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Administrative and Office Support · Financial Services · Food Service · Government & Non-Profit · Health Care · Law & Legal · Marketing & Sales · Other - Careers & Employment · Technology

I just turned 17 and i live in Texas, i work (mainly) 7days a week,i get 1 day off every 1 and a half weeks (sometimes), and work everyday, all day on weekends. I go to school Mon.-Fri., 7 hours a day, and as soon as i get out of school, im schedualed to go to work. Im just wondering if it is legal for my work to work me as often as they do, (no break usually) on average i work 38-42 hours a week.

Thank you for your help.
P.s. im just asking because my work has pretty much became my life, and my boss acts like its normal for me NEVER, to get to see Any of my family...not in the morning,at lunch, when i get out of school, or after work, because they are at work, or already asleep when i get home..im just a little stressed because neither my boss or supervisior find this to be a little rough on a 17 year old?????

2007-12-28 12:35:23 · 3 answers · asked by Queen 2 in Law & Legal

I am having a hard time finding a job. I am only 21. Even the Employment Agency said they probably won't be able to find me a job because of my poor work history. I have had 5 jobs all less then 8 months.

2007-12-28 12:20:09 · 3 answers · asked by x_kookoo4kokopuffs_x 4 in Other - Careers & Employment

2007-12-28 12:15:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

I started this job in October. I was told by my boss the other girl who would be working with me had admitted herself into a mental rehab facility due to a nervous breakdown and she is bipolar and other personal information, I did not feel I should know. After 2 weeks trying to learn a job-hard to be trained by her. I learned what I could as fast as I could. The other girl came back. I was looking forward to meeting her and learning from her. It turns out, she has been looking for different job because of the boss flat out told the other girl she did not want to work with someone who is bipolar. After 3 of being there, work ran short, and the boss told me she would have to lay me off until work picked up. It lasted for about 2 weeks. I have tried to learn all I can, but it is hard when it is not consistent. I missed 3 days this week, had a doctor's excuse. She says she is going to give my evaluation Monday. I have the feeling, I am going to be fired. What should I do?

2007-12-28 11:49:48 · 3 answers · asked by Julie G 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

I am 26 and I have had three jobs in my life, one in which I was at for 6 years another I had for two and a half years and my most recent job I was at for three months and I left that job for personal reasons. It has been over three months since I have had a job and it seems like no one is willing to give me a chance to prove myself. I am asking if I look like a job hopper and how to get past this and find a job?

2007-12-28 11:42:28 · 3 answers · asked by Mark 2 in Food Service

I have a bachelors degree in marketing, but haven't been able to use it to land a marketing job due to lack of experience. So I've been working temp jobs, mainly doing clerical work. All I seem to find are sales jobs, even thru monster and careerbuilder. I really don't want to do sales as I don't have the personality for it. I was hoping to find something more along the lines of creative, research, advertising, brand/product development, etc. but those jobs tend to want someone with experience. I live in Michigan which makes it that much harder. What cities are good for marketing besides NY and LA.? I'm open to relocation, preferably in the southeast. Is anyone out there experiencing the same thing I'm going through? If so, what did you do: did you eventually find the marketing job you were looking for or did you just settle for a sales job or did you just switch to a totally different field? I'm starting to regret that I chose marketing. Should I choose a different field?

2007-12-28 10:25:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

2007-12-28 10:17:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Care

I live in Denver, CO and I've been trying to get a job forever. =[

2007-12-28 07:44:49 · 6 answers · asked by Nestor 3 in Other - Careers & Employment

well, my hairs not very punkish, just sorta i guess, and i have like...8 peircings on my ears total XD So what job would not really give a damn about your looks lol? A job that's creative. And please don't say a painter and stuff like that LOL, cause i can't draw professionally if my life depended on it =[

2007-12-28 06:45:14 · 11 answers · asked by Barbara L 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

My current job sucks, my boss is extremely mean and rude. I have been trying to find a new job however every position I have been offered pays alot less than my current position. I really need the money and I can not afford the pay cut. What should I do?

2007-12-28 06:42:40 · 6 answers · asked by Guy's baby 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

The week before Christmas I was layed off from a job i have had for over 2 years, working at a hot tub store. I liked this job and it payed me well. ($9/hr) Recently the company has not been making much money. As a result, i was only working 2-3 days a week. WHich was tough because i have truck payments as well as insurance and cell phone bills and obviouslly gas. The week before christmas, i walked in and they said today is your last day, we are not making enough monay and have to lay you off. After 2 days they called me at home and said they would like me to be "on call" , so i would come in and work when it accommodated them. They said they will try and get me to work 1 day a week, which i believe would be enough to stop me from applying for unemployment. But i applied for unemployment anyway. I will be a full time student starting in the middle of january and can get a job in the spring(pool store) But i am not sure of what i can do until then. Any suggestions? Thank you

2007-12-28 06:21:26 · 6 answers · asked by jesse b 3 in Other - Careers & Employment

There's a local paper looking for journalists. I have a little expierence with a different local paper that's distributed monthly....I've done 3 articles for them. Anyway, this new paper is on a much larger scale but I want to get in so badly. My question is do I show up with my resume/cover letter/writing samples when I know the managing editor is going to be there and ask to give it to him directly? Or do I submit it via email the way the help wanted ad said? I only ask because its a journalism position, so I feel like being bold and showing up there would show my capability. Which do I do?

