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Business & Finance - 27 September 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

Victoria Oil & gas ( London stock market ticker = VOG ) has agreements with russian gas & oil giant Gazprom, last year its share price was 77 pence a share, now it is 22 pence, it has a large number of oil wells it owns the liscences to 100 % , in Russia, its agreements with Gazprom are apparently unkown, could this be ripe for a take over in the coming few years, can i strike black gold ? if i invest in this company.

2007-09-27 02:18:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

In a 2 double bedroom house with a couple and a single person sharing, should the rent be split 3 ways or should the single person be paying more cos he/she is getting a big room to him/herself and the couple is basically 2 people for one room? So say the monthly rent is 750, split 3 ways its 250 each, so basically the single is paying 250 a month and the couple 500 a month.

2007-09-27 02:12:28 · 13 answers · asked by Melleigh 1 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-09-27 02:06:32 · 2 answers · asked by joan j 1 in Philippines

14 years and don't add a thing to it - what approximate balance will I have at the end of that 14 yrs? I realize that nobody can give me an accurate answer as it depends on the stock it is invested in. All I know is that it is a "conservative risk" stock with Vanguard Star fund and I guess what I wonder is what othere peoples opinions are as to what is the average rate of return.

Granted, I do plan on putting in a couple thousand each year (minimum) but would like a feel for what it can do for me. Thanks in advance to those knowledgeable and experienced in this field. I appreciate your opinion.

2007-09-27 02:04:00 · 3 answers · asked by lordydordy42 2 in Personal Finance

I've only work here for two months and a women (in her 40's) has done everything and everything from telling the bosses wife I don't answer the phone correctly to with holding information I need about customers. It is savatoge. Well, my boss noticed it and agree that she is setting me up to fail. This women has been here for years, so they must have know for a long time because this is not the first time she has done this to someone. Now, my boss wants me to come up with a tangible list of things he can present her with. All of the things she has done are so petty and childish, I'm not sure I feel comfortable discussing them. Not to mention once they persent them to her it will just make things worse. How should I handle this situation?

2007-09-27 02:02:39 · 9 answers · asked by ginger0793 1 in Administrative and Office Support

I’ve been self-employed for about a year now and I have recently started keeping more detailed expense records. Because I use my home and personal automobile for business related purposes a lot of my ‘personal’ and business expenses are crossing and I’m having a hard time figuring out how to keep my records. As I understand it, my Internet, Cell Phone, Rent, Electricity, and Mileage are all or partially deductible on some level. My problem is that currently I am using my personal checking account to make payments for all of these things. I do have a Business checking account that I recently opened as a Sole Proprietor under my SSN but haven’t started using it just yet. My question is should I use my business account to pay my Internet, Cell Phone, Rent, and Electric bills in addition to my fixed operating expenses and other standard business related payments? The only conflict I could see is that in some cases only a portion of those expenses are deductible. Will that be an issue?

2007-09-27 01:53:45 · 6 answers · asked by Keezee 2 in United States

Ok...Im just a nervous wreak. We are trying to buy a brand new manufactured home, through a USDA loan. We were pre-approved, and I sent in all the proper documentation to the mortgage company. They now tell me that they will send it to underwriting. Ok, she keeps telling me everything looks good, but I am still nervous....we have found the house, locked our price and done everything up to this point....is my odds good that it will go through underwriting. I just dont understand clearly any of this

2007-09-27 01:51:44 · 2 answers · asked by lurky77 2 in Renting & Real Estate

Does anyone know of interest rates of fixed term deposits of over 100.000$?

2007-09-27 01:47:33 · 2 answers · asked by gabriel k 2 in Personal Finance

Is it true that Landlord/ agents can not while i am still renting the property enter without me being physically present? I understand that they have to give 24h notice, but what if I am not around? Can people just walk into my apartment?

2007-09-27 01:47:24 · 10 answers · asked by eve 1 in Renting & Real Estate

Actually my question is this :

My friend is offered a "free ride" to a private school. All they need is her proof of independence from her parents, which means a few years worth of tax returns from both her parents and herself.

Her only problem is she's unwilling or unable to talk to her parents to get such paperwork.

So the question is, what other way can she prove her independence? I think subpoena is overkill, but can she have a divorce/emancipate from her parents? Is there anything you can do to show you don't live with them (far away), thus independent?

2007-09-27 01:46:42 · 4 answers · asked by Smartass 4 in United States

hi im 13 weeks pregnant and i has a few prawns the other nice they were cold and had ice on but i took the ice off before eating them.and im worried its effected baby. some people have said its ok and others have said its not please help

2007-09-27 01:41:40 · 12 answers · asked by charlieandbump2007 1 in Personal Finance

What causes this?..I need answers..Will it still go high?

2007-09-27 01:36:22 · 8 answers · asked by KevinJ 3 in Personal Finance

Who is responsible for providing a W-4 @ the beginning of employement? And if I'm not provided with a payslip on each payday, how can I obtain current witholding information? By law?

