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Arts & Humanities - 6 August 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

that if the Scots had fought the Americans at gettysburg, the USA would now be known as Caledonia??

2007-08-06 07:33:03 · 6 answers · asked by scotslad60 4 in History

what was life like before and after the american revolution?

2007-08-06 07:32:47 · 6 answers · asked by sharpieminigirl 1 in History


(1) Which fictional book has inspired you the most?
(2) If you were stuck on a desert island, which fictional book would you take with you?
(3) Which book did you enjoy reading the most (i.e. most entertaining, most fun).

All three are not necessarily the same book - I know for me they're different answers! What are your answers?

P.S. I know many of you would answer the Bible or another relious or non-fictional book, but I'm looking specifically for fiction.

2007-08-06 07:32:36 · 15 answers · asked by Michelle 4 in Books & Authors

any castings in nyc for actresses

2007-08-06 07:21:32 · 2 answers · asked by Julia M 2 in Theater & Acting

I think we are obvious doing well in the department of seeking knowledge and gethering information. We do not have to have our donky ready to load our books upon and to take us to great places of knoledge and wisdom in the coutry; we do not have to go half way round the Earth for the purpose; we even do not need to go to local library any more, as it is all here presented to us at our desktop - all the wisdome of ages, works of great people of all times alongside a running comentary of what is happening right now in the world around us; it is all available at the click of a button. This is quite something, isn't it? The people of the past ages had no such thing available to them, I guess we should be much better people now, and if not then there must be somethign else that we need.

2007-08-06 07:15:52 · 10 answers · asked by Shahid 7 in Philosophy

me and my boyfriend had an stupid arguement about " why people go to club" he thinks most of the people go to club is to meet some body and to..(u know..)..and that is why people dress up and go to club..as for my answer, i just like going to club to have fun.., i don't think there is something wrong with going to club with your friends even if you're in a relationship or not..and as for dressing up....because there is a dress code? and who would want to look like a crap going to club? maybe my bf is right on some parts but i don't think all people actually just go to club to meet somebody and get busy...? or is it??

2007-08-06 07:05:13 · 6 answers · asked by kokoo18 1 in Dancing

Hi, you know those photography sites that have pictures of events and you can view the pictures and buy them, but you can't copy or save them, because when you right click something usually comes up saying something like. "This site does not allow pictures to be saved, but you can buy the pictures" how would i be able to copy or save the pictures without buying them
Thank You

2007-08-06 07:04:45 · 6 answers · asked by john 3 in Photography

does anyone know where to get or download "dancing through life" sheet music from wicked for free? I have an audition on wednesday for the wiz and i need it.....

2007-08-06 06:58:04 · 1 answers · asked by Justin 2 in Theater & Acting

Whenever I paint something, it just looks so elementary....I have a horrible time thinking of something to paint.....and I always critique myself and worry what others' opinions of my works will be....I believe I'm an artistic person but it definitely doesn't show in my artwork....How can I become more creative and make it show in my paintings?

2007-08-06 06:53:08 · 12 answers · asked by b 3 in Painting

I live in the UK so papers that I cant buy in the UK please. I am 15 but don't be rude I have seen the things that have been said about teenagers who want to be actors and it's not all fair. I am serious about acting and have been ever since i had my first drama lesson.Thanks for the help :Dx

2007-08-06 06:51:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting


2007-08-06 06:45:51 · 1 answers · asked by ciaran andrew graham dance agent 1 in Performing Arts

2007-08-06 06:36:12 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

That is, if you have already finished it ^_^.

2007-08-06 06:33:06 · 22 answers · asked by Tom 2 in Books & Authors

I hated dancing, so I never did at the school dances, I just talked. Now I'm known as the girl who doesn't dance. I really want to now, but I don't want to get a lot of attention, so what do you think that I should do?????

2007-08-06 06:04:45 · 5 answers · asked by Jackie 3 in Dancing

on internet or somewhere else

2007-08-06 06:04:10 · 1 answers · asked by anonyme20 1 in Photography

I'm Seamus from Scotland.

