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Business & Finance - 5 August 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

Like, the more you buy from the store, you get like $10 to spend for that store or something.

2007-08-05 04:47:30 · 1 answers · asked by Aly ♥ 3 in Other - Business & Finance

I will have lived at my primary home for 2 years in December. I want to get a lot line adjustment and basically sell my large backyard as a buildable parcel. I don't know if this helps, but my home came on three city lots and we are reducing it to two and selling them separately. It seems that since I am reducing, I shouldn't have to pay capital gains taxes. I am married and the value of both lots is less than the 500k allowance.

2007-08-05 04:46:23 · 7 answers · asked by Jungle Princess 2 in United States

Say you signed a 1 year lease in March of 2006, for 1 year. That meaning your lease is up March of 2007, so anything stated in the lease is not valid correct? Also, say you are planning on moving in August, by the 15th. Is it legal to tell give landlord 2 week notice that you will be out by the 15th of August and to use your deposit to cover half the month's rent and use the rest of the deposit for if they have to fix anything.... does that mean we have any legal obligation to the landlord? Can the landlord take us to court and WIN?? Is this legal???

2007-08-05 04:44:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

I just finished watching a documentary on Dubai and it stated that companies that are based there pay no taxes. If this is true then how does Dubai make money from the companies? Do they require you to employ a certain number of Dubains or do actual business in Dubai. In America once your company gets into the millions you are taxed 50% of your net income. They have to charge something or else every company in America would move there. So whats the catch?


2007-08-05 04:37:23 · 3 answers · asked by Romell M 1 in United States

We bought a house in Houston three months ago for $169K. After the purchase, we sent in a request to the County Tax office to transfer the property to our names. Today, we check the County Tax office website and find out that the property has been transfered to our names. However, the appraisal of our property is shown at $179K. Can we protest the appraisal from the County Tax office by showing them our purchased price? By the way, the tax value of this property was $162K the last two years.

2007-08-05 04:32:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

For instance, for farmers exchanging cotton for eggs or corn, when no cash is used in the transaction? Is there an analog to a sales tax?

2007-08-05 04:29:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

I'm a first-time home buyer, and trying to follow proper home-buying etiquette. I've gotten mixed messages about whether it is OK or not to work with two realtors at once. Some have told me it is so long as you keep track of which realtor showed which property. That way, if you end up purchasing, the correct realtor is compensated. I've not signed any exclusive contracts with any realtor. I have two that I like. Both are helpful, professional, etc.
So, what is considered proper within the industry? Is it OK as long as I make sure both realtors realize I'm working with another agent as well? Some people have told me that realtors know customers might be working with others, and it's not a big deal.
I'm trying really hard to not step on anyone's toes and I've gotten too many conflicting answers so far. Please help!

2007-08-05 04:28:29 · 10 answers · asked by First Time Buyer 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I know this is a stupid question, but when I am applying for a job, what do I put under name of employer for my work experience? My name or the person who had hired me?

2007-08-05 04:10:27 · 6 answers · asked by Irrelavant 3 in Corporations

if a person gets lost in a plane crash........will his/her family get its claim??????? if yes how much???????

2007-08-05 04:08:07 · 10 answers · asked by tinggipinggi 1 in Insurance

the judge told me to pay up back rent by 8/15 and then do order to show cause why i should be allowed to stay in apt. eg succession rights stepsisters apt, made contribution financially and have lived there for 4 yrs have proof. the judge did not give landlord what landlord wanted for me to be evicted because i am a squatter according to landlord, even though i paid several checks in my name and they cashed them. the problem is i dont know of a government agency that is willing to assist me without a lease. i have small children

2007-08-05 04:03:53 · 5 answers · asked by marcia a 1 in Renting & Real Estate

currently i am doing course in cad/cam . experianced personalities please give me the path to choose my carrier to develop in the field

2007-08-05 04:00:26 · 3 answers · asked by Sathish S 1 in Technology

We have been out with a realtor twice to see several houses. We have decided we would like to put a bid in on the house and put our on the market. We were looking into a different realtor because ours is not as available as we would like. When I tried to let her go, she said that we could not legally buy the other house without her since she was the one who first brought us to the house. Is this true - even though we have never signed any kind of contract with her? Is it a NJ law? Or is it an ethical thing? I feel trapped with someone I don't have full confidence in.

2007-08-05 03:59:47 · 17 answers · asked by beachbumtchr 1 in Renting & Real Estate

Tiz z my situation: I m a succesful businessgal in Brazil. My business iz producing n manufacturing coffee. The country i choose to venture in iz Malaysia. I will import the raw material from Brazil but will hav my own plant in Malaysia to do the processing n packaging. So i wanna knoe who the main competitors in Malaysia which iz involved in the same industry.