2007-12-28 05:52:48 · 6 answers · asked by mehmeh1111 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

I am a Stay-at-Home Mom and I need to go back to work because my family really needs the extra income. However, I have 4-year gap in my employment. It seems as though employers view this as the equivalent to having the plague. Because my children are ages 11, 7, and 5, I am looking for something flexible (and preferably part-time). I need something that I can bring home at least $200-$300 per week. I have six years of college and I am 3 tri-mesters short of my bachelors. I have plenty of work place experience, but employers seem to overlook all of this. Any suggestions for overcoming the resume gap or any suggestions for good employers?

Also, any suggestions on how to explain this to a potential employer? I am always uncomfortable saying I am a Stay-at-Home Mom, because I am just sure that this will be all they hear and judge me solely on this. I spoke to someone the other day & in the course of a 15 minute conversation I was asked 3 times "so, you haven't worked in four years?"

2007-12-28 05:28:32 · 8 answers · asked by blackdagger♥381 4 in Other - Careers & Employment

i cannot argue ,I know the answer to this question , as soon as I can .

but the thing is that I was hoping to hold down that job I had for atleast a month or 2 . Now that it's gone , I will need to use all my saved up money( from last 2 weeks ) to pay off my car ( 400) and insurance(200) . oh man...I think I am losing my motivation!! How should I Deal with this situation ?

2007-12-28 02:46:50 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marketing & Sales

He is sooo annoying. I mean, to the point where I want to poke my eyes out with hot needles whenever I have to talk to him. He works under me, and I TRY, I really do, to be nice, but he has to be the most annoying person in the world. Truly. HELP!?

2007-12-28 01:43:53 · 10 answers · asked by birdiegirl 3 in Other - Careers & Employment

A friend of mine is currently working in an engineering farm drawing a comfortable salary ,he works in machine maintenance and he knows he can go to the manager level pretty soon but the problem is that it is affecting his personal life, he works too hard as the field he is working on is entirely different from which he graduated, he is a bit lonely , all his collegues are his seniors , he dont get much time doing other things and he says he is saturated with the experience gathered from that farm, time and again he tells me that this is a dead end job, but he has mom and dad to support and he is afraid to quit this first job as getting this job has cost him much trouble and pain, what should he do?

2007-12-28 01:32:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

If you had a high school graduating class to advise about what's the field with the best opportunities, what would you say? Seems like we all have a "crystal ball" once we get old enough for a bit of perspective. Give it your best shot.

2007-12-27 23:36:09 · 16 answers · asked by auntb93 7 in Other - Careers & Employment

I will be a graduate nursing in May of 2008 and will be interviewing for RN positions soon. I am interviewing in hospitals and smaller offices. Should I wear a suit or just dress nicely? By dress nicely, I mean a nice pair of slacks or a skirt and a button-up collared shirt. I know the rule of thumb is to dress one step higher than what you would wear on the job, but I will be wearing scrubs so one step up is jeans to me. I'd never wear jeans to an interview! I think a suit may be too dressy, but I want to separate myself from the other people interviewing. Is it ever wrong to wear a suit? Thanks! :)

2007-12-27 17:37:16 · 9 answers · asked by Daisy 4 in Health Care

2007-12-27 17:29:48 · 1 answers · asked by Janice A 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

hello everyone

here r two professions that i love alot
but i wish to know which profession is currently better.

1....computer engineering

2...graphic designer (the one who creates animation and creates graphics for video games or animated movies).

thanks alot

2007-12-27 17:25:20 · 15 answers · asked by saad ahmed 2 in Technology

I am currently starting my education in the psych field. First my BA but how much more for a Masters? What can a mastrs do for me? Is being a Psychologist or psychiatrist worth it? Also I might be interested in becoming a RN. Is this better since less school and good pay? Any suggestions from experience? Please. and Thanks you!

2007-12-27 17:11:40 · 8 answers · asked by Ry 1 in Health Care

Im wondering what kind of education and whatever else I would require to become a script writer for television shows like The O.C.

2007-12-27 16:40:25 · 2 answers · asked by Tadman 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

I've earned about 60 PTO hours working full time, and at the end of next month I will be dropping down to part time. One manager told me that I would lose my PTO hours once I went to part time...and another manager told me I wouldn't. I wanted to just use them all next month but it's not really an option. I just want to be sure that I won't lose the hours I've earned. I work in California if that makes a difference.

2007-12-27 16:10:38 · 2 answers · asked by jessicakayyy 4 in Other - Careers & Employment

Career adivice::: How hard is the school?

Whats the job like?

2007-12-27 15:35:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Care

Trying to help my Mother find a better job. Right now shes working at a front desk for a doctor's office, and the pay isn't all to great.

2007-12-27 15:26:21 · 3 answers · asked by Jimmy D 1 in Health Care

I work in escrow, which is not so good right now due to the situations in the housing sector. I have some college education and make about 50~60K a year on this job. The way it's going, I see myself making little over 40K next year. I need something more stable and with similar pay scale at least. Please no criticisms, negative, and hater answers please. It is what it is and I just need some ideas for a new career without going back to school for lengthy time, which I cannot afford to do due to my circumstances.

2007-12-27 14:58:04 · 15 answers · asked by Passerby 2 in Other - Careers & Employment