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Arts & Humanities - 2 August 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

Can you please tell me what are the most famous and appreciated poems of the great Egyptian poet Ahmed Shawqi?

2007-08-02 20:31:28 · 1 answers · asked by Rami C 2 in Poetry

Which of the following facts about the Tet Offensive is not true?

A. The Tet Offensive was a series of massive coordinated attacks throughout South Vietnam.

B. The Tet Offensive inspired South Vietnamese civilians to rise up against their government, which is just what North Vietnamese leaders expected would happen.

C. General Westmoreland thought that the objective of the Tet Offensive was to take over the U.S. military base in Khe Sanh.

D. The Tet Offensive proved to many Americans that Communist forces were not weakening and that the United States was not going to win the war anytime soon.

2007-08-02 20:19:55 · 8 answers · asked by Lilmissbabygrl 2 in History

Hermione and Ron got married eventually... but they named their kids Rose and Hugo. I understand that they are both the first letters of their parents names, but is there a meaning behind theyre names? or are they random? cuz you'd think that theyd be at least named for somebody!

2007-08-02 20:13:00 · 9 answers · asked by tuaamicasiciliana 2 in Books & Authors

I have decided to write a musical. I love musicals, and I have been involved in the theatre world for 3/4's of my life now.

I need some starter ideas. I would love if someone has a story they wrote, or a great book they think would make a musical.

I really am excited and would love to do this... so please.. any ideas would help!


2007-08-02 19:51:59 · 2 answers · asked by spazzaticalnick 1 in Theater & Acting

It was weird. At around 5:00 pm last night, on a whim, i just decided to rearrange my bedroom. In record time, i tore everything apart, moved everything, had everything set up completely differently. This is the first time in many, many years my room looked the least bit different. Right away i decided i didn't like it, so as fast as i rearranged everything, i put it all back exactly how it was. Not an easy feat considering how much stuff I have and how small the room is.

For that brief 15 minutes tonight, my room was as it has never been before and then now, it is back to how it was for the past few years. No one in my house even knows i did it either. They could walk in right now and see it and never know for that short amount of time, it was as they never saw it before.

Why would i see this as something that is so deep?

2007-08-02 19:48:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Arts & Humanities


your mind is my plaything
your spine, my puppet's string
wire's hooked into your heart
seeing to it that you play your part
you are seeing the world through my eyes
though I am indulged in your mind
you are mine to will
now you will rip, tear and kill
but the only kill is to be the one you love
drowning her in your blood
ending her with evil dispise
thinking you know the dirty secret's to her lies
the lies wich I had you spoon fed
along with the illusion's I planted in you head
pulling the string as if striking a chord in your death
tormenting, controlling you until I decide it's your last breath

2007-08-02 19:44:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

I realize that this question may sound stupid, but I'm gonna ask anyways as I'm really curious (I'm just a beginning dancer). Does dancing on pointe hurt at all? How do dancers deal with the pain (if any)?

2007-08-02 19:40:49 · 8 answers · asked by jfluterpicc_98 5 in Dancing

is that amore?

2007-08-02 19:35:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Arts & Humanities

you know what void I'm talking about -- if you didn't experience it, you wouldn't be on Yahoo! Answers.

2007-08-02 19:30:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

How do we, humans, know that each color we have been taught, isn't just our eyes' own interpretation of that specific color.

Ex. we have all been taught that healthy grass is usually green, but how do we know that what I see as green isn't seen by others as I would think would be blue. We have all been taught that that color we would see is green, but how are we sure the color we see is always the same in every human. This could possibly be why people all have spefcific colors that they like and dislike, because all people's eyes have different spectrums of color. Its complex, but if you understand what I am saying, please try and validate if this can be proved/disproved.

2007-08-02 19:24:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I have had them since march and they are split-sole canvas shoes with mesh in the middle and the top sole part where it folds, there are a couple rips

My dance store has switched to discount dance which is good i guess but i forgot what size i was and they dont sell leo's arabesque at discount dance

Should I just keep dancing in them and wait until they are all blah or get new ones

If I get new ones I am thinking of getting the full sole blotch
What do you think and what do you think I should get
I have relatively small feet size 5.5 in street shoes big arch? (i think thats how you would describe it)

2007-08-02 19:18:44 · 3 answers · asked by summ3r1ovin 2 in Dancing

2007-08-02 19:17:09 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

...knowingly part of the insidious, monstrously mysterious charade...??? (everybody can just dismantle Las Vegas and New York City tonight...because I won't be attending...and don't bother airing "Dancing With The Stars" tonight, either...I plan to quietly read a book...Doo Wah! Doo Wah!)

2007-08-02 19:16:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I'm not supporting one or the other.

2007-08-02 19:13:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

(when the English and the settlers first came over to America.
US History Homework question!)

2007-08-02 19:07:19 · 3 answers · asked by iseeduckies 1 in History

Think about it, your just flesh, a gelatin like structure that simply relays electric signals, life is just an illusion, you only think you're alive because you can remember what you did 2 seconds ago, and you can calculate what your going to do in 2 seconds time.
All your emotions are simply chemicals fusing in this big mass of flesh, happiness is just an emotion, fear is just an emotion, and you should be afraid,because all it takes is 1 little thing to go wrong, and you will simply cease to be, you will no longer remember what happened 2 seconds ago, and you will no longer be able to do anything in 2 seconds time, and thats all life is folks, you couldn't do that before you were born, and you wont be able to do that after you die...does this scare you? does it scare you so much you wish it wasn't true? does it scare you so much that you refuse to believe its true and hide behind religion? now ask yourself this, whats relay the scary thing, life? or death?

