I gave 5 1/2mo. notice that I was quitting my paralegal job to go to law school. The job was really sketchy and had a lot of ethical problems, but I really loved doing the work. I noticed that getting close to when I was going to quit, they had not even begun looking for a replacement. My boss was in denial and kept saying that I could do the cases even while I was in school, he even told me not to do my homework They hired a replacement on my last day. Her writing skills were not good enough for the job and she was not getting the work done. My class work was very demanding so I could not keep working. Plus the dean and the American Bar Association forbid my working during my first year of school. When I sent my boss an email asking him to get someone else, he never wrote me back. After a few months I asked his wife the "office manager," if I could have a reference and she did not reply to my email. What can I do to prevent this from ruining my career?
2 answers
asked by
Cynthia W
Careers & Employment