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Arts & Humanities - 2 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Arts & Humanities

Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

America has major influence in today's world. Whether it is in the media, or trade or politics, America has a major role in it. But once America has its taste of the spotlight, what would be the next global influence. Maybe China or India or maybe even Brazil. Tell me the reason why you think the country you chose will be influential and the reason why.

Get answering :D

2007-08-02 23:44:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

HArry CAn't possibly be with Ginny!That's like totally so upnoxious!If you think your on my side explain why and if your own those ppl who like the ending's side also explain why.if you just want to my a short answer...
on my side just type true it sucked
on their side type...It was totally awesome!!!!!!

2007-08-02 23:43:54 · 22 answers · asked by carlisle King 3 in Books & Authors

Do you believe that evil truely exists in the world today. If so give some examples.

2007-08-02 23:34:15 · 17 answers · asked by Market Magician 3 in Philosophy

2007-08-02 23:27:15 · 28 answers · asked by Amrutsingh123 1 in Books & Authors

This is not a trick question.... it is a straight moral one.... seek your views and reasoning.

2007-08-02 23:25:10 · 12 answers · asked by small 7 in Philosophy

2007-08-02 23:24:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

no god answers plz

2007-08-02 23:24:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

let the answer be an easy

2007-08-02 23:16:58 · 24 answers · asked by johnsonpaul2010 1 in Philosophy

A person who was relentlessly giving fire brand speech and indroctinated others for violent activity came out of coimbatore prison as he was accused of coimbatore bombing and was in the prison for several years.Also understood that kerala politician played well for his relese from jail .All politician wants to come back in power .so do anything for that .Even will ignore terrorism ..What a pity !

2007-08-02 23:15:51 · 6 answers · asked by lathika r 2 in History


2007-08-02 23:05:22 · 4 answers · asked by nor anira 1 in Photography

I'm 16, and I require spray paint in order to complete an art project... no graffitti, honest! However, I need to know if I can actually buy cans of spray paint before I start so I'm wondering what the minimum age is, anyone know it? Thanks

2007-08-02 22:45:01 · 2 answers · asked by tom.bennett1 1 in Painting

2007-08-02 22:40:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

2007-08-02 22:31:51 · 14 answers · asked by freekeswar 3 in Philosophy

Recently I was given 2 signature marbles ,can any one tell anything about them(other than they have a signature on them)or maybe direct me to a place that I can find out about them

2007-08-02 22:29:31 · 1 answers · asked by jlynn_lari 2 in Painting

i.e George SMITH, Andy BOOTH etc.

2007-08-02 22:28:13 · 19 answers · asked by My Pitseleh 4 in Genealogy

former actor from Caberet!

2007-08-02 22:27:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

Its only letting me do it on one section...so I can only make one of my eyes in color...how can I get both in color?

2007-08-02 22:22:30 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Photography

2007-08-02 21:56:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

I need you...

Like the night sky without the moon and stars
LIke a good song on the radio in the car

I need you to protect me from it all
I need you to pick me up if I trip and fall

Like an empty room with no whispers of excitement
Like a statue without the stone made out of cement

I need you when the wind wants to blow me away
I need you when I want to hide in a dark hole til I start to decay

Like a poem with a verse or a line to rhyme with
Like Hercules and his myths

I need you more than you'll ever know
I need you like blood, in my veins which flows

My heart beats for you, my heart beats for your love
I sore when I look at you, like the eagles soring above

I need you to love move, for you like me for whom I am, and who I want to be
But what can't i make you see...

I need you...

2007-08-02 21:16:07 · 5 answers · asked by Jules or Juliet 4 in Poetry

have anyone called or think your crazy before?

2007-08-02 21:13:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Here is a philosophical question

You are placed in a room filled with chaos, this room has no visible doors or windows and no walls that your eyes can see, however you senses are bombarded with madness and illogical reason.

From somewhere, (it does not matter where) you are given a ball of string that is knotted and tangled beyond infinity and you are told that for every knot and tangle that you unravel you will learn a truth about the universe, and that should you unravel the entire ball of string you will have evolved to such a level as to become a god with infinite power of the world of men.

You have your entire lifetime to complete this task, but you can not lose your temper or scream or yell or curse or pull or tug in anyway.

How long will it take you to fail

2007-08-02 21:13:14 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I want to read free CURRENT books, tell me a library or a nice website for it... Thanks!!

2007-08-02 21:12:29 · 9 answers · asked by Kims 2 in Books & Authors

your heart is racing,you feel the cold of the steel against your hand

thoughts are running through your head,trying to think,think of somthing,anything

looking for reasons.finding only bleeding and bruises

trying to feel,looking for love and finding only emptyness

your mind goes back to the present,your heart feels like its going to come out of your chest

you reach for the trigger,you look back upon the past

the heartache,the pain,

it's to late to go back now,whats done is done

the past is unchangable....

and your head tells you "pull the trigger" and your heart stops

2007-08-02 21:11:53 · 5 answers · asked by katey 2 in Poetry

there's this part in the PRINCE'S TALE chapter.

dumbledore and snape were having this conversation and it came to a point where dumbledore asks snape about "harry growing in snape's heart".. then snape casts this patronus: a doe. then he says.. FOR HIM? then he says afterwards: always.

WHAT DID THAT MEAN? did snape really love harry or he just did those things because of his love, lily?

2007-08-02 21:03:42 · 21 answers · asked by krissa 1 in Books & Authors

how do you make some parts of a picturre in color when the rest of the pic is in black and white??

i want a single pink flower to show up in color while the rest of the pic is black and white....

ya dig?

2007-08-02 20:53:14 · 5 answers · asked by diorwhore 1 in Photography

can u help me'
my name is pella
it doesnt have to include my ame
here are some suggestions plz rate them

the secret end
gold&fish-feel free to change this around

2007-08-02 20:47:34 · 2 answers · asked by no name 1 in Photography

Historical figure you most admire.

2007-08-02 20:38:22 · 11 answers · asked by Natalie W 2 in History

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