I do! It is a perfect way to RUIN a body... I mean, there is nothing sexier than something clean and pure... but to draw on yourself like a child, but have it there for the rest of your life is more than immature.
And for people who do it to "remember" their kids, dead relatives, or times in their lifes... were you going to forget? Do you look at the tattoo every morning and go "wait... I have a son??!?!? No way! Awesome!" ... I don't think so.
I'm 20 years old and I would never get a tatoo. It is an aboimination of God's gift to each and every person, their body. Dont draw on yourself, it's going to be there forever...
even when you're old and your skin saggs to the floor and you can't tell that it says your first wives name on it anymore... or when you're pregnant and that butterfly on your stomach looks like King Kong.
It's dumb. ... that's my opinion.. what's yours and why?
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