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Business & Finance - 27 September 2007

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i cant find the answer anywhere

2007-09-27 10:14:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Advertising & Marketing

me and my husband bought a house through an auction but the only thing is coming up with the down payment is about 12 thousand dollars can anyone tell us where we can borrw the down payment thank you

2007-09-27 10:08:10 · 15 answers · asked by cherieavon 1 in Renting & Real Estate

i need to see him fast i am in a lot of pain. but no money

2007-09-27 10:07:40 · 2 answers · asked by evalistinho 2 in Insurance

I want to know whether it is a scam? I could not remember that I have applied for the job and without interview and exactly telling about the job requirements, the job has been offered with abnormal salary?

2007-09-27 10:05:37 · 4 answers · asked by ranuamit 1 in Other - Business & Finance


2007-09-27 10:02:49 · 6 answers · asked by TriSec 3 in Personal Finance

I have been at my job for about a month and I hate it! (I have to do more traveling than I expected and I don't like the field of work I am doing). I'd like to find a new job in a totally different line of work.

I got a message from my supervisor that she needs to meet with me to discuss some things. I think there is a chance she could be firing me.

I applied at like 10 different place so far and listed my current job but always checked the "do not contact current employer" box. Maybe someone called her anyways?

I was planning on giving my 2 weeks notice as soon as I found a new job. But if I meet with her and it sounds like she is going to fire me right away, should I quit first? In that case should I give 2 weeks notice or can I just leave right away?

2007-09-27 09:59:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment


2007-09-27 09:55:47 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Corporations

The reason I am asking is because I have 1 suit!.....LOL

Avoiding looking like an idiot and wearing the same suit, I am considering going in with a shirt and tie.

Is this acceptable?


2007-09-27 09:55:30 · 11 answers · asked by Enlightenme! 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

I was wondering what kind of companies do not give their employees health insurance, besides temp agencies?


2007-09-27 09:50:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Insurance

I would like to open up a CD account and I am unsure of what a good rate is. I only want to invest between 3-$500 and for possibly a 6 month term. Is this unreasonable?

Also, I am looking to open a savings account that will also accrue interest and I am having trouble finding high rates. B of A offered me one that requires a $300 minimum and the interest rate is .02% APY. Isn't this ridiculously low? I spoke with an associate and she told me it is compounded daily and paid out every month. So if I deposited $300 would I be accruing only 60 cents per YEAR??? I hope I am misunderstanding these rates.

Please advise!

2007-09-27 09:50:22 · 5 answers · asked by Tiff B 1 in Investing

I'm looking into taking some courses to become a Database Analyst. What courses do you recommend? Did anyone take any online courses for this position and can recommend a website that offers courses?


2007-09-27 09:50:19 · 3 answers · asked by ferrickhead28 2 in Technology

i need to make an econ movie/commercial for a product or service...i have no ideas....i can put anyone in it....cousins....me...or friends.....help give me some ideas on what to do. it can be anything it just has to be a procuct or service (business, incase you dont know what service is).

2007-09-27 09:49:43 · 1 answers · asked by Liverpool F.C. #09 1 in Small Business

Invest or pay off debt.

2007-09-27 09:49:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

2007-09-27 09:45:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

2007-09-27 09:39:02 · 4 answers · asked by madeline j 1 in Corporations

i know that for long-term capital gain, we would be taxed at 15% of the tax bracket and for capital loss (regardless time frame), it can be tax-deductible for up to 3000.

however, let say this year, I've have lost 3000 in one stock, and 3000 long term capital gain on another stock. According what I have researched, these will cancel out one another. Is this true, or these two transactions can be recorded seperately according the the rule i described above.

in another word, the gain/loss is the net of investment or each transaction is applied toward the rule.


2007-09-27 09:36:34 · 4 answers · asked by Dreamer 1 in United States

I have a Roth with AXA that's only returned $400 on a $4,300 investment..is there any sector that would improve my growth?

2007-09-27 09:36:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

I recently heard a rumor that payroll taxes are a voluntary tax. There are stories going around that you are not required to pay any taxes out of your payroll check and there's nothing the government can do about it. According to the story businesses and coporations are required to pay the tax but individuals are not. Anyone have any thoughts or facts on this. If this is correct I am going to stop paying payroll taxes.

2007-09-27 09:35:49 · 12 answers · asked by rlowe1133 1 in United States

I'm a DJ and have mostly do minor gig's often for free. Kinda like a hobby. I have recently been asked to get into a weekly gig and the resturant want's my W-9. I'm guessing that's my SSN and related info. I was wondering what they will use it for and if it will require me later to pay taxes or if my tax liability would be taken from the check before I got paid. They need the info. soon so any help would be much appreciated.....

2007-09-27 09:35:01 · 5 answers · asked by Ray 2 in United States

I am a caricature artist. I met a balloon guy at a function I was working at he offered to hook me up with some work.
I got a call from some woman who represents him today offering me a caricature job for Saturday. I told him work for $75 / hr (which is actually pretty cheap for someone with over 10 years exp. but I already have a full time job and I like doing caricatures so I don't mind.)

Anyway, they want me to collect $135 from the client and mail them the entire amount and THEN they will mail me a check.

I don't mind if someone takes 20% for hooking me up with work but 45% is really a lot for making a few phone calls.
Also, I've been screwed by balloon people/magicians in the past and I'm skeptical about trusting them to send me a check.

How would YOU guys handle this?

2007-09-27 09:29:47 · 15 answers · asked by Stan 1 in Other - Business & Finance

My credit card bills are just way to high of a minimum monthly payment than i make a month....if i were to just stop paying them(i know my credit will be real bad) can they garnish my pay?

2007-09-27 09:26:41 · 8 answers · asked by reddheadnurse 3 in Credit

my ex wrote me a 250.00 check but it bounced or the bank returned it to ace cash express,im i responsible to pay for it or is he? can they take legal action on me,if so what can they do to me? now he is in jail for something else so will i be held responsible?please help with some answers

2007-09-27 09:25:29 · 4 answers · asked by conn1166 1 in Other - Business & Finance

as a Help Desk analyst. I have been in a complete different field for many years. I have my MCP and will hopefully be obtaining my MCSA and MCSE within maybe a few months. What should I expect to learn within this position? After maybe a year or two I plan on exploring my options because the company I joined does not have much room for advancement but I took the job to get my foot into the IT industry. It pays well and has great benefits. Is it fair to say that with the right training and experience I can possibly try to get a job as a systems administrator or a related position. Any advice will be great. Thanks in advance.

2007-09-27 09:23:18 · 7 answers · asked by ITmom 2 in Technology

I'm 21 years old. I run a hair saloon & have 5 employees. It has been a year. I find it lately my employees show disrespectness like, talking back to you in a rude way, many non-sense / unnecessary complains, lazy, refuse to do what you told them to, etc.
I'm thinking not to keep them anymore, but there won't be subs asap. There're 2 of them who have probs, one of them has a good skill.
I've tried to call for a meeting, in a middle of conversation they always have something to defense. In fact one of them show a very bad performance & not productive.
I've tried to give chance. But they prefer being lazy than practice.
Is this only a seasonal problem? Since this month has less customers than usual. Is that the right reason for them to not well-behaved? or...
Is this a common problem in business?
How to manage them? I see warning is useless.
or it's me too young for them?
probably they think they are in need.
how to show them that they aren't as important as they think?

2007-09-27 09:22:04 · 10 answers · asked by Freddy Jr 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

That's $300.00 after taxes, thanks in advance for your answers!

2007-09-27 09:20:02 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

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