybody know of a stunt driving school in the PA,DE, MD, or NJ area.

2006-11-25 11:08:17 · 4 answers · asked by Meat 1 in Safety

2006-11-25 11:03:38 · 9 answers · asked by Matthew S 1 in Ford

Or why don't we export french cars to the US?
Nowadays, we have very good cars. As good as yours.. I'm always surprised to see in your streets a lot of ugly korean cars but no modern french cars.
For example Citroën C6 or Peugeot 407 coupé.
have a look :
for the Citroën C6 :

for the Peugeot 407 coupé :

They're far better than any other hyundai or Kia.

2006-11-25 10:58:06 · 11 answers · asked by Banbi 1 in Other - Car Makes

Twice my '06 Civic had trouble starting after it had been off for a long time. Would just try to turn over, and eventually it would start. Battery seems fine.

2006-11-25 10:57:40 · 2 answers · asked by jrdorsa 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

It has the four cylinder turbo and seems to be getting gas and ignition (will run momentarily if gas poured down throttle body). It ran and then was stored outside for a year and a half - also the digital dash won't light since being stored outside. I checked all the fuses and some of the relays - it seems the injectors are not firing - do not know what to try next. Thanks for any and all help.

2006-11-25 10:54:35 · 5 answers · asked by oatie 6 in Dodge

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