I asked my director if was I entitled to a company pension similiar to what the other staff have.
Two days later he called me into the office, and replied "You offended me", and sent me home.
Can someone please tell me how he found that question offensive?
Here is some background; I was the lowest paid - clerical at $25,000 a year, all other were paid $50,000 and up, (professional workers).
I worked with them for 7 years.
I was apparently an important part of their organization
until it came to benefits.
He once asked me where I was am from, I said "born here in this country", he said YAH "but where are you from?".
The labour board determined I was an employee and compensated me for several years of vacation owed.
I am still devastasted almost 2 years later.
1) What was offensive about my question?
2) Was his remark racist? power issues? Ego? Greed?
Can someone tell me what was going on in his head?
Imagine, I suggested to him to apply for director job 3 year ago
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