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Cars & Transportation - 25 November 2006

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2006-11-25 15:07:32 · 7 answers · asked by mrsladybugg@sbcglobal.net 1 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I have a 2002 honda accord vp. My mom washed the car and ever since the srs light has been on. Is there a way I can disable it or something?

2006-11-25 15:03:00 · 4 answers · asked by ashraf1472 2 in Honda

I own a 1997 Saturn SL2 that I bought as is from a dealership which was changed to a car repair shop. I was never really that fond of my car and the only reason I bought it was that my father had talked me into it since I didn't know much about cars at the time. I drove that car a few times and then I realized some problems...It had hot vapors steaming through the hood, there was oil allover the top of the engine and allover the sparkplug wire boots, it was spraying oil all over the top off under the hood and parts inside, as a result the oil got of the serpentine belt and pulleys and sludged up making it squeal under moderate acceleration. And I had a pool of oil under the car everythime I parked it! I've had the valve cover replaced numerous times with different mechanics and gaskets, I've had the pcv valve cleaned and I put on a new pcv hose and filtration stuff cause there was oil around that too. I've had the part under the valve cover scraped and more!
I just want it fixed!!!

2006-11-25 14:54:58 · 13 answers · asked by TiredOfSaturns1997 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-11-25 14:52:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Motorcycles

The interior lining is like a velour in pale grey. I don't want to use anything that is going to stain or come out in a mark six months later.

2006-11-25 14:52:14 · 4 answers · asked by Leigh15seconds 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Okay, now that my chevy got a blewn head gasket... were going to swap engines. We found a good one in pick n pull. so which is BETTER and FASTER pulling out the engine, or with the trans?

Pull out engine first and thats it?
Pull out both engine and transmission?
Pull out tranny first then engine?

2006-11-25 14:51:57 · 8 answers · asked by Ruski 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

I own a 1977 Monte Carlo and want to change the old fuse box the one it has now is the old school round glass fuses

2006-11-25 14:51:08 · 8 answers · asked by ? 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Flat bed paving truck, there is not a registered license plate on this truck at all. The company logo plate is on the front and the rear, as well as a John Deere license logo plate in the rear window. It just bugs me. His family's company is well known and used in this small Tennessee town.

2006-11-25 14:51:06 · 3 answers · asked by lubner45 1 in Insurance & Registration

I am looking for a nice "sporty" not that typical big pickup truck just the small ones. if you can, please put a url that i can click to look at or get info. about the pickup. i remember seeing a small, nice pickup but i do not know the make of it. it was either gmc or chevy.

2006-11-25 14:47:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Buying & Selling

I need help deciding what rims and what color? can someone help me?

2006-11-25 14:45:30 · 14 answers · asked by baby_gurly1619 2 in Honda

I have a 5.5 Hp go kart and I want to make it faster without hurting the life of the engine.

2006-11-25 14:42:59 · 6 answers · asked by U Know Me 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Why are people such angry drivers and are you one of them?

I met the “Road Rage Man of The Year” today. You know how people drive across parking lots instead of in the lanes like they are supposed to? Well, I was in the LANE driving like I’m SUPPOSED to and this guy was flying through the parking lot across all the lanes. I slowed down once I saw him because I’m a cautious driver and he sort of slowed down so I wasn’t sure if he was going to go though the lanes or not. He kept coming at me, so I honked at him and put my hands up in the air as if to say, “What are you doing?” WELL, this guy SLAMMED on his breaks and stopped right in front of my car and just started screaming at me. I, like any normal person, got angry at him for yelling at me when he’s the one that was driving illegally. Then he got even angrier and I just drove around him because those people are insane. I had never witnessed someone that angry before and it was very scary. He's the type that would shoot you!

2006-11-25 14:41:30 · 16 answers · asked by IKEA freak 1 in Safety

My sister and I are going to inherit my dads helicopters when she turns 21 which is next year, and when I turn 21 which will be a while. We want to sell them or just get rid of them because my moms broker and accountant says that they will cost us $ 200 for each operating hour and the maintance cost are supposed to be alot. I dont understand the whole "HOURS" thing because they keep using that term. Does it mean that for every hour that we fly it..we have to pay $200 to get checked? that doesnt make sense? what is an helicopter hour?

the helicopters are not here in the U.S they are in a private island in south africa. We only use them about 2 or 3 times a year. So does that mean we have to pay even when we are not using them??

2006-11-25 14:28:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Aircraft

Just bought a cool '02 Civic SI, but it was smoked in. A lot apparently as it reeks. ARRRRGGGHH. I don't want to just cover it up with wild cherry or bubble gum scent. Then it just smells like smoke skank and wild cherrys. Anybody found a way to really eliminate the smell? Hunter B.

2006-11-25 14:25:02 · 6 answers · asked by Hunter B 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

if you were to pick one which would it be
lambo gallardo
rolls royce

2006-11-25 14:22:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Car Makes

I got a dirtbike out of my neighbors garbage, He & I both have no clue what so ever as the what the brand is but I do know that it is an 80cc 4-stroke, 5 speed trans that is green and has Mikun Japan written on the side of the bike. I need a Seat, a chain, a Gas tank & Hoses, Rear Brakes, and Rear tire Axle. The Engine Serial # is DX080AE005A74 & the Bikes Serial # on the Frame is DX080A-005456, if someone could please give information as to where I can get these parts from, I would greatly appreciate it!!!

2006-11-25 14:15:36 · 4 answers · asked by butanebird91 3 in Motorcycles

A fellow wants to sell me some tires at an excellent price, but not being knowledgeable in this area, I am not sure they will fit. He has either some P195/75 R14's or some 185/70 R14's. Would either fit my car? Which one would better fit my car?
Should I pass on the deal? What does Aspect Ratio mean, in laymans terms?

2006-11-25 14:15:35 · 6 answers · asked by jeeveswantstoknow 2 in Safety

my tires say 42 psi on the side of the tire, but took the car to jiffylube and they said your tires need to be what the badge on the driverside door says which is like 34 psi. now my tires look real low and they sound like im burning out even on the smallest turn ( like a drive through).

2006-11-25 14:14:36 · 14 answers · asked by bpchevyguy 2 in Safety

I drive a benz now, had an Acura before that, and would like to go back to Acura. But if Acura is in the class of luxury why doesn't it get as much recognition as mercedes, lexus or BMW? Or does it? What do people think?

2006-11-25 14:13:04 · 3 answers · asked by feisty 2 in Buying & Selling


what is the most common way of average ppl getting their first car? How much did u pay for ur first car and wat is a good average price for a car that actually works?

2006-11-25 14:10:32 · 8 answers · asked by dane 1 in Buying & Selling

If possible how many horses will that put out to the fronts wheels?

2006-11-25 14:06:32 · 7 answers · asked by lowridr6 1 in Scion

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