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Arts & Humanities - 6 August 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

Whats your philosophy on spending money? I'm sort of a splurger >.< I'm interested to know how others go about spending their money.

2007-08-06 12:21:46 · 19 answers · asked by kec32131 1 in Philosophy

We can sooth others, make them feel better and/or ok. But we could never make ourselves feel better and/or ok. If we, ourselves think about ours lives or current situation too much, we would often get lost in it. We'd be thinking, "Why am I thinking like this?" or "Am I only saying this to make me feel better?"

2007-08-06 12:19:05 · 6 answers · asked by Soa's Fate~ 5 in Philosophy

It's hard to explain, but I have had the feeling for a long time that I'm not using my time to the best of my ability. I'm just wasting the days away looking striving towards something in the future, yet when 'the future' arrives all I do is waste time looking towards something else.
My situation is I have 2 months of freedom- I have a house, car, money. I can do (within reason) whatever I want. Yet all I do is waste my days on trivial things like shopping or housework. It's not a case of I-could-die-tomorrow-so-should... more like this feeling... is this what life is? I've wasted so much time and energy on fruitless exercises and why do I continue to do so?

Sorry if this is a bit confusing, but I need to work this out before I can sleep and there's probably no-one I know awake who I can talk this through with. It'd be interesting to hear anyone elses thoughts, whatever they are! Thanks.

2007-08-06 12:10:51 · 13 answers · asked by Jen 2 in Philosophy

i recently bought my 3 year old brothers soul for a dollar
if i wanted to deal with the devil could i use my brothers soul instead of mine?

because i do own it, and its still a soul for satan

2007-08-06 12:10:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Why is there no end to numbers?? i don't get it u can just mutiply again & again why is there no end? i mean there must be an end..

2007-08-06 12:07:58 · 10 answers · asked by ♫Music♫ 5 in History

When he let me see it it was a huge collage and it was my *** in high socks. I thought it would be a portrait buts its my booty. What is his perception of me...a piece of booty. HE says it his best work in his 20 year career.

2007-08-06 12:06:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Painting

I mean literally, while we watch tv and complain about how there is nothing on, others are working harder than we ever will to produce a mere dollar or less.

2007-08-06 12:05:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Obviously these bombings were heroic acts that saved millions of lives.

Contrast Japan and the US:

When Japan defeated a nation, they enslaved, raped, and murdered not just the enemy military, but the civilian population as well, including women, children, and the elderly, in the order of millions. This was AFTER the fighting had stopped.

When the US was fighting Japan, they only destroyed the Japanese military and the infrastructure supporting Japan's military - of course Japan's civilians were completely tied up in the military. After the war was over, rather than executing the defeated Japanese by the millions, the US immediately rebuilt Japan to be more prosperous and freer than it had ever been before.

Just some observations after hearing liberals whining about how America was evil to use nuclear weapons against Japan in 1945.

2007-08-06 11:44:23 · 16 answers · asked by Bill W 【ツ】 6 in History

after you're done reading it, your views change on something?? from politics to love are there any books that have done that to you???

what book?


2007-08-06 11:41:55 · 10 answers · asked by stay^influence+bollywood gal 3 in Books & Authors

Grandmother- Mother to Mario n Katherine Race

2007-08-06 11:37:23 · 6 answers · asked by bebegalt 1 in Genealogy

2007-08-06 11:35:54 · 13 answers · asked by frenchie 2 in Philosophy

If you're a creationist, why did God make monkeys? Why did he make monkeys if we were supposed to be perfect? Not that we are anymore.

If you're an evolutionist, then what is the meaning of life? What is the point of working so hard to make a living if in the end you will die and disappear forever? What is the point if there is no heaven in the end?

Or do you believe in something else?

2007-08-06 11:23:35 · 19 answers · asked by blah 3 in Philosophy

I want to find a good teen series, kind of like Harry Potter. It has action, mystery, romance, etc...is there any good series like this out there?

