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Business & Finance - 8 December 2006

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

Anyone know where they could be found? My friend has his bachelor's in cinematography and wants a job where he can use his education. He also has a lot of grip experience. Please give leads, links, etc. for the city of St. Louis, MO.

2006-12-08 16:30:15 · 1 answers · asked by tomato 3 in Careers & Employment

i would appreciate if u'll gimme the resource (only websites) of ur answer

thank u in advance

2006-12-08 16:29:01 · 4 answers · asked by L0cA Ch!Ca 1 in Careers & Employment

Hi Friends,

I am from Vance bioenergy Ltd and we are producing and shipping our Palm Methyl Esters to Europe and American country, I am very keen to to know is there any reliable one producing Jatropha Oil? there are been a big talk about this crop, has only one really has the ability to ship the Oil?

2006-12-08 16:23:10 · 1 answers · asked by arl127 2 in Other - Business & Finance

I look at credit card (dumb I think) the business is up and running but I need money for advertising and some more equipment any ideas. working a second job full time and it is killing me

2006-12-08 16:20:31 · 1 answers · asked by mitchelljmitchell 1 in Small Business

training institutes,opportunities abroad,remuneration,career ladder

2006-12-08 16:13:56 · 5 answers · asked by ashish m 1 in Careers & Employment

I am working in reliance as a security executive and I have experience of 2 years.

2006-12-08 16:10:17 · 5 answers · asked by sheilendra 1 in Careers & Employment

The preferred stock sells for $60 a share.

What is the preferred stock’s required rate of return?

Please tell me how you came up with the answer.

2006-12-08 16:09:14 · 2 answers · asked by marcusviii_bloodfin1 2 in Investing

mr dutta a partner of xyz enterprise, has earned Rs.96000 as a salary, Rs10000 as commission and Rs20000 as a share of profit. the taxable income of mr dutta is....... ? following answer


2006-12-08 16:05:04 · 1 answers · asked by avijit 1 in India

I really need money fast, where can i get free money, it's not fair how the celebraties have so much money or oprah have this billions while I can barely afford to buy ramen noodles for dinner, anyway are there any rich people out there willing to give me money? If 50,000 people gives me a dollar each that would be really good, it's not hard at all in their pocket while at the same time it's enough for me and my family. Thank you

2006-12-08 16:04:04 · 10 answers · asked by fazion 1 in Personal Finance

I currently live in Louisiana and I hear all of the time about people that run businesses in one state, yet the incorporate in another state. I have a financial company that is internet based and does business nationally. In Louisiana there is a state income tax and it would really help me to avoid that extra tax. I must be clear in saying that I have no problem paying taxes and I am not looking to do anything illegal or for that matter even questionable. Can anyone give me some sound advice from either what they have done or from their professional knowledge? At this time moving is not an option, but it could be in the future.

2006-12-08 16:00:41 · 2 answers · asked by montanamike 2 in Small Business

2006-12-08 15:56:51 · 1 answers · asked by aykutdilmac 1 in Careers & Employment

Basically, I want a wealthy husband.

Applications here please!!

2006-12-08 15:56:51 · 16 answers · asked by Just me 4 in Other - Business & Finance

The area is 8 miles North of Brady Tx. at 6645 U.S. 377 No. West side of road across from Co. Rd. 476 Ihave a partial Survey Platt but aeril view would be helpful Nedd to post pictures along with my Realtor Mike Barber at Cross Bar Land Co. Brady Tx. 325-792-2262 fax 325-792-2257

2006-12-08 15:54:25 · 4 answers · asked by kgil377no 1 in Renting & Real Estate

The rise and fall of share prices have no direct impact on the worth of the underlying company. So why does the success/failure of the company have a direct impact on their share price?

2006-12-08 15:50:58 · 4 answers · asked by dm032 2 in Corporations

Im working in a hotel industry as an HR Assistant and require urgently staffing of people in front office , call-centres, telephone operators, guest relations, human resource executive and butlers.
Please help me in doing the same as early as possible

2006-12-08 15:48:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

2006-12-08 15:47:55 · 1 answers · asked by neo2004 1 in Other - Business & Finance

I am in the process of buying a home. In my contract it states that the seller is to pay the title insurance. The cost came out to $562. I got the paper that displays all the figures and whatnot from the bank after my loan was aproved. It says that the seller is paying the insurance on the title. Now i get a call from the bank and from the realitor telling me there was a mistake made in the contract and that I am responsible for it. I think that its in the contract what is done is done. Can I shaft the seller with this money?

