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Business & Finance - 5 August 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

And how were your experiences, please? My husband and I have had a real hard time with jobs these past few years and we would love to pay off our debt but we can barely afford the minimum payments. We don't want to file for bankruptcy and have heard about creditsolutions.com, please, how were your experiences and is it like consumer credit counseling? Does it report negatively on your credit report? Thank you

2007-08-05 15:15:18 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

Can anyone recommend a good site for a quick cash loan?

2007-08-05 15:13:39 · 0 answers · asked by Budry 1 in Personal Finance

how can you sell your house FAST, like yesturday? Are there any businesses that buy homes and resell? Need FAST Help

2007-08-05 15:11:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

What exactly can you get tax-free during tax-free weekend? Is it just clothes and shoes? I thought all school stuff was included.

2007-08-05 15:04:19 · 9 answers · asked by af 1 in United States

Does anyone have this problem of paying more than what was initially agreed to pay on utility bills. And when u call an agent to solve why u r being charged more, you end getting confused by their explanation. For instance, initially I was told that my charter monthly payment would be $79.99. But now I am paying more than $100 a month. For my energy service I feel like I am being ripped off every month. On their statement, I get all these lists of payment&bill details which confuses me and ends up with no argument when talking to an agent. As for the cell service, it always feels like the minutes run out so quikly that I am forced to buy more minutes to fulfill my needs. All these utility companies are rip offs, do u agree?
By the way, I use charter communication, txu energy, and t-mobile.

2007-08-05 15:00:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I recently got a job working at Pac Sun in California, and unfortunately like any working person I must now pay taxes at the end of the year "/. However, at my job orientation we were explained to, and given a written document, that both said we are required to wear brands of clothing Pac Sun carries. My dad's an accountant and he thinks that clothes I may be able to get tax returns for clothes I buy at Pac Sun now, as they are being purchased for my work "uniform", so to say. Does anybody know if this is true?

2007-08-05 14:59:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

If I offered to teach you to make $100-200 a month online from home without spending anything what would you think about the offer?

2007-08-05 14:57:42 · 5 answers · asked by pirateatheart8 3 in Personal Finance

Does anyone know where I can get free office space for my nonprofits?

2007-08-05 14:57:28 · 5 answers · asked by Ryan H 1 in Government & Non-Profit

Is it best to work my way into a non-profit agency by volunteering, or would obtaining my master's degree in a related field be a better route?

2007-08-05 14:57:15 · 4 answers · asked by tiredbutwiredlove 4 in Government & Non-Profit

how long do you usually get after your stop mortgage payments before bank repo's house? 30? 60? days more? less? anyone know for sure?

2007-08-05 14:50:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

My wife study to and the school I want to go is to expensive for me

2007-08-05 14:49:12 · 7 answers · asked by joystudent02 1 in Personal Finance

I know I will have a deficiency judgement once house sell at auction (going to foreclosure soon) since prices have dropped in market this house is at. I was wondering what are the chances that they will go for my assets?? I spoke to them only once and asked them if they would try and actaully take my money if the house sells for less ( was asking about shortsale) and they said no, that they would only note on my credit score that i have a deficiency judgement and will be there for 7 years which i dont care as long as they dont take my money so im thinking and hoping no. Also the house i live in is under wifes name, will it affect her? It say on the papers the sue is against me and unknown spouse.. but i was unmarried at the time! Can they put a lean againts where i currently live its under her name only. do the banks actually take money out of your account or paychecks how does it work and is it common them trying to collect the deficiency.

2007-08-05 14:48:35 · 5 answers · asked by Fernando C 1 in Renting & Real Estate

am currently a college student and thinking about gettin a credit card...what do i need to know like interest rate and stuff inorder to get the right one

2007-08-05 14:48:29 · 9 answers · asked by juslovepink 1 in Personal Finance

I know this might sound like a dumb question, but I am just wondering. I just got a new job and I can't find my ss card any where and believe me I have looked every where. I know that I can request another but it takes 10 business days to get it and my first day is tomorrow and they expect for me to bring it in. So what is the worst that could happen if they have to wait for it. I really need help with this one cuz Im goin crazy here.

