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Arts & Humanities - 2 August 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

A stunning spell is only temporary. After it wears off the Death eater can try to kill again. This is the final battle. Harry should be eliminating the death eaters permanently.

2007-08-02 05:48:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

hi, i am jim 22 years old mechanical engineer.

well i just want to ask what are some of the best books you've ever read in your life... tell me why you like
- the books can be in form of novels, inspirational books or autobiographies..........
fiction or non-fiction

so you just suggest me books that you think a person must read in his or her life.... whether a novel or any other book inspiring us from within
**BUT the thing is they should NOT be TIME KILLING ----one must feel that something has been gained something has been learned........
please help me out with your valuable suggestions.. :)

2007-08-02 05:38:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

ok well I want to be an actress. And I don't really know how to find auditions. Real ones that can get you into a tv series or a movie. Do you have to have an agent to get you to auditions? Let me know.

2007-08-02 05:37:58 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

i have a dream of being a broadway performer, but my actual job would be a music teacher, and i will be 12 in september. and, i am really worried that i will never be able to bc i don't take piano lessons bc my mom won't let me , and she says if i want to learn so bad that i should learn myself. well, i am trying to learn out of a schaum piano book, but i feel like i will never get better! my dad taught me scales but thats about it! and i am picking up from my vocal teacher some things , but how can i get better without a piano teacher, or is it just hopeless!

2007-08-02 05:37:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Performing Arts

in britain years before it was abolished in america). we have had calls for britain to apologise for the slavery, we have even had people in the street chaining themselves up wearing sorry placards . Britains stance on this is that even though slavery was a terrible evil and a dark period in britains history, we cannot apologise for this because there is not one person alive in britain today, who has any direct association with the slave trade. if that were the case, then the germans, french (normans), danes(vikings) and italians (romans), would have to apologise to us for invading the uk many years ago. What is the american view of this given that the US and UK were basically partners in this appaling trade

2007-08-02 05:37:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

I was just wondering, because during my genealogical research, I came across a census record from the 19th century that listed my great-great-great-grandmother's birthplace as being "Wertenberg". I looked for places in Germany with that name, and the closest place names I came to were Wartenberg, which is in Berlin, and Württemberg, which was an independent state before the German Empire was formed in 1871. I'm assuming that my great-great-great-grandmother came to the States before 1871, so what do you think?

2007-08-02 05:31:22 · 4 answers · asked by tangerine 7 in Genealogy

2007-08-02 05:26:02 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

2007-08-02 05:25:55 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

I bought it at 1:30 PM IST (8:00 AM GMT) on 21st July, started reading it at 2:30 PM IST and finished it on 4:22AM IST, 22nd July. I have re-read twice more precisely since. So, when did you finish you copy? I should have asked this question earlier, but I got back my dumb internet connection back only today after a month.....

2007-08-02 05:25:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

We have this "know it all blowhard" at my job and he is always bragging about how much he reads and how difficult the books are that he reads. Just once I'd like to piss on his fire and have read a book that he deems to his level or above. I'll probably only read the Cliff Notes, but it just having him think I read some "big wig" book will be wonderful

2007-08-02 05:21:37 · 19 answers · asked by Tom G 2 in Books & Authors

2007-08-02 05:19:30 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy


I know the Diadlem, the snake, the locket, the cup, Harry himself, Tom Riddle's diary. What was the other one???

2007-08-02 05:18:26 · 8 answers · asked by Louisiana Boy™ - Go Baylor! 5 in Books & Authors

what book did you love so much you could not put it down?

2007-08-02 05:18:19 · 25 answers · asked by angie w 3 in Books & Authors

My school partcipates in a fine arts competition every year and it isn;t until next spring but me and a friend (girl) are going to try out in our school to be able to participate in this competition. I am looking for a site or maybe your own suggestions for a comedy duet acting piece around 9-12 minutes and something a little higher on the literary level. (Aka..not something from brooklyn publishing..not something quaint like that) For an idea..the winning duet acting piece that went on to nationals to also win was a scene from Peter Pan..(not comedic but that can give ya an idea for the literary level I am looking for)
GOOD LUCK! I will be surprised if anyone can answer my question.

2007-08-02 05:17:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

(Other than religion, if you have any)

2007-08-02 05:17:45 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Can you tell if a person smart, by them talking alot or if they are silent and use only few words?

2007-08-02 05:14:47 · 28 answers · asked by Chad 2 in Philosophy

I just wrote a 7 page research paper on why should not have been executed, and that she is one of the most misuderstood figures in history.

Just wondering what people's thoughts of her were in the present day! Thanks :)

2007-08-02 05:03:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

Blind folded, with one hand tied behind his back?

2007-08-02 05:01:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

As I was cut off from the internet for a month, I haven't heard anything of it. Is it true?? I thought she was writing another novel for adults or something...

2007-08-02 04:58:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

This is for who read it!!!! I was disappointed. I thought there would be more actions, more twists and more love story between Harry and Ginny and Ron and Hermione. The plot was a bit boring and I would have liked a bit more about Bill and his Licanthropy. Plus the American version is 120 pages more than the UK version. I mean that is lots of pages more and lots of more story and probably a bit more about Bill?
What do you think?

2007-08-02 04:57:48 · 24 answers · asked by Neko74 1 in Books & Authors

you hit me once
shame on you
you hit me twice
and I shot you
now behind bars
I sit and I wait
to tell my story
to judge and state
should I have aimed
for the arm not the head
I guess it dont matter
your already dead

2007-08-02 04:49:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

I know he quotes the end paragraph of 'The Raven' in the 'Vincent' poem, but is that because 'Vincent' is about Vincent Price and he liked E.A.P or does Tim actually like him too?

2007-08-02 04:48:43 · 8 answers · asked by mrs holopainen 1 in Books & Authors

I know people have said some negative things about Mia Michaels but the dance that she choreographed last night representing her and her dad was the most brilliant thing I've ever seen in my life....I can't get that dance out of my head and right now I can't watch it. It makes me cry. It was so beautiful. Does anyone else have an opinion about it......

2007-08-02 04:44:40 · 6 answers · asked by seashell 6 in Dancing

do we use philosophy to explain things we dont fully understand? or we use philosophy to simply hold on strongly with what we believe in(regardless if it isnt factual or fully understood)?

2007-08-02 04:42:18 · 32 answers · asked by enki 4 in Philosophy


Approximatly, how much is a drama coach?

2007-08-02 04:35:58 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

Went fishing on my boat last weekend and saw what looked like the end of the earth, about 70 miles offshore. Help?

2007-08-02 04:34:04 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

2007-08-02 04:32:25 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Performing Arts

After Wilson created the base for WW2 with the peace threaty of Versailles in 1919, the USA and Western Allies tried to be more practical with its peace threaty in 1945, creating an Ally in Germany instead of an Enemy. That was good. But why in the world, was Stalin, already a threat, given the means to be a super power? Was it the same reason, Islamic Terror States like Saudi Arabia nd Pakistan are supported by Bush, to make sure, we can justify a 1 Trillion a year military?

2007-08-02 04:28:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

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