if you want to finance a house, does that mean you have to get a mortgage loan to pay for the house, and then pay so much per month to pay off the mortgage loan? I thought it was just like you pay the down payment and then get into the house, then pay so much per month for so many years (i.e. 15 or 30 years (depending on the length of your mortgage) until the house is paid for. I know that is how it is when you are buying a car-- pay the down payment, then you make payments to pay off the cost of the car. Is it not the same with houses? Also, is the down payment the only thing you have to pay up front when buying a house? like if I saw a mobile home that is $15,750 and the dowm payment is 10% of that, does that mean I could just pay $1,570 and then get into the mobile home?
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Renting & Real Estate