2007-08-05 14:47:18 · 16 answers · asked by Jen 3 in Other - Careers & Employment

Survey- would you agree to a lease option on a property you want to live in, even if it means paying $300/month more than rent-going toward the principal?

2007-08-05 14:46:05 · 4 answers · asked by Lion J 3 in Renting & Real Estate

If you have 25,000 in your account it says that you can leverage it by 4:1 so you actually have 100,000 daytrading buying power. Do you get charged interest on the 75,000 thats not in your account?

2007-08-05 14:44:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I don't want to seem unqualified, because I know I'm not. But is there a specific way to let a potential employer know that you've been raising a family for the last 7yrs on your resume?

2007-08-05 14:42:21 · 2 answers · asked by chicana mama 1 in Other - Careers & Employment


..What does it mean when a house is in a co-signer's name instead of the seller of the house? We are the buyers....does the seller still get money or not? Also why did they do an appaisal on it? and does this mean seller has to move? (The seller is talking about suing the loan officer,why?) Please answer all questions...:)

Additional Details

17 hours ago
The seller inherited the house from her parents when they passed away.U need a co-signer for that? Also she owes the bank a bunch of money,they say they gave her money to fix the house up but she never did. She is bankrupt & is trying to refinance. Can she do that?
Up till now I guess the house was in her name..suddenly,now,it's only in the bank's name. Does that mean it's a foreclosure or they did that on purpose so we can close on the house already/ what happens to her..does she still get the money or no,and does she have to move out now?
Please revise your answers.....;)

2007-08-05 14:38:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

My landlord owns a 2 unit duplex. The units are only joined at the garage (i.e. each unit has it's own garage). Other than that, there is no physical connection, but they do share a common driveway. Is it possible to parcel one unit as a separate property and sell it?

2007-08-05 14:37:38 · 6 answers · asked by zen29sky 1 in Renting & Real Estate

Hi: My boyfriend filed bankruptcy about a year ago. We are talking about getting married. Does this affect me if we do? Does it affect my credit and buying a house?

2007-08-05 14:35:39 · 8 answers · asked by Jennifer B 3 in Personal Finance

the program is how to play forex market , is it wort it? are there
any other programs?

2007-08-05 14:30:46 · 8 answers · asked by monti 1 in Investing

A website that you can buy homes that were taken due to non payed takes.

2007-08-05 14:28:40 · 1 answers · asked by Ryan M 2 in Renting & Real Estate

Hi, my husband and I just got married this year- I worked full time from Jan. through June, and will be a student for the rest of the year. I have also just taken out a student loan for this fall. My husband will have worked under the table the entire year- so his income is untaxed. There is no record. Technically he does not work. (Oh and he is not a student either.) We have lived together the entire year- how does the dependent thing work? And would it be better for us to file jointly or seperately this coming Jan.?

2007-08-05 14:24:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

Which online stock trading service is the BEST and which is the most beginner friendly?

I have no stock trading experience and I have a very limited budget to invest.

2007-08-05 14:21:57 · 10 answers · asked by gvargas227 1 in Investing

I am currently behind on my mortage payments and owe last years taxes and the only way i can fix it is if i sell my home or just let it go which i would hate to lose it. I would much rather try to sell it but i don't know how to go about it..What do you suggest???

2007-08-05 14:18:43 · 5 answers · asked by kristin p 1 in Renting & Real Estate

...say $40k, what % of that would I need to set aside for taxes?

2007-08-05 14:13:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

I am facing default on my student loan. I cannot afford the $500 per month payments they want. Does anyone know if there are lawyers who handle this sort of thing? I cannot file bankruptcy, so that's not an option. I called Care One Credit, and they can't get my payments lowered. I want to make payments, but just not $500 per month. Any ideas?

2007-08-05 14:11:59 · 1 answers · asked by Rob P 1 in Other - Business & Finance

it asks for my deposit type and gives me the option of amount, percent, balance. I don't know what that means. Then it asks me to fill it the amount/percent number. I don't know what that is either. Maybe it wants to know how much of my paycheck it wants deposited into my checking account, I don't know, please help if you know the answer

2007-08-05 14:11:32 · 6 answers · asked by V for Vendetta 1 in Personal Finance

fedest.com, questions and answers