2006-12-08 15:45:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

i just found alot of saving bonds my deceased father left me. and there all 100 dollers each from 1989. are they worth more now? my friend told me they are worth alot now but im not sure? does anyone know how much they are worth now?

2006-12-08 15:42:55 · 5 answers · asked by yayareaplayah 1 in Investing


I have a pool of entrepreneurs with great ideas who have come to me in search of business management expertise and investment capital. I have the expertise to manage their businesses, and plan to have them outsource the business adminstration to me. I will gladly except shares in the organizations opposed to direct pay. Any investors out there lacking an outlet? If so, I'd like to make the introductions.

2006-12-08 15:42:32 · 1 answers · asked by Jonathan 1 in Small Business

I came here in the US from taiwan with a degree in marine engineering, but my uncle owns a restaurant and I got stuck working for him doing waiter and everything else he wanted me to do, after 5 years of bad treatment from him I finally quit, but now I dont have a job and all my experience are about waitering, I want to do something else but what can I do? i live in a dry land and the nearest water is 10 hours away, I'm running out of money can someone help me think of a way to make ends meet? I'm scared of working for someone else now, I would really want to start my own business I just dont know how to do it and what kind? Any sudjestion would be a lot of help. Thanks

2006-12-08 15:40:52 · 5 answers · asked by ben h 1 in Careers & Employment

Does anyone know of any resources or sites that gives information on renters rights. My situation is a little different from the other sites I have seen. Let me explain, My landlord and his family moved out of state and offered to rent his house to me and my family. I was currently renting a home from another landlord, which this rental was cheaper so I agreed and signed a years lease. We have been renting from this new landlord for 3 months and paying rent on time. The owners are now moving back home because they don't like it were they are at. I'm a little concerned that they will try to evict me and my family, therefore, I need to know my rights just in case.

2006-12-08 15:40:05 · 3 answers · asked by ksoul 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I have an American Express charge card and i need ALOT of gift cards for the holidays.....Can I buy them? Which ones? The ONLY one that said I could was victoria secret.....And is there any chance of them freezing my charge card if i do so? (AMEX is known to freeze accounts for stupid reasons)

2006-12-08 15:39:49 · 5 answers · asked by thicknsexy954 2 in Credit

I work in an ER and we somtimes get close to one another or bump up against one another when we work together. However, lately I have notice one of my male co-workers keeps bumping into me in inappropiate ways and he never says excuse me. An example, the curtain was drawn around a patiens bed and there was little space, he decieded to go around me and I felt his penis brush across my butt, he did this twice within a few minutes. As we stand around the nurses station he put his hand in the small of my back to speak to me and was very close to my face which made me uncomfortable. This certain male co worker reaches across me and hits my breast (which are large) and his hand has accidentially hit my butt a couple of times as he has been standing next to me and he has never said excuse me or sorry. I have told my boyfriend but unsure of what to do next . My manger is female, I'm the new employee in our department I don't have close contacts at work that I feel that I can trust . What 2 do

2006-12-08 15:37:37 · 8 answers · asked by nene 3 in Careers & Employment

I see jobs that are targeted to Aboriginal Groups in Canada and if you are not a member as defined by the Employee Equity Act, you are automatically excluded if you do apply. (The legal basis for this flows from the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA), the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA), and the EEA) Other employers could be looking for a certain gender or age or ethnic group etc. Is this fair to those who ARE a part of these targeted groups? Or just unfair to those who could not apply by reason of their heritage or date of birth or genetics? Explain why you feel these hiring practices are fair or unfair. (specifically regarding these types of hiring; not out of country hiring practices)

2006-12-08 15:32:14 · 3 answers · asked by Cariad 5 in Careers & Employment

I have a large amount of debt that I am unable to pay. I want to file bankruptcy. Let me start by saying I am ashamed to be in this situation so, please do not bash me, just please provide sound advice.

There are two debtors that I would like to continue paying on. One of them holds the pink slip to my car (my credit union) and the other is a credit line that is owned by my grandfather but he put my name on it to use.

Can I file and not include these debts?

Please help, thanks!

2006-12-08 15:32:10 · 7 answers · asked by Sizematic 1 in Personal Finance

for the resturant Zaxby's and I need help to make a good impression at my first interview with them.
I have never had a official job before and really would
like to get this job does anyone have good interview
tactics and stratagies for me to use?

2006-12-08 15:29:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

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