Work here (Wales UK) typicaly pays about £200 a week. But if you dont work you get JSA (£58 a week), you get housing benefit (£65 a week), you dont have 2 pay tax on what you get (£20 a week), you dont need to pay to get 2 and from work (£25 a week), you dont need 2 pay for dentists, etc. (£7 a week), you dont need to eat so much because you are not working hard (£10 a week), you dont need 2 pay national insurance controbutions (£8 a week). So £58 + £65 + £20 + £25 + £7 + £10 + £8 = £193. Does this mean if you work for a typical wage here you will actualy be only £7 a week better off (200-193). Since normal jobs are 40 hours a week you will actualy be working for 7/40 = 17 and a half pence per hour. I don't know about you, but I value my time at more than 17 and a half pence per hour (for Americans thats about 9 cents per hour). And this calculation doesn't take into consideration the time it takes you 2 get 2 or from work either. The figures were aprox, but they R more or less right.
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