I have been doing tree work for along time! a guy higher up than me quit and my supervisor put me at his spot! I have been doing this crew leader job for more than 4 months and now all of a sudden my supervisor is going to let that man come back and is telling me that im not qualified for the job, but he sure did't mind me working that for the past 4 months if he did't feel like i was qualified why did't he take me of of it earlier, im only 21 and most of the crewleaders are 30's + my supervisor talks down to me like im a little kid and treats me worse than others cause im young, i have just as much knowledge if not more than the other crewleaders, its not fair to kick me to the curve just because im young!!! i don't act imature and i don't want to be treated like i am.
please help
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Law & Legal