I am on state disability, not very good credit, can't borrow any money because of my income. The creditors will not help me, they are harassing me. I need to get money without having to pay it back. I refuse to do debt consolidation-they did not help me. Can't do loans. I need money with no strings attached. I can't ask friends, neighbors, or family members. They will not help me. I have already tried Housing, county places, no one wants to help me or can help me. I am getting desparate here. I am trying to get my business up and running, and it's taking longer than necessary. Can anyone help me with this. I need about $15,000-this is all bills, and 1st student loan(have 2). And a few months of rent(to pay ahead of time), plus business expenses. I need in other words, like a Barter exchange or an "angel" to give me money without any strings. I can work at home. I have secretarial skills, bookkeeping skills, and etc. Please help me! email me at alloura3@usa.net
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Personal Finance