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Arts & Humanities - 6 August 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

in the 3rd book it was said that Cho Chang was a year older to harry potter that means if harry is in 6th year she will be in her 7th and final year. how come she is in hogwarts in the harry potter and the deathly hallows?

2007-08-06 21:10:42 · 20 answers · asked by SMRITI K 1 in Books & Authors

perferably a long one.
with emo/scene type of people.
lots of sexual stuff.
drama.drama drama.
ponies. -haha
and self consious girls in it.
it was a big joke between me and my friend but now i really want to find a book with MOST of that stuff in it.
but please..no vampires of stuff like that.

2007-08-06 21:06:47 · 5 answers · asked by mandy b 2 in Books & Authors

My partner has no rhythm at all. He likes music but he can't dance. I don't know what to do. I've abstained from going dancing long enough now I can't do it anymore. I've tried teaching him to dance, but the problem is that he doesn't move to the beat AT ALL so what do I do? Plus I'm a woman and it's hard to teach a man.
I started teaching him to move to a beat, to listen then move - sometimes he tries but at some point he just starts doing weired things. I would like to go to salsa dancing evenings but I'm not sure what he'll do when we get there, I don't want everyone looking at us and laughing.
I thought of buying him a guitar, maybe he might get the beat just a little or just dancing lessons, although I'm not sure where to go in London. Any ideas about what to do, please help?

2007-08-06 21:04:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dancing

2007-08-06 20:59:09 · 18 answers · asked by Source 4 in Philosophy

2007-08-06 20:55:03 · 8 answers · asked by country bumpkin [sheep nurse] 7 in Books & Authors

You told me not to be so cliche, so I tried something a bit different from my usual taste...

title: The Shadowing

I stand alone,
A supernal breeze flows by...
As I catch my breath,
I close my eyes,
And count the seconds as they go by.
Silence fills the air;
Clouds engulf the sun,
The light sudden darkens.
I make no movements,
No words spoken.
Rain slowly starts to pour.
The impossibility of summer rains,
grasping the opportunity;
Overpower the sun.
But victory was short lived,
As the sun did rise again.

2007-08-06 20:53:50 · 8 answers · asked by Ghost Opera 3 in Poetry

And how do you think it would have changed things now.

2007-08-06 20:48:08 · 21 answers · asked by Ayn L. 1 in Philosophy

2007-08-06 20:46:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

How many books do you think you've read in 10 years? Or you best estimate? Does it come close to the 721 on www.digitalremarks.com or is it less, more, etc.?

2007-08-06 20:45:22 · 5 answers · asked by mindarchr 1 in Books & Authors

Logic? Intuition? Extrapolation? Fear? or (What...?)

2007-08-06 20:44:41 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

My aunt said that most of the stuff you'll learn in college or whatever will just be useless once you get a job. . .I mean, it's basically saying overachieving is a bad thing. . .

2007-08-06 20:33:48 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I purchased some paintings from him thirty years ago. They are still my favorites. Is he well thought of? Still located in Bali? Am I rich?

2007-08-06 20:29:00 · 3 answers · asked by Traveler 7 in Painting

Strikes my heart
That these feelings
Are so vague

Vague as in
Going through the air
Invisible as it is
Not something
You can put your
Hand on
Is it?

But they are everywhere
But they make everything
But they make things right
They makes thing is complicated
But they are so vague
Like smoky haze in air

2007-08-06 20:22:57 · 8 answers · asked by Moanika 6 in Poetry

Love your neighbour as yourself I indeed have to make a conscious effort and decision to do that. Some neighbours might not be so easy to love then others. So is love an act of Will?

2007-08-06 20:20:33 · 7 answers · asked by I love you too! 6 in Philosophy

2007-08-06 20:16:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I have read this in some of the comments but I do not understand what it means.

Would you be kind enough to educate me?

Thank you.

2007-08-06 20:16:11 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

Not necessarily someone you know or care for. The wish could be anything with no further complications for you. Anything, besides wishing that person who died back to life. Would you.

2007-08-06 19:44:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

2007-08-06 19:43:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

I can't figure it out. I'm talking about something kind of like this picture right here.

2007-08-06 19:38:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Photography

Seriously. Shut the **** up, all of you.

2007-08-06 19:37:39 · 5 answers · asked by Matt 2 in Philosophy

2007-08-06 19:33:29 · 13 answers · asked by Discovery 5 in Philosophy

sometimes i feel that life is goin to just take me down and out! nothing in life that i wanted for myself has come out that way i would have wanted...
i not that its not always goin to be my way but my whole life is that this!!! soooo

Do you believe things will work out in the end?.....

what is your story!

2007-08-06 19:32:44 · 11 answers · asked by Im addicted to the memory of him 3 in Philosophy

alright, I havent read the book yet........I just want to know if harry becomes an animagus, and what animal does he morph into........thats all I want to know, no spoilers please....

2007-08-06 19:32:38 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

Lying by the beach thinking tonight. Does everything have a solution? Life is filled with endless questions.

Such as why is the sky blue?

How to fall asleep at night?

Also puzzled questions as why did we break up and go out again and again?

Not all questions in life will ever come with answers. There will never be a book in the library called “The solution to every kid’s endless questions in life?” Sometimes were scared to ask, because we can feel the answer will lead us in the direction to why that and how come. It all comes down to this, life was meant to be a struggle and opened with many problems and un-solved questions. Why would you ask if you know a question will lead to a bigger and larger problem? Maybe it was a simple question in the beginning to start out with. All I want is an answer to some of life’s confusing questions. In the end there might just be a solution. Too many opened and confused questions in my life.

2007-08-06 19:28:22 · 7 answers · asked by princess 2 in Poetry

Of course, I know you couldn't put it down once you began

2007-08-06 19:28:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

the measure of a man written by Sidney Poitier.

2007-08-06 19:26:39 · 1 answers · asked by endgame1915 3 in Books & Authors

With the advances in artificial intelligence, quantum computing and nano-technology it is not that wild of a conjecture to imagine a time when we will have a technology capable of self realization on a level equal to if not surpassing our own ability. Self realization is the prime factor present in sentient beings. If our own technology is able to achieve this one day, will we believe that the technology itself has somehow acquired a soul? Or will it confirm that a very well built machine can be so good at what it does that It can even convince ITSELF that it is more than a machine. What if all life is merely working proof of this? Granted thousands of Religions and years of history would point towards the possession of a soul as the deciding factor for sentience, but this is backed solely by belief. If we could make a machine that believed it had a soul then what is the possibility that we ourselves are very well built machines?

2007-08-06 19:25:50 · 9 answers · asked by lostSoul 1 in Philosophy

I am burning inside with these questions.In our life we love some one deeply if we are having luck we will marry her/him or we will loose her/him.We are attached some person deeply suddenly if he/she dies we get depressed like anything.Then just observe a good girl will eventually marry a bad guy(habbits r qualities) in all aspects and vice versa.Bcoz i have observed so many situations like these around me.But im very confused about these.What are all these depend upon fate or luck.Just think a man without any capability as ours will get a good job but we cant why??.Like this in our life we will miss our loved ones,our goals,our dear ones.

2007-08-06 19:19:47 · 3 answers · asked by Believe in yourself 5 in Philosophy

world ranking,culture living

2007-08-06 19:12:45 · 2 answers · asked by a.j 1 in History

By adding and subtracting variables, truth can become somewhat fluid.

“What the Thinker Thinks, The Prover Proves”.
8 circuits of brain

2007-08-06 19:03:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

fedest.com, questions and answers