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Arts & Humanities - 6 August 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

2007-08-06 17:03:38 · 9 answers · asked by kp&jm120606 1 in Philosophy

If my left hand is all knareld in a key position do I then just use my thumb and start at the top and move downward? I'm real beginner!

2007-08-06 16:53:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Performing Arts


2007-08-06 16:49:51 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I love to perform. I am young tho, and live in a really small town. I one numerous baby pageants and been in many plays. What should I do that doesnt involve wasting a whole lot of money? Thanks!

2007-08-06 16:45:56 · 5 answers · asked by Moto-Kitten13 2 in Theater & Acting

I have read most of Jonathan Kozol's "The Shame of the Nation," and for our college summer reading assignment I've most recently read "The Working Poor" by David Shepler.

From what I can gather, from speaking about the cycle of poverty, the solution must be one that encompasses multiple problems at once. Because poverty is a cycle, no one event will break it, because they are all interconnected. Some of these basic issues include: poor education, poor motivation, hopelessness, (sometimes) malnutrition, early pregnancies, inexperience in the workplace, low self esteem... and the list goes on.

Some of the most successful programs that I have heard of (though few exist, from what little I hear of it) are those that coach people. In my personal opinion, the most helpful of these on a longer-term scale are those that focus on establishing an adult's self-esteem and preparation/training for entering the workforce and maintaining a job.

2007-08-06 16:32:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I recently got accepted 2 b in a play but found out tonight i would b working 4 two hours every single day till september 20th! is this 2 long! i mean im only almost 14!

2007-08-06 16:30:02 · 7 answers · asked by *em* 2 in Theater & Acting

so tell me, is there anyone else out there who found the 7th HP book rather...well not that great? I mean, I loved it so much until the end. The battle scene however felt very anti-climatic. There was no intensity to it and I was very disappointed. Also I think Fred's death was a low blow, very low indeed. I thought the whole thing with Dumbledore was odd too. I mean JK has made such a point that Dumbledore was dead, yet here Harry goes and has anice little chat with a deadman in his head..it all just seemed...rushed, and not up to it's best standards.. I loved the rest of the book up until here...it's just this part made me not like it as much as I really wished I could have..It seemed everyone else just loved the book,but does anyone feel the same way I do?

2007-08-06 16:20:16 · 12 answers · asked by StrawberryLoverr 2 in Books & Authors

i'm reading a tale of two cities now and i cant stand it, i am still in book one. it is so confusing. argh i cannot even read it and need to know when it gets good. pls help have to read for his-tory honors

2007-08-06 16:14:52 · 8 answers · asked by the way i are 1 in Books & Authors

Okay I am in the process of writing my book but I never think of the plot. What I mean is that when I first strated writing my story I didn't plan out what the characters had to do or any of that stuff. Now when I am in the middle of the book things are still the same. I just keep writing without planning anything plot wise. My question, did you have your plot planned out before writing it or were there some major blanks?

2007-08-06 16:09:07 · 9 answers · asked by Avangelis 5 in Books & Authors

I have been called crazy or weird for most of my life. I dress like anyone else, I shower regularly, keep my house clean, and am pretty much normal except for, apparently, they way I think, or the way I speak, the ideas I have. I am curious. I wonder, since most of us are regulars to the philosophy section, perhaps we have something in common. Have you ever been called crazy, or weird? Why do you think that is?

2007-08-06 15:59:40 · 14 answers · asked by Immortal Cordova 6 in Philosophy

2007-08-06 15:57:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm I really wanna check out some info on Silent Hill 2 such a productions and company,whatever it says,but I need to have a trail,well I dont want to sign up for a 14 day free trail and give my credit card info,does someone have an account? If you dont mind can ya help me out? I just need to know where SilentHill 2 will possibly be filmed,and where auditions can be held.

2007-08-06 15:52:07 · 4 answers · asked by diana p 1 in Theater & Acting

abut Education

2007-08-06 15:49:03 · 6 answers · asked by Usman S 1 in History

2007-08-06 15:47:42 · 8 answers · asked by dutara 3 in History

Do you think I have a higher chance of becoming an actor if I audition along with a friend?

Me and my best friend think we could make it big time if we auditioned together. Is our dream a blur?

2007-08-06 15:43:18 · 3 answers · asked by jaycar122 2 in Theater & Acting

2007-08-06 15:40:49 · 3 answers · asked by Jorge A 1 in History

2007-08-06 15:39:52 · 7 answers · asked by Mrs. Brown 5 in Poetry

At first, cannon balls were just solid and the ball itself did the damage. At some point, explosives were added so that the explosion could cause more damage. When and how did this come about?

2007-08-06 15:28:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

I know it's official publication was in 1898. Just wonder if if spent time as a series first as I believe novels use to do. I have my reasons for wanting to know.

2007-08-06 15:16:24 · 5 answers · asked by Mr. Bodhisattva 6 in Books & Authors

Do we as society understand death?

Does a "victim of a shooting" actually mean that in the 50-billion-year-old history of this universe, that someone dies .0000001% sooner?

Is "dying" the tragedy? If society were all muslim or all-catholic--would we believe that they all "went to magic-heaven"?

I am a semi-atheist.

I believe that death is the most depressing issue in our society and that on a secular "sub human sub conscious level" that we all want to "outlive death".

That's why God created oceans.

There are 7 continents, and those seperated by ocean created distinct religions.

Is God basically saying for us to create doubt?

The real message of this question is D.O.U.B.T.

I am being driven mad, by speculation.

Why do smart people have doubts? Why do dumb people believe in "guaranteed" eternity, as compared to "likely" eternity?


Please, if so, what medication do you take...

2007-08-06 15:14:11 · 6 answers · asked by Voltaire's book Candide 3 in Philosophy

2007-08-06 15:10:56 · 5 answers · asked by elephantburch 2 in Theater & Acting

I have a satirical essay dealing with a solution to the problem of immigration and am looking for a good essay contest in which to submit it in.

2007-08-06 15:02:55 · 2 answers · asked by palval87 1 in Books & Authors

i need help. ive been acting my whole child life in community theatre, school plays, etc. and i think im ready to start auditioning for bigger roles.........can anyone tell me where to start my big acting career?? thx

2007-08-06 14:50:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

2007-08-06 14:48:11 · 8 answers · asked by legacybiographers 2 in Philosophy

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