2007-08-05 03:58:36 · 1 answers · asked by coolgirl_tv 1 in Corporations

A person's credit score now days determines what they can and can't own anymore, and the way it works is compltely backwards, a person that has hardly any debt at all will be pentalized verses a person that is in debt up to the neck, doesn't make since.. I sold a house once and decided to pay off three credit cards I had at the time, and some other bills, so I did and then went out to buy another House, well my credit score dropped like 200 points almost after selling my House and paying those bills off, so I had a hard time getting a Home Loan after that. I just don't think your life should be ran by a company that no one knows anything about (actually 3 companies) I just think it should be against the law for them to sell your credit history and make money on your behalf, and most of the time alot of there info is wrong and most people don't even know it.

2007-08-05 03:54:59 · 14 answers · asked by Carol 4 1 in Credit

I am currently applying for this job at a children's museum and they are asking me for my work experience. I babysit my nephew every Thursday and get paid $10/hr. Is that considered a job that I can put on my resume?

2007-08-05 03:50:59 · 8 answers · asked by Irrelavant 3 in Small Business

I'm interested in buying an invesment property but the home needs a little work. I'd like to get a Home Equity Loan to cover some of the renovation costs. Would I be able to get a Home Equity Loan immediately after closing on the mortgage? If not how long must I wait before being approved for the Home Equity Loan?

2007-08-05 03:45:47 · 11 answers · asked by sdavid79 2 in Renting & Real Estate

Trying to repair credit am going through debt consolidation for credit matters but my budget is straining for household bills need a small loan to straighten everything out and get out of hole.

2007-08-05 03:29:15 · 7 answers · asked by chillax 1 in Personal Finance

You know what I'm talking about. Some guy has a proven system that allows you to make a lot of profit off real estate with little or no initial investment and you have to buy the tapes and the books and the program. Does that stuff actually work? I'm really lazy and I don't want to actually work a real job.

2007-08-05 03:28:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I accepted a job at a local dealership as an accountant. The pay is $35,000 to start & I have to work Monday thru Friday, 8-6, & every other Saturday 10-5. When I interviewed with the current controller & her boss, they explained that I would eventually take over the current controller's position. However, I have been there two weeks, & I have ascertained that the current controller is a TOTAL CONTROL FREAK. She has wanted me to do deposits, book deals, etc, basically the stuff the clerk does. She refuses to show me anything she does on a daily basis. Now I realize I have been there only two weeks, but I have worked for a dealership before doing the same thing. She also set up the accounting system & it must be followed EXACTLY as she has it. She lets me know daily mistakes I have made. I really do not think this lady will leave & if she does, is she going to give me autonomy or micro manage me? I think the job gives her purpose & also did I mention she is the gf of the owner?? Advice?

2007-08-05 03:16:01 · 5 answers · asked by Bubba Sparks 1 in Administrative and Office Support

How to start the scrap business? As a resident of Singapore, is it right to export from here or import scrap to here?

2007-08-05 03:13:32 · 3 answers · asked by singaivasan 1 in Other - Business & Finance

i am in engineering (manufacturing) field..i got very good orders but workers are not giving output as i want..if they work sencierly i can earn more..laws always fevers workers..not possible to recurit new staff, all workers are working here more than 15 yrs..if i fire them they will ask their rights....i am very depressed ..dont knw what to do? often visits temples and pray to god..but no result...pls tell me what to do? i can see in workshop that what work they are doing in a day it is really just done by few hrs....pls ..pls help me how to settle this

2007-08-05 03:09:55 · 4 answers · asked by vyas agro v 1 in Small Business

Married filing jointly both on chapter 13. am full time employed.
have other deductions such a mortgage, state tax charitable etc.

2007-08-05 03:08:18 · 3 answers · asked by mschrepp 1 in United States

Our home was remodeled in the 70's and is now much larger than the original plat shows. How do we fix this info so that when its value is researched online, the correct configuration of the house shows up?

2007-08-05 03:04:13 · 3 answers · asked by Lindsay C 1 in Renting & Real Estate

Is there a good website that lists all forclosure properties, or even auction homes but i cant tell which listing sites are legit and wich ones just collect a fee for public info, and is there a government listing for forclosures ,,,,,,,,,,,,you get the idea of what im looking for, reliable cheap info, can you help?

2007-08-05 03:03:04 · 5 answers · asked by error file not found 404 2 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-08-05 03:01:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Corporations

I am a W-2 employee. If I want to start a side business and incur a loss at the end of the year, can I write off the loss? If allowed, how does the write off work?? And does it matter if it's a sole proprietorship or corporation?? Thanks

2007-08-05 02:50:56 · 5 answers · asked by Bob K 1 in United States

fedest.com, questions and answers