2007-09-27 01:36:21 · 3 answers · asked by rockydogg97 1 in United States

i recently bought something at bugis, the guy was good at sales talking a client,,,we were so trusting that the price he gave us is the lowest and the features of the items we bought are good only to find out later that the price he gave us much too high...and the technical specification of the item he told us was bogus....where can i report this?is there a way i can atleast have justice in this matter?

2007-09-27 01:24:35 · 1 answers · asked by cha eun jae 2 in Other - Business & Finance

I have never dealt with such a company before they are under handed and watch out or the small print.their mortgages have a redemption fee for the full term 25yrs of the mortgage but they dont tell you this .I am now taking them to the financial ombudsman ..is it me or has anybody else been conned by this firm ..oh and the brookers who sell you their products make about £4000 for signing you up......

2007-09-27 01:21:03 · 3 answers · asked by kathy_madwoman_bates 4 in Corporations

It's on www.rightmove.co.uk. I'm looking to buy my first house and I want to know if you think that it's good for the money and/or if you think it's a nice house. Sorry, but I can't work out how to get directly to the house so you will have to search for it.

2007-09-27 01:19:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

we are supposed to be moving this weekend into a house my husband's boss's mom (sorry) owns. we have given our 30 day notice at our current residence and need to be out of here by the 1st which is monday. we went over and looked at the new house over a month ago and they were doing some work on the house like painting, getting rid of the fireants, and fixing things up. my husband has been talking with them all along and they have been telling him all the stuff theyve gotten done, one of the main things was the carpet in one of the bedrooms was in terrible shape and they said they were replacing it, well my husband met with them last weekend and gave them more than half of the move in money and got the key so we could start moving stuff in this week so we wouldnt have to do it all in one day, they said they were almost done painting but we couldnt start moving stuff in just yet and they would call us when they were done, they never called us so we called them last night....

2007-09-27 01:10:32 · 3 answers · asked by domsmom701 3 in Renting & Real Estate

I was suppose to close on a loan today at 3pm and the loan officer calls me up last night at 6 pm and said that she didnt factor in the right amount on the real estate taxes, PMI, and house insurance. Now the payment she quoted us from the beginning and what was on the Good Faith Estimate has jumped $300. She says there is nothing else she can do? What are my rights here. I feel like she has done us wrong. I have paid out of pocket to put a contract on this house and for the appraisal and for the termite inspection. Now the night before closing she tells us all this. Please help!! We really want this house and would like to close on it but I cannot agree on what the payments have jumped to!

2007-09-27 01:09:28 · 9 answers · asked by reni768 1 in Renting & Real Estate

does anyone know if the envelope mailing business mailwealth direct marketing uk are legitamate they make a one off £49.99 admission fee but i dont want to lose money going into somthing if i dont know if it is for real.
so does anyone here know how this whole thing works

2007-09-27 01:07:31 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Advertising & Marketing

The property I'm looking at has been on the market for 9-12months and the lease cannot been extended, it just runs out. I really love it, but am unsure it is a good investment. It may not have sold yet because of this or because it is a flat in a rural location. What do you think

2007-09-27 00:50:32 · 8 answers · asked by Squiz 3 in Renting & Real Estate

My cousin is 26 years old. She has been changing job every years. She is now working as a social worker helping people with mental health problem for 9 months. She wants to quit her job again because she want to work for refuge camps agency. This is her last year in Grad Program. She is going to be busy with school, therefore, I told her to hang on to her job until graduate.

She did not want to take my suggestion. She thinks I am old fashion---I am very royal to my organization. I have been working at the same company for 3 years. I do not want to change my job until I will finish my degree.

Do you think it is a good idea to change jobs constantly? Will employer hire someone like me or my cousin?

Thank you so much for your kindness. Have a wonderful day.

2007-09-27 00:48:05 · 7 answers · asked by Hope 4 in Other - Careers & Employment


I am considering a job offer from Brisbane but do not have much information about Australia. Can someone please help me get started by answering (and ideally also providing useful URL's) the following questions:

1) In order of preference (cost of living being one of the key reasons, weather another reason) can you please list the Australian cities that you would recommend

2) What is a good salary for someone with about 10 years of experience in IT? What would be the ballpark salary figure that I should negotiate for?

3) What are the key perks/benefits that I should negotiate for?

4) Does having/not having Australian citizenship have any impact on the salary?

I'll be very thankful for a quick reply.


2007-09-27 00:45:46 · 3 answers · asked by SSKHAN 1 in Technology

I need names for a cafe, have to be something warm and have a special feel. Hoping to open the cafe chain in year 2008 in schools around singapore.....hopefully you guys can have a look at it

2007-09-27 00:41:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business


lets say that at the beginning of a job the employer gives you the employee handbook to sign, meaning that you agree to the terms, and in that handbook it states that if you come out short in the sales that you did, the employer will simply deduct that amount from your paycheck...if you (as the employee) sign it, does it still make it legal for the employer to do that?

i heard that it was illegal for an employer to do that? if it is illegal, by you signing does it make it legal for the employee to do that? but an employee handbook cant overrule a state law...

2007-09-27 00:33:15 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Legal

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