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Arts & Humanities - 6 August 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

I am researching the Worley family from Georgia. My great great grandfather Samuel Marvin Worley, born around 1863, was Newlan worley's son. Newlan 's father was said to be raised by Indians, and when he grew up, he married a Indian. Therefore, Samuel would be 1/2 Native american Indian. I can't find info on Newlan, and I can't find his parents names. I also don't know what tribe they were from. I am also at a dead end, with Samuels 1st wife Nannie Elizabeth Phillips, born 1876.

Does anybody have any idea's where to go from here?

2007-08-06 09:48:23 · 11 answers · asked by Sunday 3 in Genealogy

The grand master of the Nights Templar was burned at the stake for acts of heresy. Was he truly a heretic or was the men who burned him the heretics instead?

2007-08-06 09:44:28 · 4 answers · asked by lolainya 2 in Philosophy

Christophers Moore's lamb of god, the gospel according to Biff, jesus's childhood pal?

I am about half way through the audiobook version read by Fisher Stevens and it is completely hilarious. I was on the subway home the other night and everyone around me must have thought I was nuts. It is a laugh out loud sort of book.

I am sure christians will be put off by the name but it in no way attacks religion ( I am sure the fundies still won't like it as they have no sense of humor). If you have not read it is is worth picking up the book, but Fisher Stevens does such a good job I think it would be worth it to "find" the audiobook online.



2007-08-06 09:38:40 · 2 answers · asked by Gawdless Heathen 6 in Books & Authors

The past 2 years - and possibly even before I worked here, we have worked on something called the "NOVA" awards, which is a type of marketing award contest put out by the American Marketing Association.

I am technically in the marketing department, though I am a designer and not part of this particular association, though I am a member of the AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) - the equivalent, of AMA but for designers. Our department now consists of 3 marketing personnel, 3 designers and our manager.

For this contest, the advisors get together and discuss which pieces they would like to enter in the NOVA awards. They generally pick 3 campaigns to enter, though last year they picked four. (continued)

2007-08-06 09:35:32 · 3 answers · asked by Soramdara 3 in Other - Visual Arts

I'm not sure why, but I always have this theory that even if one small event that happened in your life didn't happen, your life would be completely different.
For example, if you hadn't have broken up with that friend, you would have stayed friends for ages, you would have probably met different people, you would have done different things with this friend, you wouldn't have met the friends you have now etc.

I just made that up, but does anybody else live by this "theory"? Or do you have another "theory" you live by??

2007-08-06 09:33:58 · 13 answers · asked by UH HUH HER 5 in Philosophy

and I would like to know about book which is written in as simple language as possible :)

2007-08-06 09:32:14 · 1 answers · asked by Jaguar 2 in Philosophy

2007-08-06 09:28:07 · 2 answers · asked by ? 4 in History

if people proceed through the future without killing themselves off then eventually it would have to be possible
even if we are long gone from earth which could explain UFO's?
even if we were catious it seems like somebody would come back irresponsibly
unless people are flawless and do not disobey

i'm just curious what other people think
[aside from physical limitations because entirely new science may be known then]

2007-08-06 09:23:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy


I'm writing a novel and I need to decide what the main character's name will be. She is 18, Russian, and a dancer (yeah I know stereotypical but believe me the story is not in the least stereotypical). I've narrowed it down to two. Here are the names and their meanings (and yes they are spelled correctly):

Jelena - Shining Light


Nika - Born on Sunday

Personally, I like Nika because I've never heard it used in a novel before, but what do you all think?

Thanks and God Bless!!!

2007-08-06 09:21:19 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

Can anyone suggest a good vampire novel for a 15 year old who reads young adult and teenage age books? Already read the ones in the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. Thanks

2007-08-06 09:18:16 · 23 answers · asked by Elfsong 2 in Books & Authors

i have a talent agent but my mm was telling me there are not alot of roles for 12 -13 year olds is that true?

2007-08-06 09:16:48 · 5 answers · asked by Dakota14 2 in Theater & Acting

I'm a teen who can't decide which song to sing at an audition. I have an alto/soprano voice and I'd appreciate anyones help. So the songs are:
The Wizard and I - WICKED
For Good - WICKED
Popular - WICKED
Thank Goodness - WICKED
Scarborough Fair - Amy Nuttall
Best Days - Amy Nuttall
No Greater Gift - Amy Nuttall

Help me choose. Thanks

2007-08-06 09:06:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

2007-08-06 09:00:04 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

i need to know the most recent auditions for anything.
im 11 btw.this is my sisters account.
anyway and were do i get the script for auditioning and were do i send it to?
btw i have experience.

2007-08-06 08:58:15 · 2 answers · asked by 'PK Nelson 2 in Theater & Acting

2007-08-06 08:54:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

love or life or friendship or death or ???
what would attract you more as a theme to read and like a poem?

2007-08-06 08:53:39 · 8 answers · asked by sup 4 in Poetry

i can only tune by the tuner on my amp, lol still a begginner guitarist, but i like classical music and want to play it on classical strings

2007-08-06 08:36:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Performing Arts

i love acting ever since i can remeber ive been taking the video camera and making cheesy movies. =]. i would love more than anything to be in a real movie i know i should take drama classes and do auditions. but i dont know how to find information about auditions. i would juts like to know what to do to get started. can anyone help me

2007-08-06 08:24:43 · 5 answers · asked by heather oxxo <3 1 in Theater & Acting

2007-08-06 08:21:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

Analyze the different religious groups that came about in the nineteenth century, especially during the Second Great Awakening, and how they interacted with the established churches.

2007-08-06 08:20:00 · 5 answers · asked by luv2spwg 1 in History

analyze the history of the Democratic, Republican, and Whig parties, as well as the Order of the Star-Spangled Banner (or "Know-Nothings").

2007-08-06 08:18:40 · 4 answers · asked by luv2spwg 1 in History

Analyze the causes and events leading to the American Civil War, including the question of slavery, sectionalism, and how westward expansion affected the situtation.

2007-08-06 08:17:29 · 5 answers · asked by luv2spwg 1 in History

2007-08-06 07:57:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

2007-08-06 07:55:49 · 9 answers · asked by STORMY K 3 in Philosophy

It is my formal high school dance on wednesday night and we have been told that myself, and a few friends with our partners have to open the dance floor with a waltz! I have never in my life! Can you help? Aslo can you give me a song to download to practise to> thanks!

2007-08-06 07:47:23 · 12 answers · asked by lucy_goose 3 in Dancing

I love acting and hope someday i will become an actress. I want to know about auditions for disney or nick shows. or movies like high school musical 3 and stuff. i live in pennsylvania near philledelpha, so i guess its kinda hard for auditions here. i also want to know how the disney chanel and nick show's stars became so famouse. you may say by agents. but most of them did not have agents and probably were chosen by open auditions. i want to know how they knew of the auditions. for example i know for hairspray, the part of nikki, it was an open audition. how do we know when the auditons are. if you can answer these questions i would love that so muchh. thank you so muchhh!

2007-08-06 07:38:50 · 4 answers · asked by <3 1 in Theater & Acting

My BFF wants to get into Broadway Musical Theather. Does anyone know how to get into Musical Theather and how to find auditions? She's a really good singer/actress/dancer.

2007-08-06 07:35:40 · 4 answers · asked by Maverick 2 in Theater & Acting

what are some key events of the american revolution?

2007-08-06 07:34:08 · 8 answers · asked by sharpieminigirl 1 in History

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