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Business & Finance - 27 September 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

i am in high school and got a job which is best

2007-09-27 07:59:38 · 8 answers · asked by kbjhnsn 1 in Personal Finance

If you need experience being a manager in order to get a job as a manager or assistant manager, how do you get that experience in the first place?

It seems like all of the job descriptions I have seen for managers and assistant managers require past management experience. How do you get that management experience in the first place if you can't get a job management job without experience? Where do you have to start?

I would like to be a manager or assistant manager of a retail store.

2007-09-27 07:58:23 · 7 answers · asked by hplss.rmntc 5 in Other - Careers & Employment

They keep calling me and leaving me messages saying that they will take futher action if I don't make my payment, but I literally don't have any money until the 10th..

2007-09-27 07:58:10 · 6 answers · asked by Megan M 1 in Personal Finance

I am currently in the middle of a hopeful refinance. I have not paid my Sept 1st payment due to the ARM adjustment. I called the lender but they said they can not offer any help until I am at least 60 days past due. I am worried that they late payment will appear before my refi in complete and affect my credit score.

2007-09-27 07:57:50 · 5 answers · asked by adina_650 2 in Credit

The Fed keeps following a weak dollar policy, and the dollar keeps losing power. Now one Canadian Dollar is roughly worth one US Dollar. After World War I the Germans devalued the Marc to pay back creditors. With the US trade deficit, budget deficit, and war debt the only way the govt can keep up is by printing more funny money.

2007-09-27 07:56:44 · 5 answers · asked by stephen t 5 in Other - Business & Finance

My father died recently and he and my mother had life insurance which pays out on the first death. My mother, my sister and I are named beneficiaries. Do we have to pay tax on the settlement. It'll be about £20,000

2007-09-27 07:53:42 · 5 answers · asked by mazlester 2 in Insurance

Just recently, i took a hard look at myself. I realized that i dont have any special skill that other people might have. I dont have anything that i am really good at.

I'm a finance student. Will be graduated in 2 years. I dont know where will i ended up after that. I dont think i am knowledgable to work in any financial institution either. What i know about my study are those from the book, which cant apply to the real world situation. (especially investment). I've took a investment class but i still dont know how to invest money in the reality.

But i am not completely worst, coz i know a little bit of everything. But a litte bit of everything wont be able to make a living from that right?

Please comment on the person like me.

2007-09-27 07:50:45 · 5 answers · asked by fedor_fan 2 in Investing

$35000 a year (salary) = Hourly wage (40 hours a week) How do you figure that out 35000 divided by 34 weeks in a year or something like that...I forgot how to figure this out

2007-09-27 07:49:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

this broker wants me to pay him 4500.00 dlls.
to cancel agreement why? he is not doing any eforts to cell no open houses he don't return calls
when he do '' I call you back '' he dosent we sign and havent seen him thats almost 5 months ago please help us

2007-09-27 07:46:20 · 8 answers · asked by john f 1 in Renting & Real Estate

what is happening with gold and silver? just sit tight or sell? I also have some pladium, what should I do with that. Thanks, Jim Here.

2007-09-27 07:45:53 · 5 answers · asked by stars 2 in Investing

My home loan is ARM and due to go up in November. The equity on this home is zero so I can't refinance. I already spoke with my lender. Are there any other options before it goes to foreclosure? I already know we can't afford the increase in pmts.

2007-09-27 07:43:25 · 4 answers · asked by fern 2 in Renting & Real Estate

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* turtlemaster

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Union Job Security Question.?

I was hired as a high value clerk for UPS 5 weeks ago. I was hired because someone was out on workers comp and they needed a replacement. From what I have been told the person is returning in 6 weeks and I would be move to an unload position, which is 5-6 hours LESS per week, and .50-.75 less an hour. This is a total downgrade and I love the position I am doing now. How can I protect myself. I am currently paying my union dues.

2007-09-27 07:42:55 · 2 answers · asked by turtlemaster 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

I rrecently went to HR Block to file my 2005 back taxes on 09/04/2007. I am expecting a Return that I set to automatically deposit into my account, So, when can I expect to recieve it???

2007-09-27 07:42:40 · 6 answers · asked by BlessedBeauty81 1 in United States

Order number, address, vehicle, etc. minus financial.

2007-09-27 07:41:59 · 2 answers · asked by SD 2 in Other - Business & Finance

in the state of ohio

2007-09-27 07:41:18 · 9 answers · asked by gripgetter 2 in Renting & Real Estate

Due to loss of income my wife and I are looking at foreclose. We both have been unable to acquire new jobs that will pay near enough to sustain us. We are almost 6 months behind and have already vacated the residence in fear of finding it locked up when we get home someday. The property has been on the market for 7+ months. We continue to substantially reduce the price every 3-4 weeks but have had no interest. The banks lawyer has finally wrote us a letter of intent to foreclose. I talking with a friend we discovered that my wife is on the Deed BUT not on the mortgage. My friend doesn't think the back can foreclose due to this error. If so, this would give me some extra time to try and sell the property. Does anybody know if this is true?

2007-09-27 07:40:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

tryn to sell my home ,i set a price and the people went to the bank to see about getting a home loan to buy my home the man called back and ask if we would come down on the price because his intrest rate was gonna be high due to the fact that i had bought my home from a repo dealer. is this true that they can charge him a higt rate because of where i bough my home?or is this man tryn to get me just to come down on my price....i thought your instrest was due to your credit rating. thank you

2007-09-27 07:35:34 · 10 answers · asked by rose s 1 in Renting & Real Estate

My financial conditions has change and the computed monthly payments for my loan is no longer affordable for me.

2007-09-27 07:32:03 · 3 answers · asked by Noelle 1 in Renting & Real Estate

Got a friend thats a vetrain now she is disabled and tring to get disabilty started its been 8 or 9 months and no money coming in 2 months be hind on house and other bills needs help bad what to do

2007-09-27 07:31:06 · 2 answers · asked by superdave1760 2 in Personal Finance

too many banks charge over 30.00 in NSF fees if a person overdraws on their funds and I'm trying to find the lowest fee. Which bank? Thanks!

2007-09-27 07:29:56 · 8 answers · asked by marvieopiemkbooks 1 in Personal Finance

I have a check for $25,000 right now I plan to use to buy a portion of a bakery. This will not be for 1- 1 1/2 years so what should I do with the money in the interum?

2007-09-27 07:22:11 · 11 answers · asked by hellnocutco 5 in Personal Finance

I need someone to help me figure this out. I'm going to college 4 mornings a week right now and I'm working minimum wage ($6.15) at the moment at a Hot Topic but I'm working as a seasonal employee because I thought I was going to be caught up in school more, so I'm switching to full time. My girlfriend and I want to move in together and she's working at a restaurant as well and I have been thinking of all the budgeting to be done.

I was trying to do the numbers myself, but do you think we'd be able to get an apartment of our own? It seemed very likely to me but I think I need the opinion of people who know this stuff better. And yes... we are both young... 18 years old, but we are both the kind of people who are more mature and responsible than everyone we know, we both work hard and we both want to try start a life of our own.

Not trying to be rude but I don't want any negative, you're too young live with your parents for a few more years stuff cuz I've already heard it. = /

2007-09-27 07:19:10 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

if I buy about 500 songs on a music download website, am I going to get a credit card statement that's 100 pages long? Or will it just say that I bought x amount of songs for x amount of dolars on such and such a site?

2007-09-27 07:14:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

unployment? i live in georgia. it was a small real estate company with about 7 employees. thanks

2007-09-27 07:13:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

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