2007-08-06 06:00:59 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Genealogy

I am a big fan of Laurell K. Hamilton, Lynn Viehl, J.R. Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon and many others. I am interested in finding a book with the dark fantasy set in the future. I am also a writer and I want to compare ideas. I realize that the authors I mentioned are women, but I am not bias so please list male authors and I don't care if the genre is romance, sci-fi, fantasy etc.

2007-08-06 05:57:27 · 5 answers · asked by Jofabulous11217 1 in Books & Authors

2007-08-06 05:55:51 · 49 answers · asked by enki 4 in Philosophy

The Decadent Decline

Sounds of much glass crashing
Couldn't stop all this from passing
We all live in this hellhole of everlasting bashing
Just couldn't stop all the fast lashing

If this rhyme is too negative give me a break
If this crime is too hostile than try to forgive this mistake
As this intent of violence begins to rise
Its just a bit of my special suprise

Twelve days of reknown have bitten us all up
Ten weeks of the fear has it smitten the flowing cup
Nine months the day of dread appears and it wears
All the colors of you and all those I've met...lost the bet

Will you turn on me to fight on this night of all nights
As the crux of my many desperate plights
Wishing for an end to this trance the bullet flies home
Missing all the moves to this lasting dance with bleeding foam

We see all of our past lives many unforgiveable mistakes
As we fly to the Pearly Gates looking for the highest stakes
People walking on polished gold and god in Heaven see this as the ultimate balm
I wanted to stay but just couldn't take all this calm

You can only be in one or the other as I fluttered downwards
Sky above or flames below the angels muttered
As the bottom nears all the fears cause me to stutter
Why what a mistake in this wake of suffering.....life was not so bad

2007-08-06 05:55:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

2007-08-06 05:51:15 · 4 answers · asked by willie joe m 1 in History

hey, am just about 2 finish reading the last harry potter, and it made me remember how fun reading is, except i dont really know what to read because im really select about what i can actually get into, harry potter is like the only book where i havnt been able 2 put it down

2007-08-06 05:49:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

Having just done a discussion on WW2 and the part the allies played, one person pointed out the contribution the Russians made - they quoted the numbers on each side and it appears the Russians gave many, many more lives than the western allies.However, some people have suggested that this credits the Soviets as the main protaganists, the main victors.
I hypothesis that the poor equiptment, training, conditions and organisation caused these deaths, and as Russia has such a huge populations, these men were fodder to the machine guns, until they got a bit better equipt. USA and UK on the other hand, were never invaded, and therefore used our superior resources to strategically strike. This I believe means that although Russia got to Berlin faster, the bombing by the UK and USA meant it was a reasonably easier route. So I still believe you can accredate the spoils equally probably weighted in favour of the UK and USA.

2007-08-06 05:47:28 · 9 answers · asked by someguysomewhere 2 in History

-What were the reasons an african might be forced into slavery
-What were the difference between slavery in africa in america
-Why did the demand for slavery increase in the 16th century?
i new in this
thank you

2007-08-06 05:37:31 · 3 answers · asked by kobay 2 in History

I know Mc Arthur was in the Pacific fighting the Japanese but was he considered over General Eisenhower...because Ike only had four stars and Mc Arthur had five stars? how many five stars were there in WWII? Just curious

2007-08-06 05:30:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in History


Moved into an old house and found 4 paintings. 3 of them are signed "B.C. Miner" One of those is dated 1951. The 3 B.C. Miner paintings are all of flowers/fruit.

The other is signed "Louise Umstead". On the back is written "Emma Louise Umstead - Collegeville, PA 1944".
That painting is of a drama mask and flowers.

I have a feeling B.C. Miner may be Gilber B. Miner. Simply because that was an artist from this area, and that era. But no way of knowing.

Ive been searching like crazy but don't know what to do next. Is there any chance they have value?

I appreciate any help!

2007-08-06 05:25:29 · 2 answers · asked by Tom 2 in Painting

What passage, book, essay, poem is your favorite? Share why.

2007-08-06 05:13:29 · 1 answers · asked by CHARLES T 3 in Books & Authors

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