2007-08-06 11:21:37 · 18 answers · asked by Chelsea Pong 3 in Books & Authors

do you need to have a resume when you're looking for an agent and when you're auditioning for movies, shows, and etc?

2007-08-06 11:17:55 · 7 answers · asked by lexis♥ 2 in Theater & Acting

I need to know which hardships were British people forced to suffer during the war. I'm Argentinian, so I'm not familiarized with British history...

2007-08-06 11:07:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

a basic value... but how to trust?
i once heard "trust someone until they give you a reason to not trust them" probably something from the bible.
but i have been seeing things differently...why wait for them to deceive you? why just give them your trust in the blink of an eye? i think you should keep an eye on them until they have given much reason to earn your trust...
I also believe that once trust has been taken away, it can almost never be earned back.
If a deceitful person is given the chance to be trusted, they will of course deceive you, but a truthful person will expect trust for they are a truthful person...
is that the difference?
if someone expects trust they can be trusted?
it is so hard to see past lies..

2007-08-06 11:06:59 · 10 answers · asked by woosh* 2 in Philosophy

I am directly descended from an Irishman named John MacStreate who came to Virginia as a ship captain in 1609 and signed for the Second Virginia Charter. I've been told by my great grandfather that I'm descended even further to a king named "Harold or someone else". Any place where I can find Street family history that dates back further than 1067 AD? Or/and where I may find portraits of Virginia Street families or glass frame portraits of older portraits? What is the origin of the Street family?

2007-08-06 11:06:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Genealogy

Hes so quixotic.

quixotic \kwik-SOT-ik\, adjective:

1. Caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals; foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals.
2. Capricious; impulsive; unpredictable.

2007-08-06 11:05:28 · 5 answers · asked by Sunshine 1 in Books & Authors

how long should the whole story be? I woud like to do this for my senior project, no mean and off subject comments.

2007-08-06 11:03:39 · 5 answers · asked by alexis 3 in Books & Authors

2007-08-06 11:02:29 · 4 answers · asked by Aleah L 1 in History

I absolutlye,100% fell in love with the Twilight series. They are my favorite books in the world, and I can't live without them.
Anyway's, if you have any suggestions on some other books i may like,( i don't like sci-fi) please let me know!! Thanks!!

p.s. Team Edward!!!!♥
( i'm reading Eclipse right now)

2007-08-06 11:00:30 · 7 answers · asked by Big Bad Wolf 5 in Books & Authors

I'm 15, my birthday's coming up and I told my parents I want to buy a lot of books since I'm a bookworm, you could say. The problem is I'm really confused on which books I should get. I already made a list, but I'm not quite sure if they would be good or not. I love Adventure, Fantasy, and Horror. I'm gonna list a few books I like so that no one suggests things that I have already read:

- Harry Potter
- The Chronicles of Narnia
- Twlight (don't care if it's for girls!
- A Wrinkle in Time
- The Dark Tower
- The House of The Scorpion
- Anne Rice's Vampire Series
- The Bartimaues Trilogy
- Pendragon

2007-08-06 10:58:13 · 12 answers · asked by The Time Traveling Magician 3 in Books & Authors

2007-08-06 10:57:00 · 27 answers · asked by Brian 5 in Philosophy

Listen, i'm creating a story filled with an amazing adventure and horror. It's about a little village who keeps having strange attacks by this mysterious creature every night. At first, the creature starts attacking thier cattle, leaving the corpse behind. Then, it attacks homes and goes after the innocent villagers. The warriors of the village try to take matters into thier own hands by killing this monster, but none came back alive. But thier is one villager that wont watch his village be currupter by this animal. 16 year-old Wayne goes on a journey on hunting this monster down and destroying it once and for all with the help of his firend Kira. Like it?

2007-08-06 10:56:34 · 9 answers · asked by GhostGirl 1 in Books & Authors

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