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Arts & Humanities - 6 August 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

I'm still trying to get people to read my writing.


2007-08-06 23:51:38 · 17 answers · asked by ♫tweet75♫ 3 in Books & Authors

whats the point when every other people who dont have a home who dont have food to eat i cant believe i even see begars in the street in melbourne imagine the third world countries, and all the drugs dealers and roberies, and people disable and those who have cancer and aids realYYY whats is the point?

2007-08-06 23:45:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

2007-08-06 23:43:20 · 23 answers · asked by Sikandar A 3 in Philosophy

About a fourteen year old girl who is infatuated with mysteries and detective books and movies. Her family is very rich but all the members in her family are sort of weird. After some time, a real "mystery" pops up when the life of one of her brothers is threatened. The killer is probably one of the brother's seven friends who come to stay with them for the holidays. This killer comes up with several original ways to kill the brother. (For example, the killer brings in poisonous wood and lights the fireplace in the brother's room with it. The windows are closed and the fire goes on all night while the brother sleeps. This could kill him, but he survives because someone breaks into his room early in the morning...long story) But the brother manages to escape every time. The police have a hard time believing that these are all cases of attempted murder (because they are very unusual) and dismiss the whole thing saying that it's just these rich people making mountains out of molehills.

2007-08-06 23:37:36 · 11 answers · asked by bee 3 in Books & Authors

If a cause itself is an event that must also have been caused by another preceding one, there is no way we can imagine of any Original cause. Then it can only be construed as a repetitive cycle which is a continuum without any fixed beginning or end.
Incidentally, the Hindu philosophy as enunciated by the 'Vedas' does refer to Time as a repetitive cycle of three phases namely, Creation, Sustenance and Annihilation.

2007-08-06 23:15:43 · 4 answers · asked by small 7 in Philosophy

2007-08-06 23:10:09 · 9 answers · asked by jnr1207 1 in Philosophy


2007-08-06 23:09:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

most likely both play a part, but which in your mind is a greater contributing factor, the environment you live in and the influences you're subject to on a daily basis, or the genes you were born with?

2007-08-06 23:04:41 · 3 answers · asked by Alex 2 in Philosophy

Is constant change perfection?

Or no change at all perfection?

Any ideas?

2007-08-06 23:03:42 · 10 answers · asked by Eris Discordia 2 in Philosophy

so there is no absolute anything? just a weird concept I've been thinking about.. for eg. you can't have a simply "good" person, they'd be good compared to something else, etc. so everything quantifiable is relative to something else? am I missing something?

2007-08-06 23:00:48 · 3 answers · asked by Alex 2 in Philosophy

2007-08-06 23:00:36 · 2 answers · asked by bea 1 in History

2007-08-06 22:57:36 · 8 answers · asked by los 7 in Philosophy

...You "Do" know that "Anal Retentiveness" is "Not" a "good" thing, right?!? (Why are you "not" taking steps to correct the situation?!?)

2007-08-06 22:52:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Hi! I do dancing and i love it but i'm really not flexible and now we have this new teacher who's a proffesional dancer and he says everyone who should be here should be be able to do the splits and i am about a foot from the ground an although i practice about 15mins a day i dont think im getting any better!!
Now the teacher has put a list up on the board of all the people who can & can't do the splits and we says we all have to be on the can side in 1 month! I dont know how to do it please help!! xxx

2007-08-06 22:51:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dancing

Alright. So I was at the movie theater and I found out that this book is going to be made into a movie!!! I hated that book! I was in 6th grade when I read it and it is still on the top of my least favorite books. Does anyone else dislike this book as much as me? Has anyone else even read this?

2007-08-06 22:48:35 · 3 answers · asked by Elizabeth 4 in Books & Authors

not a harry potter fan!!!!!

2007-08-06 22:47:01 · 46 answers · asked by ♥BEX♥ 7 in Books & Authors

I'd like a copy of this film clip or find out where to get one. I was a film clip of children of all ages and colors. good clip.

2007-08-06 22:28:43 · 2 answers · asked by DrewPitcher 2 in Other - Visual Arts

Larman is from. I have been confused all my life about where ancestors came from, and my folks really don't give me a straight answer.

2007-08-06 22:27:13 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Genealogy

i know it is d b.....something it appears to be a old canvas painting

2007-08-06 22:22:49 · 1 answers · asked by JENNY 1 in Painting

I've been to editors.com or whatever, but I need some real feedback.

I'm a budding writer and artist and I was wondering if for some of you drawing out your characters helps you write about them? It's a proven fact for me that if I can't picture my character, I can't write about them.

On the other hand, I'm planning to write either a short story or... a long story, depending on how it turns out, and I really need some help for ideas on how to start it and whether or not I should include things to help the storyline.

For more information, please either e-mail me or contact me through deviantArt: http://bri-san.deviantart.com/

2007-08-06 22:18:54 · 1 answers · asked by Breeze 1 in Books & Authors

I want this book to represent her somehow, it's a gift for her birthday.

2007-08-06 22:01:34 · 8 answers · asked by ? 4 in Books & Authors

2007-08-06 21:40:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Genealogy

If i reemmber right, Germany and the Soviet Union actually were allies in the 30's, and there was a military pact. Both would invade Poland. But the agreement stood that neither would then interfere with the other. Germany would have free shot at western Europe and Russia would stay out of the war.

This pact ended when Germany, needing oil, invaded the Ukraine.

So lets say Germany never invaded Russia and Russia stayed neutral (or at least from the Europe war).

That would mean the only threat to Germany was britian which was barely holding out untill the United States finally entered the war, and whatever else allies from the west.

Could germany have won the war?

2007-08-06 21:36:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

like marriage, experiencing everlasting friendships etc etc etc.
What would it be?

2007-08-06 21:36:02 · 13 answers · asked by Curious Guy 3 in Philosophy

well not all of them. but most of them.
my professor wears black.. almost every meeting. if not black then white.

what's with the colour anyway?

2007-08-06 21:35:01 · 14 answers · asked by Archie 2 in Photography

I have a really hard time knowing how to differentiate the stresses in poetry. How do I know if a word is stressed and how do I know if it's read as a light stress (falling inflection, right?) or a heavy stress (rising inflection, if I'm not mistaken). I think I'm tone deaf...

2007-08-06 21:23:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

Whats your definition of sucess?

2007-08-06 21:21:45 · 22 answers · asked by Shell 1 in Philosophy

In September 1939 Germany invaded Poland resulting in a declaration of war from Britain and France. Two weeks later Russia invaded Poland - no response from GB and France. Was this simple cowardice or was there more to it?

2007-08-06 21:17:59 · 18 answers · asked by Seán O 5 in History

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