2007-08-02 19:04:23 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I love the works of ee cummings!

2007-08-02 19:03:59 · 7 answers · asked by embroidery fan 7 in Poetry

This is one of my poems please tell me how good/bad it is, I wrote it when I was 13.

I let it pass me by
Before my very eye
I thought nothing about it
I didn't doubt it
I never caught it
Till it went for a spin
It turned upside-down
And tossed me to the ground
I got back up where I had fallen
And shook my head
How could I have
Let it pass me by right before my very eye

2007-08-02 19:03:49 · 4 answers · asked by RZ (LPPBS) 4 in Poetry

i mean the guy has done it all in terms of hitting a baseball and his numbers dwarf everyone elses

disregard the personality stuff plz i am sure even cal ripken is probably a jerk and notable HOF players like ty cobb r proven jerks so leave that stuff out

2007-08-02 18:57:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

i never acted before , but im trying to find websites to get legit casting calls? any website you can tell me?

2007-08-02 18:56:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

What the hell? I was banking on a baby brother. What's with all this birds-and-the-brees crap anyway. Since when does a bird get it on with a bee?

2007-08-02 18:55:41 · 12 answers · asked by imperialism 2 in Philosophy

What i want to know is really a human being can be happy for a long time.What is meant by happiness.Someone say it is in us only,but how having many problems,hurt by someone,loss of love with all these how one can be happy.If it inside of us then how to find it.I think the happines which comes from outside will not remain constant.

2007-08-02 18:46:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

There are two great stories I would like to read again, but I don't even know where to look. I read them in high school in sci-fi anthology books; I don't remember titles or authors. The first was about a boy who discovers he can't be taught to read instantly (as is normal in this society). He considers himself a failure who must go to a special school, until he discovers that his aptitude is so great that he has been pulled out of the system to be one of the designers of the system - he has to learn to read the old-fashioned way, because the process of learning (which has been superceeded by hi tech "instant-ability" methods) is a privilege reserved for the elite few. The second story is about a man who finds himself suddenly with a nameless voice in his head. This voice accompanies him to get his haircut, to his girlfriend's apartment. It "reveals" the world to him to such a depth that he discovers he IS the voice, lost in his own head, back at the beginning of the story. Any ideas?

2007-08-02 18:45:41 · 1 answers · asked by erisinger.geo 1 in Books & Authors

With darkness I mean here all the weak, wrong and violent impulses of the mind or soul of another person or in ourselves.
My son asked me that question as he sometimes gets this thoughts in his head to do something bad, although he in his heart does not want to do it. (He is just 8)
A few days ago a young woman told me about the same problem, that she feels that dark (bad) impulses or ideas in her head get a hold of her and she finds it hard to conquer them. ( it shows itself in her case in an eating disorder. It is not me)
I personally find this also with myself in terms of if some other person around me is in a very bad mood, this can get a hold over me, although I do not want it.

What conquers darkness and if you say something like "love" could you just explain it a bit more in detail?


2007-08-02 18:45:29 · 14 answers · asked by I love you too! 6 in Philosophy

i fi write poetry and i think it's really bad and i don't get better after a while--should i quit???? should i move on to something else???? is poetry not my thing if i don't get better?????
some people say that if i don't get better i might as well quit an find something else to do. i like poetry for a few reasons. one is because it makes you stand out some. unlike most people i don't wanna fit in and be unnoticed--i wanna stand out and be unique. what do you think??????

2007-08-02 18:42:18 · 9 answers · asked by Minty 2 in Poetry

Fever Street

Where have all the blacklisted gone?
with blasted wounds and blood goat songs
Where have the marked men to say?
with bad reputations and fan-chested fame
that twirls like clocks gone mad
when they caught sight of the crack
in the surface of the once Super.moon
drawn by some simian goon named God
named flawed, such as mine Emanuel
which is listless.listen to us.we are but one witness
to wristless ghosts who committed suicide over
a burnt piece of toast.
Laughing chariots of Caraban flaps
that lap the steppes of a shoreman's craft
and to this I turn my back
Thinking of the time. when I percieved the growing
green eye of God's mean sight
Bring me the inner Karma carlight
that guides champions with a winner's startling star kite
that teases the sea breezes
and releases the feminist crazies
with eye lash fashion traps.

Fever Street

2007-08-02 18:41:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

2007-08-02 18:40:09 · 6 answers · asked by SHAWN 3 in Philosophy

would you rather be delusional and happy your whole life or know the truth and try and find a happiness true to you?

2007-08-02 18:39:21 · 20 answers · asked by James W 2 in Philosophy

Roman Empire and the United States?

Just wants your thoughts about if you think that the U.S. will end up the same as the Empire and every other powerful country/empire/kingdom etc.?

2007-08-02 18:32:06 · 11 answers · asked by Curious Girl... 1 in History

I know that art is a matter of taste. How are the prices set for paintings by contemporary artists that is little more than a colorful mess on a canvas (to my untrained eye, anyway).

I just don't get it - prices can be in the tens of thousands for something that just doesn't seem to justify the sale price.

(I don't know much about art, admittedly...so please enlighten me)

2007-08-02 18:31:29 · 5 answers · asked by LadyRebecca 6 in Other - Visual Arts

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