Ive had this nissan altima since the day I drove it off the car lot and about 3 months ago the head gasket was blown, ever since that Ive been looking for a good mechanic that I can trust to work on the vehicle I live in Dallas,TX and have been doing some research on price quotes and the majorityt of them all was of course TrophyNissan.com they were asking for about $3,200.00 dollars, and the mest up thing is that my vehicle had a recall last year over the catback and also the head gasket which were blown out last year also, but I had a 1 year warranty on the both of them and now since that warranty barely passed me over a month im forced and screwed to pay off the vehicle and also the maintenance, anyways I realized why does it cost so much many places the labor cost more than the parts lol, if anyone from the DallasFortWorth,TX area knows a good shop that can stick within the budget for me about $1500.00 or cheaper than that please let me know this is affecting my life alot GODBLESS
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Maintenance & Repairs