I will protect you from the night
but you must sheild me from the light
if you refuse Darks evil goal
ill guard my blood, ill guard your soul
the light will keep dark far away
to keep you safe i too must stay
ill stay here, i will play my role
ill guard my blood, ill guard your soul
i will hold him off, run my lass
ill stay back and not let him pass
since you didnt let him take control
ill guard my blood, ill guard your soul
my love walks and talks around free
you hear it, feel it, unlike me
Cause your pretty as a foal
ill guard my blood, ill guard your soul
i wont let you hurt, fail, or fall
but it has ended this forestall
he's coming but as black is coal
ill guard my blood, ill guard your soul
you still dont run, but you dont know
youv'e never seen your own lights glow
so you wont be claimed like a roll
illl guard my blood, ill guard your soul
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