The new energy bill does nothing to increase competition against oil and coal, instead protects these industries from competition while giving Wal-Mart a financial shot in the arm.
This bill does nothing to reduce green house gases. Oil and coal will still reign as kings of energy for many years to come.
If congress pushed nuclear power, then we could actually reduce ghg's no matter how many incandescent light bulbs were used.
Instead congress places the burden on the user rather than the producer while at the same time not giving us the option to choose a cleaner burning source of power.
Which proves my point. Global warming is not about the reduction of ghg's, as politicians will always need polluters so they can maintain a source of power.
The people will be the ones to feel the abuse of power from the politicians.
First it's the light bulbs, then it will be the SUV's, then bottled water.
Meanwhile we will still be building coal generators.
Anyone else agree?
10 answers
asked by
Dr Jello
Global Warming