I really need money fast, where can i get free money, it's not fair how the celebraties have so much money or oprah have this billions while I can barely afford to buy ramen noodles for dinner, anyway are there any rich people out there willing to give me money? If 50,000 people gives me a dollar each that would be really good, it's not hard at all in their pocket while at the same time it's enough for me and my family. Thank you
10 answers
asked by
Business & Finance
➔ Personal Finance
I am with ya on this one dude... i need some christmas cash too!!!
If people offer how about floating a little my way?
2006-12-08 16:07:50
answer #1
answered by keithurban4eva 5
Like my sainted grandmother always used to say..."What the hells a matter with you! What are you some kinda freakin' idiot?"
If you need money figure out a way to earn more. There's no free lunch for anyone! Why should anyone give to an able bodied person? Get a better job. Get a second job. Spend less.
Take care of yourself and your family! And as far as celebrities having money...do you know how hard it is to become famous?
You see the results. You didn't see how much work went into getting those results. And "fair" has nothing to do with anything man. Don't you watch "Malcolm?" "Life is unfaaaaaaaaair."
You have the lottery winner mentality. Gimme sumptin' for nuthin'. That make me PUKE! This country was built on the principle that anyone can make a decent life for themself if they work for it. Get off your large, hairy, flat tattooed be-hind and do something for yourself!
2006-12-08 22:56:52
answer #2
answered by Big R 6
I pray for money to come everyday but I guess i am not being heard. Its very hard when you live on a small check that the government gives you because of a disability that happen a long time ago. When my beloved
mom died she left me nothing. But everyone else in my family got something. My nephew Frank was her
power of attorney and got left my parents houses. But one of them was built by my dad he is no relation to
Frank my dad married into an already made family. Then came along my sister Francis and I his kids. But my dad died in 1991 and the wicked witch of Iowa died in 2001 leaving my sister and I nothing. I have dealt with
the anger about the way I was threated as a child.By the woman I am and was suppose to call her mom.
2015-03-23 07:04:09
answer #3
answered by ? 1
For God sake why can't you work? Where your dignity?? Don't ask people for $$$$$. As you mention celebrities or oprah have billions cause they work for it. If you want $$$ get then WORK.
2006-12-08 18:45:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Ah, if only it were that easy. An honest living for an honest days work my friend! Sorry no exceptions! Well almost never.
2006-12-08 16:07:53
answer #5
answered by Serious 3
Let me just send you 50 thousand and get it over with.
2006-12-08 16:06:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
why 50000 why not 500,00,0000 people. Each will give you $1. Think Big
2006-12-08 21:28:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If money can buy everything, and I have a lot of it, would you?
show me the way to your heart?
be the slave of undying material love?
climb my bed and get kinky?
cut your self and bleed endlessly?
fulfill my desire, desire so deep and dark, like my heart.....
cry me a river that runs wild through me?
tell me tell me, what would you do
show me show me, how would you do it....
2006-12-08 16:12:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
gosh! work hard! sell your soul to the devil and he will give u 3 wishes.. just dial this # 666
goodluck! God bless u...
2006-12-08 16:15:17
answer #9
answered by Jennie Lyn R 1
Boy, are you going to get slammed for this.
2006-12-08 16:06:26
answer #10
answered by Katherine W 7